Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced - Inglês (2025)


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Better Learning is our simple approach where deeper insights help shape richer content that drives stronger results.Discover more: ISBN XX ISBN XX ISBN XXENGLISHPHRASAL VERBSIN USEAdvancedMichael McCarthyFelicity O’DellEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced is a vocabulary book for advanced learners.It is primarily designed as a self-study reference and practice book but it can also be used for classroom work. The book covers many phrasal verbs useful to students preparing for the Cambridge CAE, CPE and IELTS examinations.English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced• 60 easy-to-use two-page units: phrasal verbs are presented and explained on left-hand pages with a range of different practice exercises on right-hand pages.• Presents and explains approximately 1,000 phrasal verbs in typical contexts using short texts, dialogues, tables and charts.• Includes error warnings to help students avoid making common mistakes.• Provides valuable information about register, usage and collocation to help students develop more natural-sounding English.• Includes a comprehensive, student-friendly answer key and promotes good learning habits through study tips and follow-up tasks.• Contains a Mini dictionary with easy-to-understand definitions and cross references to units in the book.NEW COVERNEW COVERNEW COVERAlso available ENGLISH COLLOCATIONS IN USE ADVANCEDCAMBRIDGE PHRASAL VERBS DICTIONARYENGLISH VOCABULARY IN USE ADVANCEDAdvancedENGLISHPHRASAL VERBSIN USEAdvanced60 units of vocabulary reference and practiceSelf-study and classroom useSecond EditionENGLISH PHRASAL VERBS IN USEMcCarthy and O’DellSecond EditionENGLISHPHRASAL VERBSIN USEAdvancedMichael McCarthyFelicity O’Dell60 units of vocabulary reference and practiceSelf-study and classroom useSecond EditionUniversity Printing House, Cambridge CB2 8BS, United KingdomOne Liberty Plaza, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10006, USA477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Australia4843/24, 2nd Floor, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, Delhi – 110002, India79 Anson Road, #06–04/06, Singapore 079906Cambridge University Press is part of the University of Cambridge. It furthers the University’s mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of education, learning and research at the highest international levels of Information on this title:© Cambridge University Press 2017This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exceptionand to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,no reproduction of any part may take place without the writtenpermission of Cambridge University Press.First published 2007Second Edition 2017A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British LibraryISBN 978-1-316-62809-6Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party Internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables and other factual information given in this work is correct at the time of first printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter.Printed in Dubai by Oriental Press20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1ContentsAcknowledgements 3Using this book 4Learning about phrasal verbs1 Phrasal verbs: what are they and how are they used? 62 Grammar of phrasal verbs 83 Phrasal nouns 104 Phrasal adjectives 12Interesting aspects of phrasal verbs5 Collocation and phrasal verbs 146 Register 167 Meaning and metaphor 188 Idioms using phrasal verbs 20 Key particles9 Around and about 2210 Down 2411 In 2612 Off 2813 On 3014 Out 3215 Up 34Concepts16 Time 3617 Cause and effect 3818 Memory 4019 Making progress 4220 Conflict and violence 4421 Sound 46Functions22 Supporting and opposing people or views 4823 Agreeing 5024 Understanding and having ideas 5225 Arranging things 5426 Talking about size and number 5627 Talking about success and failure 5828 Discussing problems 6029 Deciding and influencing 6230 Exclamations and warnings 64Work, study and finance31 Work 6632 Study 6833 Lectures and seminars 7034 Writing essays 7235 Business 7436 Money 76Personal life37 At home 7838 Clothing and appearance 8039 Relationships 8240 Character and personal qualities 8441 Feelings 8642 Social life 8843 Health and symptoms 9044 The body 9245 How people speak 9446 How people move 961English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedThe world around us47 Nature 9848 Weather 10049 Places 10250 Transport 10451 The news 10652 Secrets and lies 10853 Rules and laws 11054 Technology 11255 Food and drink 114Key verbs56 Come 11657 Get 11858 Go 12059 Keep 12260 Take 124Key 126Mini dictionary 1622 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedJoy Godwin wrote two new units for the Second Edition: Unit 23, Agreeing, and Unit 33, Lectures and seminars. The publishers would like to thank Joy for her contribution to this edition.The authors and publishers acknowledge the following sources of copyright material and are grateful for the permissions granted. While every effort has been made, it has not always been possible to identify the sources of all the material used, or to trace all copyright holders. If any omissions are brought to our notice, we will be happy to include the appropriate acknowledgements on reprinting and in the next update to the digital edition, as applicable. 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We need a new one. [stopping working]Don’t forget to save your documents before you shut the computer down. [turn off]Depressed or sadThis rain is getting me down. [making me feel depressed]On a listFreya asked me to put her down for a copy of the report when it’s published. [put on a list to arrange for her to have something]You can put me down to organise the refreshments. [put on a list to arrange for me to do something]Killed/injuredThe terrorists mercilessly gunned down their victims. [shot and killed or seriously injured]We had to have our poor old dog put down last week; she was very sick. [put to death]Surviving through timeThe legend has come down to us from the ancient records of the Quilhoa people. [passed from generation to generation]Be considered or rememberedThis will go down in history as the most important event of the century. [be remembered]My workshop went down really well. [was well-received]BCLottie Well, did he come down1 on the price?Tom I knocked him down2 by £100 but he wouldn’t go any lower.Lottie Oh, so that’s why you slammed the catalogue down3 when you finished?Tom No, that was because I was distracted by the music and annoyed. Why didn’t you turn the volume down4? I could hardly hear a word he was saying!25ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedRead these sentences and then answer the questions below by writing the correct name in the box.Harry Irving felt he had lost his freedom when he and Antonia had their first baby.Oliver Reece was forced to the ground and held there by two security guards. People protested so loudly that no one could hear what Heidi Knight had to say.Mia Calvo persuaded the man to reduce the price by £500.Lucas Hind was shot dead yesterday by terrorists.1 Who was shouted down?2 Who was gunned down?3 Who felt tied down?4 Who was pinned down?5 Who managed to knock someone down?Rewrite the underlined parts of these sentences using a phrasal verb from the opposite page. Make any other necessary changes.1 The computer system suddenly stopped working this morning, so we’re doing everything manually at the moment.2 I’m sorry I’m so irritable. Things have been depressing me lately.3 Shall I write your name on my list to sponsor me for the charity walk?4 This event will be remembered in history as the worst catastrophe this country has ever suff ered.5 The company had to stop all their machines during the 24-hour strike at the factory.6 The salesman agreed to a lower price, and aft er that we even managed to persuade him to reduce the price by a further 10%.7 Many everyday remedies for minor ailments have reached us over time from our ancestors.Answer the following questions using a phrasal verb from the opposite page.1 What might someone do if they get very angry during a phone call?2 What might you do to a very old and sick dog or cat?3 What would you do to stop a tent from blowing away?4 If work is making you depressed, what is it doing to you emotionally?5 If your radio was too loud, what would you do?Which of the meanings given are possible or likely interpretations of the phrasal verbs in these sentences? More than one interpretation may be possible. Use a dictionary if necessary.1 I think you should take this down. a) write it b) drink it c) dismantle it2 The house has come down. a) has been rebuilt b) is for sale at a lower price c) has been demolished3 She turned it down. a) reduced the heat b) refused the off er c) put the collar of her coat in its normal position4 They watered it down. a) extinguished a fire using water b) added water to make a liquid less strong c) made an idea, opinion or argument less strong10.110.210.310.4dictionary.cambridge.org26 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedIn11Find phrasal verbs or phrasal adjectives from the opposite page which mean the following:1 benefit from 6 introduction2 interrupt (two answers) 7 take into consideration3 help 8 find a space4 introduce 9 include5 unable to act freely 10 startCorrect the mistakes with the phrasal verbs in these sentences.1 My new curtains are excellent – they don’t bring any light in.2 Alba, can you pitch Mr Hill in as soon as he arrives, please?3 Having the meeting on the 28th would squash in better with our plans than the 30th. 4 Our office in Buenos Aires has cashed in a lot of new business this year.5 When you are planning the course, make sure you set in enough free time. 6 It’s rude to factor in when someone else is in the middle of speaking.7 If everyone shows in, we’ll soon get the job done.8 If I move up, then Rachel should be able to box in at the end of the bench.Complete this paragraph with verbs from the opposite page.My ten-year-old daughter Rosie had some friends to sleep over last night. Eight of them managed to sleep on her bedroom floor. I don’t know how they (1) themselves in as it is a very small room. Rosie’s birthday had been the previous week, but we had her party yesterday as that (2) in better with other plans. In the evening we had a barbecue and we made lots of different salads and puddings. Rosie and her friends all (3) in, and they enjoyed helping as much as eating. Later in the evening rain (4) in, so they went indoors and watched a film. I was afraid the girls would wake up ridiculously early, but we’ve had new blinds fitted and they don’t (5) any light in, so no one stirred till half past eight.Cross out the item which does not normally collocate with the phrasal expression in bold. Use a dictionary if necessary.1 bring in customers / profits / a loss / business2 a lead-in to a discussion / a bargain / a lesson3 a recession / rain / a new product sets in4 usher in a price increase / a new era / changes11.111.211.311.4dictionary.cambridge.orgThe particle in, when used with phrasal verbs, keeps a lot of its basic meaning, often referring to things which move towards being, or are already, ‘within something’ or are ‘included in something’.Look at this transcript of a meeting at a computer software company. Dominic, the Chief Executive, who chairs the meeting, speaks first. Note the phrasal verbs with in.Chair Well, I think we should begin. One of our colleagues from Manchester has been delayed, but I’ve asked David to show her in when she gets here, so she’ll join us later, I hope. Now, first item is the Musicmatch software suite, which, I like to think, has helped to usher in1 a new era in music production. It’s been bringing in good profits, and we’ve certainly been able to cash in on the recent crash of one of our major rivals, as we all know, but with an economic recession setting in now, we may want to rethink our pricing so that it fits in better with the rest of our range. We also need to factor in2 the loss of a major client – we lost the Popmaster contract this year.Chair OK, well, maybe we can leave that. But I’d just like to say, remember, we need flexibility – we don’t want to become boxed in4 by our own systems. We’ll come back to it.Grace Can I come in here, Dominic? Ben and I are already looking at this and we’ll have something to report next week. Basically we hope to build in an automatic upgrade system so that customers will find it easier to stay with us. Ben’s looking at the cost. I said I’d pitch in3 so that we can get it moving faster.David Sorry to cut in, Dominic. Amy Peckham is here.Chair Ah, good. Our colleague from Manchester has arrived. Hello, Amy. You’re very welcome. Can you squash in there somewhere? Sorry the room is a bit small. Amy Peckham, everyone. Some of you know heralready. Right, I suggest we move to Chloe’s presentation. I believe you’re going to use the projector, Chloe?Chloe Yes. Could we close those blinds? Thanks. Oh dear, they’re still letting a lot of light in. Never mind. I’ll begin. I’d like to use this presentation as a lead-in5 to our general discussion about the future.1 (formal) begin or cause a period in which new things or changes happen2 include something when making a calculation or when trying to understand something3 (informal) help with work that needs to be done4 restricted5 something that introduces something elseTipTake note of the context when you meet new phrasal verbs. For example, the context on this page is a fairly informal business meeting. Spoken business English is often less formal than the spoken language of business in some other languages and cultures. The same is often true for other contexts, such as spoken academic language.27ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedFind phrasal verbs or phrasal adjectives from the opposite page which mean the following:1 benefit from 6 introduction2 interrupt (two answers) 7 take into consideration3 help 8 find a space4 introduce 9 include5 unable to act freely 10 startCorrect the mistakes with the phrasal verbs in these sentences.1 My new curtains are excellent – they don’t bring any light in.2 Alba, can you pitch Mr Hill in as soon as he arrives, please?3 Having the meeting on the 28th would squash in better with our plans than the 30th. 4 Our off ice in Buenos Aires has cashed in a lot of new business this year.5 When you are planning the course, make sure you set in enough free time. 6 It’s rude to factor in when someone else is in the middle of speaking.7 If everyone shows in, we’ll soon get the job done.8 If I move up, then Rachel should be able to box in at the end of the bench.Complete this paragraph with verbs from the opposite page.My ten-year-old daughter Rosie had some friends to sleep over last night. Eight of them managed to sleep on her bedroom floor. I don’t know how they (1) themselves in as it is a very small room. Rosie’s birthday had been the previous week, but we had her party yesterday as that (2) in better with other plans. In the evening we had a barbecue and we made lots of diff erent salads and puddings. Rosie and her friends all (3) in, and they enjoyed helping as much as eating. Later in the evening rain (4) in, so they went indoors and watched a film. I was afraid the girls would wake up ridiculously early, but we’ve had new blinds fitted and they don’t (5) any light in, so no one stirred till half past eight.Cross out the item which does not normally collocate with the phrasal expression in bold. Use a dictionary if necessary.1 bring in customers / profits / a loss / business2 a lead-in to a discussion / a bargain / a lesson3 a recession / rain / a new product sets in4 usher in a price increase / a new era / changes11.111.211.311.4dictionary.cambridge.orgOver to youWhat other phrasal verbs with in do you have in your vocabulary notebook? Do they also have a connection with the basic meaning of in? As you learn other new ones, think about how the idea conveyed by in might help you remember the meaning of the phrasal verb.28 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedOff12Off suggesting get rid ofMy feet were hot, so I kicked off my shoes. [removed with my feet]The robbers drove faster and faster to try and shake off the police car. [lose]I went for a long walk to work off my frustation. [get rid of a feeling (often unpleasant) by doing something energetic]Archie doesn’t worry about anything – he’ll shrug off any problem. [treat something as unimportant]Off suggesting separationphrasal verb definition of phrasal verb examplebe cut off be unable to see many other people My office is in a different building from my colleagues, so I am quite cut off.cut off sth/sb or cut sth/sb offstop providing something, e.g. aid, electricity, suppliesThey cut off our electricity / cut us off because we hadn’t paid the bill.split off form a separate group Two of the climbers split off from the group and went off on their own.back off (slightly informal) stop being involved in a situation, especially in order to allow other people to deal with it themselvesShe was interfering, so I told her to back off and let me deal with it on my own.have sth off spend time away from work I had a week off last June.cordon off sth or cordon sth offput something, e.g. a rope, a barrier, around an area in order to stop people from entering itThe police have cordoned off the area the president will be visiting.Off suggesting starting or finishingI’ll fill in the first line of this spreadsheet to start you off, and then you can do the rest yourself. [help you to start]The weekly meeting usually kicks off around 2 p.m. [(informal) starts]We rounded off the meal with freshly brewed coffee. [finished]That boring meeting just finished me off. I think I’ll go home; I’ve had enough for one day. [made me feel so weak, tired or unhappy that I couldn’t continue]It’s nice to just switch off at the weekend and forget about work. [stop giving your attention to someone or something]Other verbs with off Ben told his little brother to leave off playing his new guitar. [(informal) stop]William told his younger sister to shove off out of his room. [(informal) something that you say when you are angry to tell someone to go away.]Layla wanted to show her new bike off to her friends. [show someone or something that you are proud of to a group of people]The boss gave the receptionist a ticking off for making private calls to friends. [telling someone that you are angry with them because they have done something wrong]ABCD29ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedReplace the underlined words in these statements with a phrasal verb from the opposite page.1 Eliza’s father to Eliza’s mother: Eliza’s 18 now and should make her own decisions. I think we should stop getting involved and let her run her own life.2 Newsreader: The prime minister has treated as unimportant leadership threats from within his party, saying that they are only rumours.3 Mother to father: I think we should let the kids run round in the garden for a bit and get rid of some of their energy so that they sleep tonight.4 Mother to Imogen: Imogen, you MUST pay your electricity bill. If you don’t, they’ll stop providing it and you won’t have any heating.5 Louis to Callum: Oh no! Seth wants to come back with us to Nikita’s house. He’s such a drag! How can we get away from him?6 Chairperson: I’d like to just conclude the meeting by giving a vote of thanks to the committee for all their work this year.7 The last 100 metres to the top of the hill just made me so tired I couldn’t continue. I had to sit down and rest for an hour.8 I don’t want you in my room any more, so just leave!Cross out the five mistakes in this text and write the correct form in the box next to that line. When I come home from work, I love to just kick away my shoes and relax for the evening. It’s great to let off worrying about work and round up the day with a nice meal. If I have off a couple of days it’s even better. I usually go off to our country cottage. I can just light off completely. I love it. I never stay there long because after a while I feel a bit stood off from all my friends and social life back in the city.Complete the word puzzle.Across1 The boss me off with a simple task to get me used to the job. 3 The police decided to off the scene of the crime. 4 What time does the meeting off?5 She always loves to off her latest technological gadget.6 Look, just off playing with my phone, will you? You’re getting on my nerves.Down2 The director gave him a off for arriving late at the meeting.5 A group of youthsoff from the rest of the demonstrators and started causing trouble.12.112.2 1 2 3 4 5 off12.31 23456Some phrasal verbs with on share a meaning of dependence/reliance, e.g. depend on*, rely on*, count on*, hinge on*, hang on*, ride on.On can also convey the idea of continuing in an irritating or boring way, for example, harp on [talk repeatedly about something in a way that others find boring or irritating], keep on, go on (and on), ramble on [talk or write for a very long time in a boring way] and drone on [talk for a long time in a very boring way and in a monotonous voice].Don’t keep on about the garden! I’ll mow the lawn tomorrow.We had a tedious lecture from the boss. She just went on and on about punctuality.He droned on for hours about ancient civilisations; everyone fell asleep.Read on, press on, live on and dwell on* [think or talk about a particular subject for too long] also emphasise continuation over time.Grouping verbs in this way can help you to remember them. Now look at these news items which contain some of these and other examples of phrasal verbs with on.30 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedOn13The verbs marked with * on this page are all transitive.REFERENDUM RESULT CRUCIAL, SAYS PMThe prime minister said, ‘Everything hinges on the result of next week’s referendum. The future prosperity of the nation hangs on this crucial day of decision.’ Politicians of all parties agree that everything rides on the government securing a Yes vote.HOUSING MINISTER HONOURS CHAMPION OF THE POOR‘Her death is a great loss to society, but her memory will live on’, said the minister.The country has been 1 by the latest rail strike, with no rail services at all running today. The railway service has been 2 for some time, but if today’s action is prolonged it may prove 3 to the rail industry. The Minister for Transport commented: ‘The country has been suffering from a 4 of local strikes since the � rst one in Nortown last month. It was 5 and one strike led to another. Things reached 6 pitch last week and we can only hope that this 7 will come to an end soon.’ The minister’s 8 is that things will only start to improve once people appreciate the seriousness of the situation.headlinesCURATOR FINDS LOST MEDIEVAL MANUSCRIPTThe curator, Mr Jackson Bedgrove, happened on* the lost manuscript while searching the museum’s archives for some missing 18th century letters. As he focused his attention on* the text, he said, he could hardly believe what he was reading. As he read on, he realised the importance of what he’d found...EDUCATION EXPERT EXPRESSES CAUTION ON HOME SCHOOLINGPhoebe Garrett stated that home schooling was often frowned on* by politicians, and she herself had some doubts as to its eff ectiveness. However, to spring a new piece of legislation on parents successfully educating their children at home was not right, she said. The education secretary insists that she will press on with plans to introduce a new law...CHILDREN’S PRANK TURNS TO TRAGEDYA 13-year-old girl who stole a car and took it for a joyride admits that friends led her on. The prank resulted in the serious injury of a 25-year-old mother of two...31ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedIn the following sentences, mark each phrasal verb according to whether it has predominantly a dramatic feeling (write D), a negative feeling (N), a feeling of boredom (B), or a feeling of irritation (I).1 Professor Taylor was droning on about the Ancient Greeks in his lecture this morning.2 The success of the peace talks hinges on both sides maintaining the present truce.3 Uncle Alex goes on and on about his broken chair. I’ve told him a hundred times I’ll mend it.4 Dwelling on the past all the time is no way to live your life. Think of your future.5 If you ask Beatrice about beekeeping she’ll ramble on for hours.6 I wish you wouldn’t keep on about money. Let’s just enjoy life.7 The championship now rides on Saturday’s crucial game against Real Madrid.Choose the correct word to complete these sentences. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.1 You can always on Daniel. He’s totally dependable. a) rely b) count c) hinge d) hang2 I wish Georgia would stop on about Kian. It’s so tedious! a) riding b) droning c) going d) harping3 Do make up your mind soon. So much on what you decide. a) hinges b) presses c) rides d) hangsCorrect the mistakes with the phrasal verbs in these sentences. There is one mistake in each sentence.1 Try to focus what is really important on and to ignore what is not essential.2 Now we’ve had a bit of a rest, it’s time to spring on again.3 I’m hingeing on you to let me know when my talk has gone on for long enough.4 Your grandmother will always happen on in your memory.5 This is a quiet neighbourhood where noisy behaviour is counted on.6 After the first few pages of the book, I decided I couldn’t be bothered to ride on.7 Please stop focusing on about Lena. Your relationship is over, so just forget her.8 I am worried about my son’s behaviour. He is so easily relied on by his friends.Complete each sentence with a verb from the opposite page.1 Don’t try to remember every sentence of the text. Just on the main points.2 Elizabeth is going to the news on her parents over lunch. I hope they’ll be happy for her. 3 Try to look to the future rather than on the past.4 We’ve got a lot of work to finish today so we’d better on.5 Julia’s not usually naughty herself, but her brothers tend to her on.6 In most schools, wearing big, colourful jewellery and dyeing your hair bright colours would be on or even forbidden outright.7 Whether we go for a picnic tomorrow or not will on the weather.8 I wish he’d stop on and on about his ex-wife.Rewrite these sentences using phrasal verbs from the opposite page.1 James is a reliable person. 2 Dad will talk monotonously for hours about European history. 3 Many political reputations are about to be crucially affected by the outcome of next week’s election.4 Josh never stops complaining about the litter in the office car park. It irritates me. 5 While tidying my room, I found an old diary of mine from 2001. English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedOut14Basic meanings of out in phrasal verbsA very frequent meaning of out is the opposite of in.I don’t want to leave my job but I suppose they may kick me out. [(informal) force me to leave]I’ve had enough of working for such a difficult organisation and I want out. [want to leave] Count me out! I’m far too tired to join the skiing trip today. [don’t include me]Another meaning is when something or part of something extends from its surroundings.The chalet roof juts out (over its walls) to help prevent snow from blocking the doors. [sticks out beyond the edge]The rocky peninsula juts out into the bay.Another meaning is separate.The woman picked out a kitten to take home. [chose one from a large group] We spread our wet clothes out on the grass so they could dry in the sunshine.Another meaning is distribute.Don’t eat all the sweets yourself, Ollie. Share them out among all the children. [give one to each person in the group]Other meanings of out in phrasal verbsphrasal verb definition of phrasal verb examplego out (of a fire) stop burning When we woke up in the morning, the campfire still hadn’t gone out.clean out sb or clean sb outsteal or take everything from a person The burglars completely cleaned us out.test out sth or test sth outsee how it works in a practical situation or find out what other people think of it (the out stresses testing something in the environment in which it is intended to be used, not, for example, in a laboratory)We need to test the product out in the market before launching it.drop out not do something that you were going to do, or stop doingsomethingThe runner dropped out halfway through the marathon. lash out (usually + at sth)criticise someone or something in an angry way Sofia lashed out at me yesterday for wasting her time.yell out sth or yell sth outsuddenly shout something in a loud voice, especially to get someone’s attentionAs I walked past the room, I heard someone yell out.draw out sth or draw sth outmake something continue for longer than is usual or necessaryI wish Thomas wouldn’t always draw meetings out by talking so much.sort out sth or sort sth outsolve a problem or restore order to something which has become disorderedA management consultant was hired to sort out the personnel problems in the company.AB33ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedAnswer the questions using phrasal verbs with out.1 Naomi gave two apples to each of the four children. What did she do with the apples? 2 Clément took control of the situation and soon everything was OK and back to normal. What did Clément do? 3 Evie looked at all the oranges on the stall and put the best ones in her basket. What did she do with the oranges? 4 The manager forced Sam to leave the restaurant because he was behaving badly. What did the manager do? 5 The roof extends over the terrace and provides a bit of shade from the midday sun. What does the roof do? The verb in each of these sentences sounds a little formal in the context. Find a phrasal verb from the opposite page to replace the one-word equivalent in each sentence.1 I don’t have any money so you can exclude me from the shopping trip.2 I distributed the mints among my friends in the car.3 We need to resolve this mess about the misprinted tickets pretty soon. 4 He really criticised me when I suggested he’d got it wrong. 5 Look at those big rocks protruding from the sea. 6 Select the good strawberries and leave the rotten ones in the box.Rewrite the underlined parts of these sentences using a phrasal verb with out that means the opposite of the underlined words. 1 I opened the door and heard somebody whisper from the staircase below.2 My position as regards the committee is that I would like to continue as a member.3 He always shortens the discussion with arguments about political ideology.4 When we got back to our campsite, the campfire had started burning.5 Put the leaflets together in one place on the table. 6 The burglars stole absolutely nothing at all from us.Match the headlines 1–4 with the stories a–d below. Aft er a trial period of six months, a decision will be made as to whether they will be installed throughout the country.b) She said she did not wish to take part as she had found the pressure too great in the last Games.c) More than 6,000 withdrew from a range of programmes, almost 1,000 more than last year, according to the minister.d) He said he was sick of the hypocrisy of people who had never done anything themselves to help the poor.1 3 4 2 RECORD NUMBERS OF STUDENTS DROP OUTDAVID BLAKE LASHES OUT AT CRITICSGOVERNMENT TO TEST OUT NEW SPEED CAMERASWILSON SAYS COUNT ME OUT OF OLYMPIC TEAM34 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedUp15Basic meanings of up in phrasal verbsYou are probably familiar with verbs such as eat up and write up, which carry a meaning of completion. Here are some more examples:Come on, children, finish up your breakfast. It’s time to go.Well, let’s wrap up the discussion now and vote. [(informal) finish an activity]Up can also carry the meaning of upward movement or relating to an upper position.Could you lift the table up while I put the rug under it? Teddy, pick all your toys up from the floor and put them in your toy box.Another meaning of up in phrasal verbs is maintain in an upright position or strengthen, prevent from falling down or failing.Victoria was lying propped up on a pillow. [supporting herself in an upright position]The minister announced new measures to shore up the economy. [strengthen or improve an organisation or system that is not working effectively or that is likely to fail]Up can also mean increase or improve.This sauce is tasteless. I’ll add some garlic to pep it up a bit. [(informal) make something more interesting, lively or energetic]We jazzed up our all-white kitchen by adding red tiles and doorknobs here and there. [(informal) make something more attractive or interesting]Other phrasal verbs with upRead these TV programme previews and note the phrasal verbs with up. ABError warningWe say ‘I went into the garden and picked some flowers.’ Don’t say ‘picked up some flowers’; pick up is used for things which are on or have fallen to the ground.5 reacts to something that he has noticedChips with everything Friday 7.30pmDocumentary-maker Elliot Warcross picks up on5 recent rumours in the press that an ultra-rich business tycoon has attempted to buy up the world’s supply of silicon, opening up the terrifying possibility of a world monopoly in computer chips. Warcross tries to set up an interview with the mystery tycoon but receives death threats in return. HNTV3 becomes visible4 appear correct when examinedHistory File Thursday 8.30pmAn archaeologist notices some strange, pointed stones sticking up from the surface of a lake during a drought. Suspecting they may mark the site of an ancient tomb, she takes infrared photographs from the air. What shows up3 in the images deepens the mystery. After a long investigation she concludes that theories about the ancient Mosa people no longer stand up4.atvNation on the Move Friday 10pmPhrasalia, once a country closed to the rest of the world, has opened up since the death of its long-time ruler President Particulos. But will the new-found freedoms ultimately lead to the country splitting up into chaotic, rival republics as tensions emerge in its five provinces?GlobalNews TV1 (informal) finally does something, especially without having planned to2 made to seem much worse than it is The Man Who Hated Dogs Tuesday 9pmThe hero of this comedy, played by Nathan Farr, finds himself playing daddy to three homeless dogs, but lands up1 in trouble with his girlfriend when the local press publishes a story about him which is blown up2 to make him look like a pitiless animal-hater.D D C35ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedComplete these sentences using a phrasal verb from A opposite. Put it in the correct form and, if necessary, add a pronoun as object. 1 Zoe, if you don’t your spinach, you can’t have any pudding. 2 We can the asparagus with a nice oil and vinegar dressing.3 The prime minister appointed three new ministers in an attempt to his failing administration.4 You’ve just dropped some of your papers. Let me for you.5 I noticed Tim’s bicycle against a wall outside Hannah’s apartment.6 Your black dress is a little plain – why don’t you a bit with a colourful scarf?7 I think we should try and the meeting by 4 p.m. 8 Can you that plant pot? I need to put a saucer under it to catch the water.Complete these dialogues using phrasal verbs from the opposite page so that the second speaker agrees with and repeats more or less what the first speaker says. 15.115.2Which phrasal verb fits into each of these sets of collocations? 1 a photo 3 a business to a balloon to an interview a story a meeting2 a political system 4 unlimited possibilities to an ailing economy to an opportunity the foundations of a building a new line of investigation15.31 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Megan There’s a big nail protruding from that floorboard; be careful.Fellix Yes, I noticed one up the other day but forgot to mention it.Harvey I think the newspapers have greatly exaggerated the story.Aisha Yes, they’ve it up out of all proportion.Sam Oh look, Sebastian freckles are really visible in this photo, aren’t they?Tyler Yes, they really up, don’t they?Jake She said they’d sold all the tickets for the concert in one go.Ruby Yes, apparently some mystery person them all up over the Internet.Nazir I just knew Patrick’s son would get into trouble with the police one day.Anna Yes, it was inevitable he’d up in serious trouble.Aaron I just don’t think his theory is correct when you look at it very carefully.Leo No, I agree. It just doesn’t up when you examine it closely.Salima I think we should ask the students to form small groups.Martha Yes, we should them up into groups of two or three.Zac You’re right. We should try to one up.Keira I think we should try to arrange a meeting with the whole team.36 English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced16 TimeHow time passesA1 make something continue for longer than necessary2 make an effort to improve, an idiom using a phrasal verb (see Unit 8 for more) 3 use time for one purpose and no other purpose4 make time or money available for a particular use by not using it another way5 delayed and arranged for a later date 6 do it between other activities7 causing something to happen later than it should happen8 make something happen more slowly, or make something happen later than it should 9 wasting time by using it for unimportant things1 (of a regular event) happening at its usual time 6 makes a period of time more interesting by2 making someone do something more quickly, being different from what you are doing for making something happen more quickly the rest of the time3 will be happening soon 7 went unnoticed4 passed very quickly 8 (mainly British and Australian informal) it’s 5 preparing in the period before an event begins getting lateSpending timeBTipThe following verbs can be used about money as well as time – free up and fritter away.1 Who is trying to free up some time? 2 Who feels that time is slipping away?3 Who feels life is passing them by?4 Who is trying to pull their socks up? 5 Who feels they are frittering away their time?Complete this text with the correct particles.My staff often spin things (1) much longer than they need to so that they don’t get asked to do any more work. As a result they sometimes set the schedules (2) by days or even weeks, and then I have to hurry them (3) so that the work gets done on time. And not only do I have to keep an eye on the staff, I also have to find time to fit (4) consultations with management and the unions, and inevitably meetings have to be put (5) because of some unexpected emergency, or important tasks have to be held (6) till the more immediate problems can be sorted out. I try to set (7) at least one hour every day for planning, but it’s not easy. I like to take a proper lunch break and get out of the office. I find that breaks the day (8) nicely.Correct the mistakes with the phrasal verbs in these sentences.1 You’d get far more done if you didn’t fritter out so much time.2 The children tried to spin their game off so they didn’t have to go to bed.3 Cameron might lose his job if he doesn’t pull his collar up.4 We must discuss what we need to do leading up the opening of the new branch.5 Let’s try to make some time apart next month to discuss progress on the project.Rewrite each sentence using a phrasal verb from the box in an appropriate form. Make any other necessary changes. You may need to use a dictionary to help you.eke out drag out bring forward space out creep up on1 We’ve had to reschedule the meeting for this Tuesday as Austin will be away next week. 2 Francesca always makes any discussion last longer than necessary.3 I think we should have longer intervals between our meetings.4 I thought I had ages to prepare for my exams, but they have arrived in no time at all.5 I think we should try to make the printing paper last as long as possible.16.316.416.5dictionary.cambridge.orgRight, I’m not going to spin this out1. I just have one thing to say. You only have two weeks now till the exams start and you’re going to have to pull your socks up2 if you want to pass. We’re going to set aside3 the next fortnight just for revision. In other words, we’re going to free up4 some time by cancelling all non-exam lessons like sport. All school sports matches will be held over5 until the exams are finished. We felt that would be better than trying to fit revision in6 around sport commitments. The sports staff agree that putting back7 these matches won’t cause any major problems, but we mustn’t set schedules back8 by more than two weeks or we won’t be able to fit in all the matches before the end of term. So now, put everything else out of your minds and concentrate on your revision. No more frittering time away9 – get down to some serious work.Diana It hasn’t been that bad a year, surely. There was all the excitement over the new marketing campaign.Paul Oh, that completely passed me by7. It didn’t really affect me in my department.Diana OK, Paul. Time’s getting on8 a bit now. I need to head home. Let’s talk about what we need to do tomorrow.Diana The sales conference will be coming around1 soon. We’d better start hurrying those sales reports along2.Paul I can’t believe that the conference is coming up3 again already. This last year seems to have slipped away4!Diana I know! There’s an awful lot to do leading up to5 the conference, especially as it’s going to be held in our branch this year.Paul Oh well, at least it breaks things up6 and makes life a bit more interesting, I suppose.37ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedMatch the beginning of each sentence with its ending.1 There was a lot of excitement a) getting on now.2 My birthday seems to be b) hurrying people along?3 The annual meeting will be c) leading up to the final match.4 I’d better go as it’s d) coming up some time next month.5 It’s getting late – can you start e) coming around more quickly every year.Read these remarks by diff erent people and then answer the questions below. 16.116.21 Who is trying to free up some time? 2 Who feels that time is slipping away?3 Who feels life is passing them by?4 Who is trying to pull their socks up? 5 Who feels they are frittering away their time?Complete this text with the correct particles.My staff oft en spin things (1) much longer than they need to so that they don’t get asked to do any more work. As a result they sometimes set the schedules (2) by days or even weeks, and then I have to hurry them (3) so that the work gets done on time. And not only do I have to keep an eye on the staff , I also have to find time to fit (4) consultations with management and the unions, and inevitably meetings have to be put (5) because of some unexpected emergency, or important tasks have to be held (6) till the more immediate problems can be sorted out. I try to set (7) at least one hour every day for planning, but it’s not easy. I like to take a proper lunch break and get out of the off ice. I find that breaks the day (8) nicely.Correct the mistakes with the phrasal verbs in these sentences.1 You’d get far more done if you didn’t fritter out so much time.2 The children tried to spin their game off so they didn’t have to go to bed.3 Cameron might lose his job if he doesn’t pull his collar up.4 We must discuss what we need to do leading up the opening of the new branch.5 Let’s try to make some time apart next month to discuss progress on the project.Rewrite each sentence using a phrasal verb from the box in an appropriate form. Make any other necessary changes. You may need to use a dictionary to help you.eke out drag out bring forward space out creep up on1 We’ve had to reschedule the meeting for this Tuesday as Austin will be away next week. 2 Francesca always makes any discussion last longer than necessary.3 I think we should have longer intervals between our meetings.4 I thought I had agesto prepare for my exams, but they have arrived in no time at all.5 I think we should try to make the printing paper last as long as possible.16.316.416.5dictionary.cambridge.orgAdriana I’m cancelling my meetings next week so I can take time off to decorate my flat.Mary I’m 63 and I’ve never had an interesting job or done anything exciting.Jack I feel I’m wasting a lot of time on useless and unimportant things.Leah I’m trying to improve my performance. I know I’ve been lazy and ineff icient.Jude I feel the days are passing very quickly and we need to solve the problem now.38 English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced17 Cause and effectMany of the phrasal verbs in this unit are usually used in quite formal contexts. Using these phrasal verbs will help you to improve your style when writing formal correspondence, giving presentations and writing reports and essays.Look at these formal letters to the editor of a newspaper and note the phrasal verbs connected with cause and effect. 1 make it seem likely that something is true 2 thought to be caused by (used for problems and bad experiences) 3 (slightly informal) constitute a reasonable or likely explanation for something 4 is caused by 5 if something comes out of a process or an event, it is one of the results 6 had a bad effect on the person who did it with the result that they did not achieve what they were trying to achieve 7 based on, or caused by 8 explains the reason for 9 had a noticeable effect on 10 results inTipAlways make a note in your notebook if a phrasal verb is formal or informal. Dear Sir/Madam,Recent events in Herean City point to1 a failure of central government to control spending by local and regional authorities. This failure can be put down to2 a long-standing reluctance to tackle local corruption, which has resulted in a situation where certain powerful local politicians feel free to act outside the law. This then contributes to a general atmosphere in which all politicians are mistrusted.Yours sincerely,G. Johnson (Ms)Reply ForwardDear Sir/Madam,Arthur Power’s explanation for the growth of crime in our cities just does not add up3. He attributes recent rises in crime to a decline in leisure facilities for young people and the economic recession. But the problem in fact stems from4 a longer-term neglect of the cities, and dealing with the problem depends on accepting this fact first and foremost. We have been talking about rising crime rates for decades and after the last general election the government set up an inquiry into inner-city crime, but as yet nothing seems to have come out of 5 this enquiry.Sincerely,A. H. LoweReply ForwardDear Sir/MadamNo one should be surprised that the recent education reforms have rebounded on6 the government. The reforms were rooted in7 a deep-seated elitism, which accounts for8 the fact that inequality has grown rather than diminished, as your report showed (13 November). As always, the effects have impacted most on9 poorer families, where the new system has led to parents being unable to afford a good education for their children. It all adds up to10 more misery in our schools and fewer opportunities for our young people, especially in the inner cities.Yours sincerely,D. Mitchell (Prof.)Reply Forward39ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedMatch the beginning of each sentence with its ending.1 Aidan’s new job will undoubtedly impact a) to one clear cause of the crisis.2 How the situation develops will depend b) from a childhood spent in the rainforest.3 Isabelle’s behaviour may well rebound c) in ignorance.4 Freddie’s interest in botany stems d) in significant social change.5 Her attitude to foreigners is rooted e) to the changes in the country’s 6 It is impossible to point leadership.7 The new education reform should result f) on the reaction from the USA.8 Professor Bukowsky attributes the crisis g) to a civil war.9 The situation in the country may lead h) on his family. i) on her if she is not careful.Correct the mistakes with the particles in these sentences. There is one mistake in each sentence.1 Theodore puts the problems down to the government, but I attribute them for the general world economic situation.2 To a large extent, how a person accounts for the problems in their lives seems to depend largely of their own parents’ attitudes to difficult situations.3 I believe the new legislation will contribute to a general improvement in the standard of living, but Ben thinks it will result from increased poverty for most people.4 The desire for reform has come off a general desire to improve the situation, but I suspect the proposed changes may rebound on the government.5 The proposals are rooted in an appropriate awareness of the problems that exist, but I do not feel that what is proposed adds up a coherent programme of action.Rewrite each sentence replacing the verb with a phrasal verb expression based on the word in brackets.1 The school’s rituals and traditions have originated from its long history. (root)2 My mother attributes the problem to a decline in moral values. (put)3 How do you think the changes will affect your business? (impact)4 The economic recession inevitably led to increased unemployment. (result)5 How would you explain the recent increase in violent crime? (account)6 Joel’s criticism of Erica may have a bad effect on him now that she’s his boss! (rebound)7 I do not feel that the writer’s analysis of the problem makes sense. (add)8 Some unforeseen problems have resulted from the change in legislation. (come)Answer these questions using full sentences. 1 What would you put global warming down to?2 What do you think has led to the current increase in violent crime in most societies?3 How would you account for the fact that teenage girls tend to do better at school than teenage boys?4 What would you attribute the success of social media sites to?5 What would you point to as the main cause of social problems today?6 What would you say your own interest in English stems from?7 Do you think that mobile phones have resulted in more or less communication between people?8 What do you think is the main thing that contributes to the difficulty of phrasal verbs? English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced18 MemoryIn this unit, some phrasal verbs can be grouped by the meaning given by the particle. For example, up means uppermost in your mind in summon up, conjure up, call up and stir up. Up in store up memories carries a diff erent meaning in that it means gather or collect. Back in come back, flood back and flashback carries a sense of a returning memory. Behind and out occur with verbs which describe things we don’t want to remember (put something behind somebody, block something out / block out something). Grouping the verbs by the meaning carried by the particle will help you to remember them.Look at this conversation on social media between Bethany and her two cousins about old family photos. 1 one suddenly remembers very clearly a lot of things about an experience or period in the past 2 makes one remember events in the past, usually ones that make you feel sad 3 make us unhappy because we think about them too much 4 not think about them any more so that they do not aff ect our life 5 makes you remember something or think about something 6 stop yourself from thinking about something unpleasant because it upsets you 7 an occasion when you suddenly remember something vividly that happened to you in the past 8 you remember themBethany WellsWhen I look at these old photographs I’ve just found in our grandmother’s desk, memories come fl ooding back1. This one here, of Granny’s mother just before she died, stirs up2 sad memories of how she suffered. It reminds me of how different life was then. But we can’tlet bad memories eat away at3 us; we should put bad experiences behind4 us. It’s important to live in the present and live for the future. 9 makes a picture, image, memory, etc. appear in my mind10 make one remember or think about a particular memory or idea11 get a sudden vivid memory of somethingToby WellsFor me this photo you sent me that Granny took conjures up9 a series of crazy events. I got this diploma, then fell down the steps as I left the stage. As I fell, I grabbed the curtain and all the curtains came down on top of me and the professor! Then all the lights went out! It’s amazing how one picture can call up10 an event in such detail. When I look at it, my thoughts always fl ash back11 immediately to that moment.George WellsWe store up so many memories over the years, good ones and bad ones. I associate this photo that you found with our early childhood. Looking at the picture, it came back to me how we used to feed the animals on our grandparents’ farm. It summons up5 lots of happy memories, and some sad ones, too, like when my favourite old pony died. We tend to block out6 sad memories, but sometimes you might get a fl ashback7 to an unpleasant experience. The happy ones can stick with8 you forever. I still remember the picnic we had on the farm for my sixth birthday.41ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedChoose the best word to complete each sentence.1 I was sitting in a train looking out of the window, when my mind suddenly back to that amazing trip we made to India. a) put b) flashed c) stirred d) associated2 Close your eyes and try to up a picture of a place where you feel at peace. a) store b) eat c) conjure d) stick3 Ivan has an excellent memory – he can up precise details of things that happened when he was a small child. a) come b) flood c) flash d) call4 Please don’t talk about that day – I want to it all behind me. a) put b) stir c) block d) summon5 Pablo should try not to let his regrets for what he has done away at him. a) come b) eat c) stick d) floodComplete this dialogue with phrasal verbs from the opposite page.18.118.2Answer these questions using full sentences.1 What colour do you associate with your childhood and why?2 Is there any particular smell that reminds you of your childhood?3 What music conjures up memories of your youth?4 Is there any particular memory of your schooldays that you would like to block out?5 Which makes memories come back to you more powerfully – music or smells?18.4Explain the play on words in these titles of newspaper articles.18.34 1 COOK STIRS UP MEMORIES OF 1950s SCHOOL DINNERSHAPPY MEMORIES OF LIFE AT GLUE FACTORY STICK WITH WORKERS2 MAGICIAN CONJURES UP MEMORIES OF VICTORIAN ENGLAND5 MEMORIES OF 1963 BURST PIPES COME FLOODING BACK3 FILM CALLS UP OLD SOLDIERS’ MEMORIES OF CONSCRIPTIONRory Oh yes! That was awful. I’d just completely (6) the memory out.Maya Actually, I don’t know if we did. It’s all (5) back to me now. Don’t you remember, as we were leaving the party, Anna’s brother came running out accusing you of stealing his wallet? He got really violent and started pushing you.Maya I’ve just found this old dress at the back of my wardrobe. It (1) me of that party at Anna’s. Do you remember? It must be at least 20 years ago!Rory Goodness me! That certainly does (2) up some memories. I hadn’t thought of it for years, but it’s all (3) back now! Do you remember all those roses she had everywhere?Rory That’s right. Anyway, it’s the good memories that you want to (8) with you. Those are the ones to (9) up for the future.Maya Well, I’m glad you did. If you hadn’t (7) it behind you, then we wouldn’t be friends with him now.Maya That’s right. I always (4) the smell of roses with Anna.Rory We spent all evening dancing together. We had such a lovely evening.Maya Well, we’ve got plenty of those we can (10) up when we need them.42 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedMaking progress19Beginning and endingphrasal verb with collocations definition of phrasal verb examplenew businesses / political movements / buildings spring upsuddenly appear or begin to existAt the turn of the century, new left-wing political movements sprang buildings / factories / cafés sprout upsuddenly appear or begin to existPavement cafés have suddenly sprouted up all over the up opportunities/possibilities or opportunities/possibilities open upmake possible or become possibleThe new shopping centre will open up all sorts of job opportunities.break up a meeting/party or a meeting/party breaks upend, people start to leave I’m sorry to break up the party, but it’s getting very late.finish with magazine/ scissors/saltno longer need Can you let me have the magazine when you’ve finished with it?trend/business/price bottoms out reach a low level and stay thereThe share price fell steadily last year but has now bottomed out. game/match/anger/protest/conflict peters out1gradually become less strong and then stop completely The crowd started shouting and protesting, but the protests soon petered out when they saw the armed police.wind up a business/interview/meetingend Jack intends to wind up his business soon.1 an interesting phrasal verb in that, unusually, to peter does not exist as a verb on its ownHelping and hindering progressAB1 came to an end2 not working well3 continuing in a determined way4 made them disappear, as if by magic5 keep6 gradually reducingHow’s progress with your business?We had some staffing problems but the new HR person has magicked them away4.We couldn’t continue when our cheap supply of materials dried up1. Things’ve been falling apart2 since the new manager arrived.We can’t do anything at the moment because the money’s run out.We’re pressing on3 though we’ve had lots of problems. We can’t do anything at the moment because the money’s run out.We got up to the third stage of our plan but haven’t made much progress since.My PA has really improved things recently, so I hope we can hang on to5 her.The CEO’s whittling away (at)6 the authority of middle managers.43ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedAnswer these questions.1 Would you be happy or unhappy if the exchange rate between your currency and the US dollar bottomed out?2 Which two verbs from the opposite page could you use to complete this sentence? Wind farms seem to be / up all over the countryside these days.3 Open up and break up can both be used with or without an object. True or false?4 If someone whittles away your confidence, do you feel more or less confident?5 If your anger peters out, does it become more or less strong?Complete the film blurbs below, using the correct verb or particle from the opposite page.19.119.2Rewrite these sentences to make them sound less formal using phrasal verbs instead of the underlined words.1 When you no longer need the scissors, could you pass them to me?2 They terminated the business in 2014 after a year of low sales.3 OK, so who’s made the bottle opener vanish? It was here a minute ago!4 We’ve had some setbacks but we’ll continue undeterred.5 I only reached page 12 of the book before I got bored and stopped reading it.Explain the play on words with the phrasal verbs in these sentences.1 Mr Bellamy decided to wind up his clock-making business after 35 years.2 Three new greengrocers’ shops have sprouted up in the town centre recently.3 Even though the dry cleaner’s was not getting much business, the owners decided to press on.4 A new trampoline factory has sprung up on the outskirts of the town.5 The Speedyheels training shoe company has run out of money.19.319.4In the Net (PG) Leaving home and going off to college (1) up new possibilities for Nancy, a shy girl from a small town. However, she soon finds thather life starts falling (2) when she gets involved with a handsome basketball player. Desperate to hang (3) to her new love, she embarks on a dangerous course of action.The Polyard Murders (18) As the food, drink and conversation dry (4), a social gathering at a large house in the town of Polyard (5) up around midnight and everyone heads home. However, two couples vanish on the way home and a murder hunt begins. Four more murders take place, but the killer’s luck finally runs (6) when a new, young detective from the city takes over the case.MOVIES44 English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced20 Conflict and violenceMetaphorical uses of phrasal verbs to suggest conflict or violence The verbs in this group are particularly typical of newspaper language because they have metaphorical meanings, which is good for word play.The government promised to wipe out poverty. [make it disappear completely]The minister is fighting off calls for her resignation. Some newspapers are trying to drag the prime minister into the scandal. [talk about or bring someone or something into a difficult or unpleasant situation, especially when that person or thing is not seen as being connected with the situation]He published an article in a national newspaper as a way of striking back at his critics. [attacking someone who has attacked you (the literal meaning of striking is hitting)]CParticles in phrasal verbs connected with conflict and violenceSome of the phrasal verbs in this unit have the particle up (smash up, flare up) where up suggests extreme or complete. In come at and fly at at indicates the direction of the violent action. Off suggests remove in bump off [(informal), kill] and fight off, and out suggests remove completely in wipe out [completely destroy]. Thinking about the meaning the particle adds will help you learn the verbs in groups and remember them better.Talking about conflict and violenceAB1 suddenly spoke to me very angrily 4 if someone flies into a particular state (e.g. rage, 2 suddenly turned and attacked them panic), they are suddenly in that state or shouted at them angrily 5 (informal) an angry argument3 suddenly become very angry 6 tell someone what to do in a rude or threatening way7 attack someone, or make a person or animal attack someoneFaisal Why couldn’t you buy a ticket?Emma The ticket office was closed and vandals had smashed up the machine on the platform.Camille What did the boss say when you all complained?Camille So relations are not good now?Albert Well, he just flew at1 me and said I was irresponsible, then he rounded on2 the others and ordered them to get back to work. I’ve never seen him flare up3 like that before, you know, he just flew into4 a rage as soon as I opened my mouth.Albert No. It’s the biggest bust-up5 we’ve ever had with him. But we’re not going to let him push us around6.Fatima What happened to you? Are you hurt?Fatima Oh, that’s dreadful! Did he take your bag?Alex No, I managed to fight him off, then some people came and he ran off. Alex A man pushed me over and tried to steal my bag. He came at me from behind.Jade I hear your neighbours have been fighting one another!Ben Yes, Luke said Arthur had stolen some plants from his garden, so he set his dog on7 him. Arthur kicked the dog, then punched Joss and almost knocked him out. The police had to come and break it up! Eloise What happened at the end of the film?Maisie Well, they caught the man who’d been bumping everyone off, of course.45ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedComplete these sentences by adding one word to the end of each one.1 I couldn’t get anything from the vending machine because some hooligans had smashed it .2 When Charlotte told her mother she had scratched her car, she flew into a .3 He’s terribly bossy, so make sure you don’t let yourself be pushed . 4 Tom hit the man so hard that he knocked him .5 Don’t interfere in the fight yourself – wait for the police to come and break it .6 Robyn did her best, but she didn’t manage to fight her attacker .7 If someone criticises you unfairly, it is better to ignore them than to strike .8 My neighbour went to jail for trying to bump her boss .Correct the six mistakes with phrasal verbs in this paragraph. There was a terrible bust-off at work today. The departmental manager came into the office in a terrible temper. She flew on her PA and when people tried to calm her down, she rounded at them. I don’t know what had got into her. She pushes everyone over a lot, but she’s not normally quite so aggressive. I tried not to get dragged onto it at first, but she started shouting really loudly at Jessica, so I stepped in to try to break things out.Do the phrasal verbs in these sentences need an object? If so, add an appropriate object in an appropriate place.1 When I tried to enter the house, the dog flew at.2 Ellis can seem quite happy one moment and then the next he’ll flare up.3 They threatened to bump off if he told anyone about the robbery.4 Because she had learned some judo as a child, Lauren found it much easier to fight off.5 I was completely taken by surprise when someone suddenly came at from behind.6 After only ten seconds in the ring, Henry’s opponent had knocked out.Rewrite these sentences using the word in brackets.1 Paul tried to involve me in the argument, but I managed to stay out of it. (drag)2 The old man thought the boys were trying to break into his house, so he told his dog to attack them. (set)3 The aim of the organisation is to completely abolish cruelty to children. (wipe)4 Although he is small, James is strong and he quickly managed to hit his attacker so hard that he became unconscious. (knock) 5 Uncle Ronnie can lose his temper very quickly if you say the wrong thing. (flare)6 The witness saw the thief attack the woman just as she was opening her car door. (come) 7 The robbers came running out of the bank, knocking down an old lady who was in their path. (push)8 Older people often find it harder to get rid of colds and other infections than younger people do. (fight) to youFind a story in a newspaper dealing with conflict or violence in some way. Note down any phrasal verbs that it contains in their context.46 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedSound21Put these phrasal verbs into two groups, a ‘noisy’ group (making noise) and a ‘not noisy’ group (reducing noise).belt out boom out die down trail off keep down blast outmaking noise reducing noiseComplete these sentences with phrasal verbs from 21.1. Use each verb only once.1 She was telling us about how angry Simon had made her, but her voice off when he entered the room.2 As we entered the club, the singer was out his latest song.3 Rock music was out from an open window as I passed the house.4 Children, please the noise down – Grandpa’s having a rest.5 Major Frogshort’s voice out across the square as he issued orders to his men.6 At 6 p.m. the noise of the machines down and the workers went home.Choose the correct particle to complete these sentences.1 Suddenly a cheer went as the president appeared on the balcony. a) out b) up c) on2 I’ll listen for your call and come down to the street so you don’t have to park. a) with b) to c) out3 Faye was so angry she banged her phone . a) down b) on c) away4 These ear defenders shut 90% of external noise. a) down b) away c) out5 When she heard how the story ended, she burst laughing. a) into b) out c) in6 I love to hear the bells pealing at New Year. a) out b) on c) off7 The noise of a plane passing overhead drowned the radio and I missed the news. a) down b) off c) out8 She has such an awful voice; it just grates me every time she sings. a) to b) at c) onAnswer these questions. Use a dictionary if necessary.1 If someone’s voice drones on, areyou likely to enjoy listening to them or not?2 If birds are chirping away and if a person is chattering away, away suggests a continuing sound. True or false?3 What particle would be best here? The cheers of the crowd built to a roar as the runners approached the finish line.4 What particle would be best here? The noise of the train died as it headed towards the distant coast.5 What phrasal verb with ring can be used for all of these things? church bells a cry a shot a shout applause6 What phrasal verb with come would fit in this sentence? Suddenly an announcement the public address system warning everyone to evacuate the building. or unpleasant soundsASounds starting and finishingB1 producing a lot of noise, especially loud music 2 (informal) playing a musical instrument or singing very loudly 3 (of sound or behaviour) annoy4 puts down with force because she is angry5 makes a very loud noise 6 prevent from being heard7 ringing loudly (of bells) 1 prevent a sound from being heard (can also be used about preventing a sight from being seen)2 if a shout (e.g. cheer, cry, groan) goes up, a lot of people make that noise at the same time3 becomes less loud or strong and then stops 4 making an effort to hear a noise which you are expecting5 (of a sound) suddenly started (collocates with laughing, crying, with a comment/remark)6 gradually became quieter and then stoppedHi Finn,Thanks for your email. I’ve more or less settled in to my new cottage. It’s lovely – except for the neighbours. They are just so noisy! I can hear their sound system blasting out1 at all hours of the day and night and one of them plays the trumpet – he’s belting out2 jazz most evenings. At least he plays well, so that noise doesn’t grate on3 me as much as it might! Much worse is the fact that one of them has a very loud voice and is also very bad-tempered. When she’s angry she bangs things down4 and her voice booms out5 and sometimes the arguments even drown out6 my own music. I’ve asked them nicely if they could keep the noise down a bit, but they have ignored me. And I thought I was moving to a quiet village where the only loud noise would be bells pealing out7 on a Sunday morning!Hope all goes well with you. Cheers,JohnReply ForwardHi John,Interesting to hear about your new cottage. I’m attaching an ad for some earplugs which claim to help you shut anything out1!I moved into a new flat a month or so ago, too. It’s next to the football stadium. I can’t see the matches, but I can follow what’s going on from the sounds I hear. A cheer goes up2 whenever the home team shoots. But the sound quickly dies down3 if the ball doesn’t go in. Every time there’s a match I find myself listening out for4 the cheers. When I told my girlfriend that I wanted to stay at home to listen to the sounds of a football match, she burst out5 laughing, thinking I was joking, and started talking about how we could decorate the flat. When another cheer went up from the stadium, though, her voice trailed off 6 and she rushed to the window in excitement. Then she stayed in the flat with me and spent all afternoon at the window watching spectators going in and out of the stadium.Cheers,FinnReply Forward47ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedPut these phrasal verbs into two groups, a ‘noisy’ group (making noise) and a ‘not noisy’ group (reducing noise).belt out boom out die down trail off keep down blast outmaking noise reducing noiseComplete these sentences with phrasal verbs from 21.1. Use each verb only once.1 She was telling us about how angry Simon had made her, but her voice off when he entered the room.2 As we entered the club, the singer was out his latest song.3 Rock music was out from an open window as I passed the house.4 Children, please the noise down – Grandpa’s having a rest.5 Major Frogshort’s voice out across the square as he issued orders to his men.6 At 6 p.m. the noise of the machines down and the workers went home.Choose the correct particle to complete these sentences.1 Suddenly a cheer went as the president appeared on the balcony. a) out b) up c) on2 I’ll listen for your call and come down to the street so you don’t have to park. a) with b) to c) out3 Faye was so angry she banged her phone . a) down b) on c) away4 These ear defenders shut 90% of external noise. a) down b) away c) out5 When she heard how the story ended, she burst laughing. a) into b) out c) in6 I love to hear the bells pealing at New Year. a) out b) on c) off 7 The noise of a plane passing overhead drowned the radio and I missed the news. a) down b) off c) out8 She has such an awful voice; it just grates me every time she sings. a) to b) at c) onAnswer these questions. Use a dictionary if necessary.1 If someone’s voice drones on, are you likely to enjoy listening to them or not?2 If birds are chirping away and if a person is chattering away, away suggests a continuing sound. True or false?3 What particle would be best here? The cheers of the crowd built to a roar as the runners approached the finish line.4 What particle would be best here? The noise of the train died as it headed towards the distant coast.5 What phrasal verb with ring can be used for all of these things? church bells a cry a shot a shout applause6 What phrasal verb with come would fit in this sentence? Suddenly an announcement the public address system warning everyone to evacuate the building. English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced22 Supporting and opposing people or viewsIn these television interviews, Members of Parliament (MPs) are defending their positions.A1 stated publicly that you opposed an issue (opposite: come out in favour of)2 support a person or group in an argument 3 agreed to something that you were against before, because of persuasion or threats4 (formal) accept someone else’s opinion because they know more or are more important5 accept a plan or an idea6 support or begin to support a particular set of ideas or a particular political party 7 start to support a diff erent, oft en opposing, person or group8 support9 opposing a person or group in an argumentNote the phrasal verbs for supporting and opposing people or views in these newspaper extracts.B1 encouraged to do something, oft en something that is wrong, stupid or dangerous2 received encouraging shouts3 believes that something is very eff ective and that it will always work well4 not allow something, or not allow someone to do something (always in the negative)5 supported and made more successful6 (informal) defended or fought for something importantInterviewer Recently you seem to have come out against1 those in your party who want stronger anti-terrorist laws. Why?MP I haven’t changed my position at all, and I stick by what I’ve always said. Those who side with2 the terrorists or support them in any way must be opposed. But we need a mature debate about the causes of terrorism.Interviewer You seem to be leaning increasingly towards6 more conservative policies. Is there any truth in the rumour that you are about to cross over7 to the Conservative Party?MP No. The values I stand for8 are liberal values, but I see no point in siding against9 the Conservative Party on those issues where I agree with them. Interviewer You said you were determined to introduce higher fuel charges, but aft er the opposition from the trucking companies you seem to have caved in3. Why?MP We are a listening party and we always defer to4 expert opinion. We were advised that higher charges would have a negative economic eff ect in the long term, so we have decided to go with5 that advice.� e peace campaign was buoyed up5 recently by a donationof €1,000,000.He was someone who always stuck up for6 the rights of the poor and the homeless.Mr West said the club would not hear of4 letting children attend the event.3Mrs Gilmore, who celebrated her 104th birthday, when asked what her secret was, said she swears by3 a glass of hot milk with a little sugar every night before bed.Cheered on2 by her supporters, Sadie Hinds beat the world record.17-year-old boy claims he was egged on1 by his friends to steal cars.49ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedLook at A opposite. Complete these statements from a political manifesto.This party for equality for all. We do not hesitate to out strongly against any case of injustice.We by our principles at all times and never in to threats or pressure from the opposition.We with the underdog and do not to those who are wealthy and powerful.Look at B opposite. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.1 runners / The / cheered / line / on / the / were / as / they / spectators / for / the / by / finishing / headed 2 rely / sister / Tim / You / to / on / stick / little / can / his / for / up 3 grandfather / by / My / garlic / a / of / raw / himself / as / way / from / colds / protecting / swears / catching4 bungee / My / have / mother / would / tried / we / never / hadn’t / her / jumping / on / egged / if 5 all-night / to / wanted / to / go / mother / party / an / it / her / wouldn’t / but / of / She / hear 6 of / discovery / the / years / British / gas / the / North / The / up / buoyed / in / economy / Sea / some / for Which word from the opposite page could fit into all the sentences in each set? Note any new meanings of the word which you come across.1 If a politician doesn’t by what he has said, he will lose the voters’ trust. Don’t forget to a stamp on each of your postcards. It is not always easy to up for what you believe in if others are attacking you.2 I cannot believe that you would with the government on the issue of the war. Peter was warned not to against the minister if he wanted to have a successful career in politics. You will find a lot of interesting phrasal verbs on the left -hand of the page. 3 Please come and me on in the tennis match. Josie is a bit miserable, so we really should go round and try to her up. A went up as the prince entered the stadium.4 Harry Carr’s investment should help to up the company. We always try to each other up before giving important presentations. You must try to sail the yacht round that red .Are these sentences correct? If not, correct them.1 My preferred course of action would be to get with what Ivan has recommended.2 He began his political life as a Conservative but crossed across to the Labour Party when he realised that he would be more likely to get a seat in Parliament that way.3 Many people start to lean more towards right-wing ideas as they become middle-aged.4 Either side with the prime minister or against him – don’t abstain from voting.5 I shall have to defer on your superior knowledge of the situation.6 My mother promises by a daily spoonful of honey to keep healthy all year long.7 Josh is not usually naughty himself but he is quick to egg others off .8 The headteacher said she would not hear of pupils coming to school with hair dyed a bright colour. English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced23 Agreeing Coming to an agreementA1 making a decision about all the details of something 2 be approved by an official authority3 reached an agreement after a long discussion4 say no to something5 agree on 6 include a person in a plan or activity (opposite: count someone out)7 agree with someone’s idea or opinionAgreeing after disagreeingAt first only Tania and I liked the blue design best, but we gradually won the others round¹.Ben wasn’t sure about joining the special project team at the beginning, but I managed to talk him round2 in the end.It took a while to persuade my line manager to send me on the business management course, but she gave in3 eventually! When we first moved to an open-plan office, I didn’t really like it. But I’ve come round to⁴ it now, as it has improved communication in the team.The Board have finally backed down⁵ over their proposals to restructure the department.The management had to bow to6 pressure from the unions and give the pay rise they promised.She wanted to work in London originally, but in the end she had to settle for⁷ the regional office.Two of the team had a big disagreement and weren’t talking to each other for a few days. Fortunately, they seem to have smoothed things over⁸ this morning. 1 persuaded (can also be win over) 2 persuade3 agree after initially refusing4 changed my opinion5 admitted they were wrong and changed their minds 6 do something you don’t want to do (another way to say this is bend to)7 agree to something which isn’t your first choice8 made a problem less seriousBToby So the first thing on the agenda today is nailing down1 the plan for next month’s launch party. Magda Well, what happened at the senior management meeting? Did our budget request go through2? Toby We don’t have to settle on5 the venue right now. We just need to come to an agreement by the end of the week. Maybe a couple of us should go and have a look at the Olive Bistro tomorrow morning. Magda, can I count you in6? Magda Yes, OK. And what about entertainment? At the last meeting Nigel was very keen on having a DJ. Do we all want to go along with7 that? Toby Yes, it did. A couple of them didn’t want to agree to it at first, so I had to explain about the plans to invite local business leaders and other influential people. I had to leave before the end, but apparently they arrived at a unanimous decision and approved the budget. Kate Great. Well, Jon and I have already hammered out3 a deal with a venue just down the road. The boss at the Olive Bistro can give us a great price. Magda Shouldn’t it be somewhere a little more upmarket?Kate I don’t think you should rule it out4 until you see it. It doesn’t look like much from the outside, but they have done a great job with the recent refurbishment. TipIf we persuade someone not to do something, we talk them out of something. He wanted to have a party while his parents were away, but I talked him out of it.51ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedMatch the beginning of each sentence with its ending.1 The Marketing Director refused to go2 Although it’s very unlikely that we’ll get the contract, I wouldn’t rule it3 I’d like to settle4 I really want to smooth things5 The application for my credit card went6 Lucy was very resistant at first, but we eventually managed to win her7 After a very difficult meeting with the shareholders, the Board finally bowed8 Dominic’s very good at talking peoplea) through last week, and it arrived in the post this morning.b) to pressure and agreed to increase the annual dividend.c) along with our suggestions about the new product design.d) round to his way of thinking. That’s why he’s such a good negotiator.e) on a date for the interviews as soon as possible.f) over with Roger, as we have to work together every day.g) out completely.h) over. Now she loves the idea!Choose the correct particle to complete these sentences.1 We’ve booked the venue and the caterers. Now we just need to nail down / up / round the rest of the details.2 I’ve explained why we should update the website, but he just refuses to give up / in / back and let me do it.3 We spent ages discussing the new logo, and we eventually came to / through / up against an agreement.4 Can we settle on / for / down a paint colour for the walls first, and then start looking at furniture?5 Polly agreed to / out / up the new schedule initially, but then realised that it didn’t give her enough time to finish her work.6 Despite the factEd Nano/StockFood Creative; p. 114 (salad): Doram/E+; p. 120: StudioCampo; p. 121: Kirillica/iStock; p. 124: Yuri_Arcurs/DigitalVision. Illustrations Ludmila (KJA Artists), Katie Mac (NB Illustration), Martina (KJA Artists), Gavin Reece (New Division) and Miguel Diaz Rivas (Advocate Art).Cambridge DictionariesCambridge Dictionaries are the world’s most widely used dictionaries for learners of English. The dictionaries are available in print and online at Copyright © Cambridge University Press, reproduced with permission. Acknowledgements English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced3English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedWhy was this book written?It was written to help you take your knowledge of phrasal verbs to a more advanced level. It is intended for students who already have at least an upper intermediate level of English. Many of you will have already worked with English Phrasal Verbs in Use Intermediate and this book builds on the work done there. However, it does not matter if you have gained your knowledge of phrasal verbs in a different way. We do not assume that you have used English Phrasal Verbs in Use Intermediate, although we do present and practise either different phrasal verbs in this book or, occasionally, more advanced uses of verbs that were presented in the lower level book.How were the phrasal verbs in this book selected?The approximately 1,000 phrasal verbs and related nouns and adjectives which are presented in this book were mainly selected from those identified as significant by the CANCODE corpus of spoken English developed at the University of Nottingham in association with Cambridge University Press, and the Cambridge International Corpus (now known as the Cambridge English Corpus) of written and spoken English. The phrasal verbs selected are accordingly also to be found in the Cambridge Dictionary online by going to the following website: http://dictionary.cambridge.orgHow is the book organised?The book has 60 two-page units. The left-hand page explains the phrasal verbs that are presented in the unit. You will usually find an explanation of the meaning of the phrasal verb, an example of it in use and, where appropriate, some comments on when and how it is used. The exercises on the right-hand page check that you have understood the information on the left-hand page and give you practice in using the material presented.The units are organised into different sections.First we start with important information about phrasal verbs in general (Units 1–4): what they are, how their grammar works and so on. We strongly recommend that you do these units first.The next section looks at some interesting aspects of more advanced phrasal verbs, dealing with such important issues as collocation, register and metaphor. As these are themes that are returned to throughout the book, it is a good idea to work through these units before progressing to other more specific units.After these two introductory sections, there is a section dealing with some of the most common particles used in forming phrasal verbs. Working on these units will help you to gain a feeling for the force of these particles and will help you have a feeling for the meaning of a phrasal verb you are meeting for the first time.The next two sections deal with Concepts (e.g. Time) and Functions (e.g. Arranging things). These sections are followed by a large number of topic-based units focusing on different aspects of Work, Personal life and The world around us.The final section looks at some of the most common verbs which are used to form phrasal verbs.The book has a key to all the exercises so that you can check your answers. At the back of the book you will also find a useful Mini dictionary. This provides clear definitions of all the phrasal verbs and related noun and adjective forms that appear in this book. The Mini dictionary also indicates the unit number where you can find a particular phrasal verb.How should I use this book?It is strongly recommended that you work through Units 1–4 first so that you become familiar with the way phrasal verbs (and their associated nouns and adjectives) operate and with the terminology that is used in the rest of the book. Then we suggest that you move on to Units 5–8 and after that you may work on the units in any order that suits you.Using this book4 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedWhat else do I need in order to work with this book?You need a notebook or file so that you can write down the phrasal verbs that you study in the book as well as any others that you come across elsewhere.You also need to have access to a good dictionary. We strongly recommend the Cambridge Phrasal Verbs Dictionary as this gives you exactly the kind of information that you need to have about phrasal verbs. Your teacher, however, may also be able to recommend other dictionaries that you may find useful.So all that remains is to say Go for it! (Unit 30). We hope you’ll find this an enjoyable as well as a useful way to keep up and extend your knowledge of English phrasal verbs in use.5English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced6 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedPhrasal verbs: what are they and how are they used?1Underline the phrasal verbs in these texts. Remember the particle or preposition may not be immediately next to the verb.1 I decided to take up gardening, so I took out a subscription to a gardening magazine and read up on the subject. I found out so many interesting things, such as the best time to plant flowers out for the summer and how to grow vegetables. I’ve really got into it now and spend hours in the garden every weekend.2 The other day we went off on a hike in the mountains. We put our wet-weather gear on as the weather forecast wasn’t good. We set off early to avoid the rush hour and soon reached the starting point for our walk. The whole walk took about four hours, and when we got back we were exhausted.3 I have to catch up on my coursework this weekend as I’ve fallen behind a bit. I worked on it till midnight last night, but I still have loads to do. I have to hand one essay in on Tuesday and another one on Friday. I’m not sure whether I’ll make it, but I’ll try.Choose the correct particle to finish these song titles. 1 Can’t get you off from / out of / away from my head (Kylie Minogue)2 Hold you against / down / at (Jennifer Lopez)3 We can work it with / across / out (The Beatles)4 Send from / in / with the clowns (Barbra Streisand)Complete the sentences in the right-hand column with a phrasal noun or adjective based on the phrasal verbs in the left -hand column. Use a dictionary if necessary, and remember that the particle may come at the beginning or end of the noun or adjective. 1 The school took in some outstanding students last year.Last year’s included some outstanding students.2 Some prisoners broke out of the local prison last night.There was a(n) at the local prison last night.3 It was an experience that put everyone off . It was a(n) experience.4 She always speaks out and gives her opinion. She is very .5 A lorry which had broken down was blocking the road.A lorry was blocking the road.Match the headlines with the sentences from the stories. are phrasal verbs?Phrasal verbs are verbs that consist of a verb and a particle (a preposition or adverb) or a verb and two particles (an adverb and a preposition, as in get on with or look forward to). They are identified by their grammar (more about that in Unit 2), but it is probably best to think of them as individual vocabulary items, to be learnt in phrases or chunks. They oft en – but not always – have a one-word equivalent. For example, you can come across a new phrasal verb or you can encounter it. You can pick up a language or you can acquire it. Come across and pick up sound less literarythat Mark was clearly in the wrong, he refused to back up / round / down and apologise.7 We need some volunteers to help organise the charity fundraiser. Can we count you on / in / into?Rewrite each sentence using a phrasal verb based on the word in brackets in an appropriate form.1 After two weeks of strikes, the company finally changed their mind and increased the overtime rate. (give)2 Our application for planning permission was approved without any problems, so we can start building next month. (go)3 We’ve got a general agreement, but it will take some time to work out the details. (hammer)4 Chris always just agrees with what the manager says. He never thinks for himself. (go)5 It’s going to be difficult to finalise all the details of the training day until we’ve chosen a date. (nail)6 Charlie said he didn’t like the new website design, but I think he’ll change his opinion about it when he sees the latest version. (come)Answer these questions.1 If someone says they’ll go along with you when you make a suggestion, do they mean a) they agree b) they have changed their mind c) they disagree with you?2 If someone gives in too easily to their children, are they a) very strict b) easily persuaded c) always arguing with them?3 If your boss rules out an idea you suggest, does that mean she a) wants to do it b) isn’t sure whether to do it c) definitely doesn’t want to do it?4 If you hear on the news that a government is bowing to international pressure, does it mean a) they are keeping the same opinion b) they agree with other countries c) they are changing their mind?5 If someone says they want to smooth things over after an argument, does it mean a) they don’t want to talk to you again b) they want to make a problem less serious c) they want to agree with you? English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced24 Understanding and having ideasUnderstandingAs a maths teacher I find it interesting to see how pupils cope with my subject. Some pick up every new topic very quickly, while others take rather longer to catch on1. Some have to grapple with2 the topic for a long time but eventually understand it very well. Some find it goes in better if they are presented with the whole picture right from the beginning, whereas others like me to break a topic down into small bite-sized chunks. Then they gradually piece it all together for themselves. Although some find it harder than others to keep up3 with what I tell them, everyone usually cottons on4 in the end.1 (informal) understand 3 be able to understand something that is happening or changing fast2 try hard to deal with 4 (informal) begins to understandHaving ideasphrasal verb definition of phrasal verb exampleoccur to sb come into your mind It suddenly occurred to me that he hadn’t told me his name.hit on (an idea) have a good idea (especially one that solves a problem)We weren’t sure how to celebrate our anniversary until James hit on the idea of spending the weekend in Paris.rough out write or draw the outline of an idea without going into detailsThe novelist said he always roughs out several plots before he decides which one to use. reflect on (slightly formal) think very hard about somethingWe all need to take some time to reflect on what has happened.think up sth or think sth upcreate an idea or plan using your imagination and intelligenceCan you help me think up an idea for my presentation?play with (an idea)consider an idea but usually do not do itThe headteacher played with the idea of introducing compulsory lessons in good manners.leap out at be immediately obvious I couldn’t solve the crossword clue last night, but this morning the answer leapt out at me.Discussing ideas I have some great colleagues. Whenever I have a problem at work, I talk it through1 with my supervisor. She always comes at2 problems from a slightly different angle, and thrashing an issue out3 with her helps me to see the problem more clearly and to find a solution. Then there is my marketing team. I am very proud of them. In our regular meetings to discuss new promotional activities, we bounce our ideas off4 each other until we find something that we all like. We find that batting our ideas around5 like this is really productive and results in great campaigns. 1 discuss something in order to understand 4 (informal) tell someone about an idea to it better find out what they think of it2 approaches 5 (slightly informal) discussing different 3 discussing something in order to find a solution ways of dealing with an issue ABC53ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedComplete this conversation using verbs from the box.reflect break rough cotton thrash hit grapple occur piece bounce talk24.1Choose the correct particle to complete these sentences. 1 I’ve been trying to think about / up / over a plan for a surprise birthday party for Theodore, but I haven’t hit on / out / up the right idea yet.2 I thought about the problem for ages, but then the solution just leapt over / away / out at me.3 Some of the trainees are very good at picking on / over / up new techniques, while others take a long time to catch on / across / in.4 It’s hard to keep up to / with / for all the reading for my literature course.5 We formed a committee to bat a few ideas over / up / around for the college open day.6 For a while we played with / on / at the idea of making all the courses compulsory, but we dropped it because it would be so unpopular.7 I think we should try and come into / on / at the problem from a different angle.8 I tried to explain it to him, but new information takes a long time to go on / in / off sometimes!Find phrasal verbs from the opposite page which seem to treat ideas as if they are:1 balls that can be played with2 parts of a puzzle3 things that you need physical strength to dealwith24.224.3Max stared at the crossword for ages, but then the answer suddenly leapt out at him. Student I’ve been (1) with this idea you talked about in your lecture, that written language is becoming more like spoken language these days, but I’m finding it difficult. I’ve been trying to (2) out some chapters for my dissertation and I like this topic, but I think Ineed to (3) it through with you first.Lecturer Well, why don’t I (4) a few ideas off you? Then you can see if they make sense. When you write emails to your friends, how formal are they?Student Ah. I see. I think I’ve (7) on now. Things like email and text messages and chat rooms and so on are changing the way we write, is that it?Student OK, thanks. I’ll probably be able to (10) it all together now.Lecturer Exactly. Go away and think about it a bit more and I’m sure you’ll (8) on a few more ideas. Look at a few newspapers and magazines. Try and (9) the topic down into different themes, like grammar and vocabulary.Lecturer Yes, and come back if you need more help and we can (11) it out together and try and clarify it more. OK? Bye.Student I suppose it’s grammar for one thing. I use contractions like ‘I’m’ or ‘it’s’ instead of ‘I am’ or ‘it is’. And slang words and so on.Lecturer Yes, and hasn’t it (6) to you that what you’re doing is sort of talking to people rather than writing to them?Student Pretty informal usually.Lecturer Let’s just (5) on that for a moment. What makes them informal?54 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedArranging things25A group of students are organising things for a college open day. Note how they use phrasal verbs to talk about arranging things. A1 make something stay in a particular position by putting something underneath or against it 2 also be used as4 remove something from a large group of things5 find and gather together a group of people or animals6 divide a group of people or things into smaller groups7 examine a large collection ofsomething, especially papers, usually in order to discover something or to decide what is importantOther verbs connected with organising and arranging thingsWe hoarded away dozens of bottles of water as we knew there would be a shortage in the hot weather. [put a supply of something in a safe place so that it can be used in the future]I’ve been trying to fix up a meeting with our local MP so we can get to know her better. [(informal) arrange]He folded up the scarf, wrapped it in gold wrapping paper and did it up with a red bow, ready to give to his grandfather on his birthday. [fasten or tie something]The headteacher geared his speech more towards the parents than the pupils. [designed something so that it was suitable for a particular purpose, situation, or group of people]Norton College ranks among the best in the country. [has a particular position in a list arranged in order of quality] B3 deal with something, or arrange for something to be doneBen We need something to prop up1 the video camera. Maybe we could use that big box?Anna Or we could rest it on the bookcase. That could double up as2 a camera support.Paul OK, but I think we should sift through7 everything before we throw it away in case we’re throwing away things we should keep.Kelly Hey everyone, if you could pile up all your rubbish in the corner there, I’ll get someone to take it all away at once.Sacha We need to space out the tables a bit; they’re too close together at the moment.Lizzie Yes, and we should line them up a bit better too so that it all looks neat.Paul Yes, and then separate out6 the first-year students’ work, the second-year students’ work and the third- and fourth-year students’ work and make a special display of it. That would be nice.Jake OK, but how will I know the first-year stuff from the rest? Paul The name and the year are on the back of each piece of work.Paul Why don’t we separate off4 all the student work displays and put them all together in the other room?Jake Yes, OK. I’ll round up5 some more helpers; it’s going to be quite a big job.Tim Let’s gather up all those brochures and stack them up in one pile over here.Elodie OK, then I’ll have to see about3 an extra table; we’ve got too much stuff.55ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedAnswer these questions about the verbs in A. 1 What other things can someone round up, apart from people?2 What might you prop your head up with if you’re reading on the sofa? 3 Which other verb in A is close in meaning to stack up?4 If you sift through papers, what are you doing?5 Does the particle up seem to have any similar meanings in the verbs in A? Choose the correct phrasal verb to complete these sentences.1 We had to stick up / stock up / stack up the chairs after the meeting and lock the hall.2 Could you round in / round up / round off some people to help move the furniture?3 Let’s separate off / separate away / separate out the blue forms, the green forms and the white forms so that they don’t all get mixed up together.Complete the gaps in the texts with a particle from B opposite. these questions using a phrasal verb based on the verb in brackets in your answer. 1 What would you do if you wanted to discuss a business idea face-to-face with your bank manager? (fix) 2 If students are taking an important written exam, what are schools usually required to do with the desks where they sit to write their exams? (space) 3 If one leg of a table is shorter than the others, how might you use a book? (prop) 4 If you recycle your rubbish, why might you need several different containers? (separate) 5 For a school photo, how does the photographer typically arrange the pupils? (line) 6 If you are a student living in one room and you often have friends and family to stay with you, why might it be useful to have a large sofa? (double) 7 If you have a lot of papers on the floor and you want to tidy your room, what do you do with the papers? (gather) 8 If you are going to meet someone who you’ve never met before at a crowded café, why might you each agree to wear something distinctive? (know) 9 You are arranging a party and want to ask an artistic friend to deal with decorating the room where the party is to be held. What could you say to your friend? (see) 10 You have a pile of papers that you think it may be all right to throw away, but what is it a good idea to do with them first? (sift)25.4I’ve just done a presentation of our company’s products with a major firm we’d like to do business with. It’s ranked (3) the biggest in the country, so we could make a lot of money if they agree to let us supply them with our boxes. I geared my presentation (4) the quality of our boxes, and at the end of it I presented their team with one of our boxes done (5) in specially-designed paper in their company colours and filled with information about our company. I think they may be interested. They’ve certainly agreed to fix (6) another meeting.My nine-year-old son is so untidy. I’m tired of trying to get him to fold his clothes (1) and put them neatly into drawers. The trouble is, his drawers are full of other things – toys and games, stones and pieces of wood that he has hoarded (2) for some reason or another.56 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedTalking about size and number26Increasing and totalling phrasal verb definition of phrasal verb examplebuild up (sth) / build (sth) upincrease in amount, size or strength, or make something increase Paula has been doing a lot of long-distance running to try to build up her stamina.bump up sth / bump sth up (informal) increase the size or amount of something, e.g. price, by a large amountHotels in this town always bump their prices up when the film festival is on.round up sth / round sth up1increase a number to the nearest whole number The taxi fare came to £29.25, but we rounded it up and gave the driver £30.push up sth / push sth upincrease the amount, number or value of somethingThe TV series about Caitlin Cliff’s pottery pushed up the value of her work.put on sth / put sth onif a person or animal puts on weight, they become heavierBobby’s put on six kilos since he stopped playing football.amount to sth become a particular amount When we added living costs to the fees, the cost of the course amounted to £34,000.add up (informal) increase and become a large number or amountBringing up children is an expensive business. Clothes, shoes, food, toys, – it all adds up!1 (opposite: round down sth / round sth down = reduce to nearest whole number)DecreasingIce cream sales are high in summer but tail off as winter approaches. [decrease in amount] Since they employed a new chef, the quality of the food has really fallen off. [become smaller or lower]We’ll never be able to get out of the car park now. Let’s wait till the football crowds thin out a bit. [become fewer in number]Laura was so keen to get rid of her old car that I was able to get her to knock the price down a bit. [(informal) reduce] I’m afraid we have no choice but to slim the business down and some redundancies will be announced next week. [make it smaller in size, often by employing fewer people]Staying the sameABC1 becoming more similar (can also be level out)2 stopped increasing or decreasing and begun to stay at the same level3 make things equalThis year 16-year-old girls have again done much better than boys in their school exams. However, the differences in grades between the sexes now seem to be levelling off1 by the time pupils reach 18. At 18, boys’ results now average out at 66% per exam, whereas the equivalent figure for girls is 67%. Several years ago there was concern at the rapidly rising rate of academic success among girls in comparison with boys, but this rate has clearly now flattened out2. It is believed that greateruse of technology in the classroom is helping to balance things out3, reviving boys’ interest in their schoolwork.Exam results out: Differences narrowing between boys and girls57ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedCorrect the mistakes with the phrasal verbs in these sentences. 1 The total cost of our holiday amounted at nearly £500. 2 The bill came to £22.20 each, so we rounded it over to £25 to include a tip. 3 Helena has pushed on a lot of weight recently.4 It will take Joe some time to build on his strength again aft er such a long illness.5 The college hoped that the advert would push off enrolments for its new course.6 The new fertiliser claims to dump up agricultural yields considerably.Match the statements 1–6 with the illustrations a–f.a b c d e f1 Sales levelled out at £600. 4 They knocked the price down.2 The prices averaged out at £600. 5 Sales tailed off later in the week.3 The price was rounded down. 6 The price was bumped up.Answer the questions.1 The new manager has decided to slim the business down. What does the new manager intend to do?2 We picnicked in the forest in a place where the trees were beginning to thin out. Why might this have been a good place for a picnic?3 The graph showing hits on our website begins to flatten out in May. How many hits did the website get in June?4 Interest in politics seems to be falling off now, particularly among young people. Are young people more or less interested in politics than they used to be?5 Joseph’s lack of interest in housework is balanced out by his love of gardening. How does the speaker probably feel about Joseph and what he does at home?Complete this email with phrasal verbs from the opposite page. Gordon,Sorry I haven’t been in touch for a while. I’m not fi nding it so easy running my own business. We’ve had to (1) our prices because of strong competition, so our profi ts are beginning to (2). They still (3) a pretty sizeable sum, but even so, it’s a bit worrying to see them (4). I’m planning to close one of our factories. I hope that by (5) the business in this way, I may be able to (6) our profi ts again. All the worry has made me (7) a lot of weight too because I tend to eat snacks to make me feel better. And as you know, it all ! (8)EstherReply Forward58 English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced27 Talking about success and failureThe chief executive of a company is making a speech to the staff. Note the phrasal verbs connected with success and failure. This year has been an eventful one. We’ve been able to capitalise on 1 the publicity we got in the new year with the launch of our new lines, and we’ve come out stronger than ever, despite strong competition. We’ve succeeded in reversing the downward trend we were suffering last year. What’s more, we’ve managed to win back customers from the competition. We had been losing out to2 international players, but now we can pride ourselves on3 being able to offer better quality products at lower prices. In the middle of the year, we faced a hostile takeover bid from Diotecnics. We fought hard against it and finally won through4, as I knew we would. That bid fell through5 and we are now stronger than ever. So I want to thank you all.1 use a situation in order to achieve something 4 succeeded after trying hard to achieve good for yourself something2 being less successful than 5 failed to happen3 be proud ofTwo students are talking on the phone about studying for exams.AB1 pass2 easily pass3 (informal) manage to do a lot of activities in a period of time4 succeed in doing or achieving something difficult 5 (informal) had just enough or knew just enough of something to deal with a difficult situationOther verbs connected with succeeding and failingI couldn’t really afford the time to go to a lecture on bees, but my curiosity won out and I went. [(informal) was stronger than other, competing emotions] The general lack of enthusiasm doomed the plan to failure. [made it sure to fail]The support of my friends and family helped to pull me through a very difficult time. [succeed in dealing with a difficult period of your life, or to help someone else to do this]You have to learn to rise above negative criticism if you want to succeed. [not allow something bad that is happening or being done to you to upset you or to affect your behaviour]Did you see the match on Saturday? We’ve fallen behind Liverpool by three points now. [failed to score as many points as another team or player in a competition] CHarry I don’t think I’ll get through1 the end-of-term exam this time.Libby Oh, really? Why?Harry I managed to fool everyone, you mean! I got by5 only because I found some useful stuff on the Internet the night before.Libby Well, that’s OK. That’s what the Internet’s for. As long as you didn’t just copy it!Harry Well, I’ve been really busy with the drama club, that’s the problem. Iwish I could be one of those people who sail through2 exams and still manage to pack in3 a huge amount in their spare time.Libby Yes, me too. But never mind, you did your presentation the other day and you managed to carry that off4 quite well.59ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedRewrite each sentence using a phrasal verb based on the word in brackets in an appropriate form.1 Some people were going to buy our flat, but at the last moment the sale failed to happen. (fall)2 Steve is very proud of his organisational skills. (pride)3 The company was able to take advantage of the unusually wet weather by promoting its inexpensive umbrellas. (capitalise)4 The England team lost the trophy in 2014 but regained it the following year. (win)5 It’s been a difficult year for us, but we have emerged from it with renewed vigour. (come)6 Leila managed to pass her driving test at her first attempt. (succeed)7 Hassan was beaten by his brother in the finals of the tennis tournament. (lose)8 They had a long battle in court to prove their innocence, but finally they succeeded. (win)Complete the text below using the correct verbs.27.127.2Say whether the people in these sentences (a) succeeded in doing something, (b) succeeded in doing something but only in the face of difficulty or (c) failed to do something. 1 He was so nervous when he stood up to sing, but I think he carried it off rather well.2 She sailed through the interview and was offered the job immediately.3 I lost out in the job interview to another woman who had more experience than me.4 I’d hoped to go to Peru in March but the trip fell through.5 We packed in such a lot on our trip to Korea – we saw all the main cities and sights.6 The college authorities ignored our protests at first, but we won through in the end.Correct the ten mistakes with phrasal verbs in this paragraph. Oliver has always wanted to become an engineer, but it was quite difficult for him to get a place at college. He didn’t get in at his first attempt, losing off to applicants with better exam grades. However, at his second try he succeeded to win a place. He then sailed over all his first-year exams but failed some of his exams in the second year, as he started spending a lot of time on the rugby pitch, playing for the college first team, rather than in the library. Then his team fell back in the college league after three games, so he wasn’t too happy and did even less work, and as a result he failed three exams. However, he’s always prided himself for being able to revise very efficiently when he’s really under pressure, and in the third year he did enough to pull himself across. His friends were amazed that he managed to carry it out, as they were sure he could not have packed up enough study in such a short time to get by the exams. But Oliver knew that he had only just got over and he resolved to organise his life much better after leaving college.27.327.4Richard was very pessimistic about my plans to ride my bike from the very north of France to the south. He was convinced the project was (1) to failure despite all my attempts to persuade him that I would be able to (2) it off. He said I would never be able to (3) in so many miles in the short period of time I had at my disposal. I knew I’d be unlikely to (4) through the trip without any problems, but I made a great effort to (5) above all his negative comments. I am so glad I did! It wasn’t an easy ride, and my French isn’t great, but I managed to (6) by using gestures and a translation app. My determination (7) me through, and in the end I (8) in reaching my destination just one day later than planned. I’m glad to say Richard was there to congratulate me.A French Adventure 13 MARCHHome About Blog Contact me60 English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced28 Discussing problemsDescribing problemsA1 making us worry about what is going to happen 6 began to experience2 (informal) spoiled something by doing it badly 7 found himself in a diff icult situation or3 failed unpleasant place4 have an unpleasant eff ect on another situation 8 dealing with a sad or diff icult situation5 involved in an activity or situation which 9 full of something unpleasant or badprevented him from movingDealing with problems BRosie It’s quite stressful, too, as we’ve just learned Leo’s sister is riddled with9 cancer … Kate Oh, it’s hard, but I’m OK. But how about you, what’s going on in your life? Rosie Oh dear! And how are you bearing up8?Rosie How’s life with you, Kate? Is everything going OK?Kate Not really. They’re threatening to make some redundancies at work, so that’s hanging over1 me. All because senior management botched up2 and lost the company millions of pounds last year! My daughter’s relationship with her boyfriend of five years has broken down3 because pressures they were both having at work began to spill over4into their private lives and they just couldn’t cope. Then my son, the journalist, was in Phrasalia and got caught up in5 the revolution there – he ran into6 diff iculties when he was trying to leave and we don’t know when he’ll get home. He even landed in7 prison for a few days.We must all resign ourselves to1 the fact that we will encounter problems throughout our lives. We cannot safeguard against2 all unpleasant events. Nor can we walk away3 from every diffi cult situation that comes along. We have to fi nd ways of living with4 the bad situations that we inevitably face from time to time and fi nd ways of ironing out5 diffi culties. We should not be too proud to fall back on6 our parents for advice – we may be surprised at how helpful they can be. If the problem is a disagreement, then we may be able to smooth things over7. Explaining how we feel will sometimes be all that is needed to clear up8 a misunderstanding. If we have behaved badly, then we should apologise and fi nd a way to make up for9 our actions. The important thing is not to resort to10 behaviour that we know is wrong even if it seems to off er a temporary solution. Don’t just grasp at11 the fi rst chance of an easy way out – it may not be the right thing to do.Annette Berg, Therapist and agony aunt 8 give or find an explanation for, or deal with, a problem or disagreement 9 do something good so that the bad thing seems less important and does not cause a problem any more10 do something that you do not really want to because you cannot find any other way of achieving something11 quickly use or accept an opportunity to do or have something, especially because you are unhappy with the present situation1 accept that something we do not want to happen will happen2 do things to stop something unpleasant happening3 stop being involved in a situation that is diff icult to deal with4 accepting a diff icult situation and continuing with our life while it exists5 doing something to resolve a problem6 use something when other things have failed, or when there are no other choices 7 make a disagreement or problem seem less serious or easier to deal with, especially by talking to the people involved in it61ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedComplete these emails between Isabella and Nicole using phrasal verbs from the opposite page.28.1Rewrite the underlined parts of these sentences using a phrasal verb from the opposite page. Make any other necessary changes.1 When the doctors examined the dead man, they found his body was full of disease.2 I just quickly accepted the first opportunity to get out of my boring job and do something more exciting. I wasn’t prepared to just continue to accept it; I had to make a change.3 I was forced to use my knowledge of map reading from my days as a scout to help us find a way out of the valley.4 I’m sorry, I’ve done things the wrong way and caused a lot of problems for everyone.5 A healthy diet and plenty of exercise is the best way to protect yourself from heart disease.6 His life is difficult. His parents died last year when he was only 16. Now he just has to be brave and determined and try to carry on as best he can.7 I’m afraid we just have to reluctantly accept the fact that we are going to have to sell the house. 8 She tried very hard to resolve the misunderstandings between the two groups.28.2Over to youLook at the problem page of any English language magazine or newspaper and see how many phrasal verbs are used to talk about problems. Make a note of any you find, especially any not practised in this unit. There are also many problem pages in English on the Internet. Try doing a search for ‘problem page’.Hi Nicole,Life’s never easy, is it? I’ve had a big misunderstanding with my colleague Blake and I want to (1) it up, but I’m not sure how. It’s been (2) over me for a week now, and I don’t want relations to (3) down between me and him as I have to meet with him once a week. He thinks I told people he took time off when he wasn’t really sick and as a result he (4) in trouble with the boss. All I had said was I was glad to hear it wasn’t anything serious. What should I do? Advice greatly appreciated!IsabellaReply ForwardDear Isabella,Well, you’re right not to try to (5) away from the situation. It’s bound to (6) over into your professional dealings with him. It sounds like you’ve got (7) up in some malicious office gossip. Invite him out to lunch, explain, and apologise for causing him any problems. That should (8) things over a bit. Tell him what a wonderful colleague he is. At moments like this you have to (9) to flattery! It’s usually the only way to (10) up for saying or doing something you wish you hadn’t. Most people can’t resist being flattered!Hope that helps.Love,NicoleReply Forward62 English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced29 Deciding and influencingNote the phrasal verbs for making decisions and influencing people and events. AIn these dialogues the second speaker uses a phrasal verb to paraphrase what the first speaker says.BTipDo sb out of sth is not the only informal phrasal verb with do. We also find it in do in sb [kill], do out sth [decorate], do yourself up [make yourself look more attractive] and do without [manage without something]. Where verbs form groups like this, record them together.1 thought carefully about something for a long time2 stop yourself from being free to do what you want to do5 made officially accepted6 chosen from a large group of people or things, usually in order to criticise or praise them7 encourage you to compete/argue with another to get some advantage from this situation8 (informal) stopping you from getting or keeping something, in a dishonest or unfair way3 considering (doing) something, but not very seriously and without making a decision 4 carefully examine a situationor person in order to make a judgement 9 use your fears/weaknesses to make you do what they want, often in an unfair way10 think carefully about how you are going to do something and make a plan or decisionIt’s time for me to decide on that interesting offer I had last week. I’ve mulled it over1, but I still don’t know whether to say yes or no and the deadline is tomorrow. I just want to be careful not to tie myself down2 to something I might regret later.Have you heard the rumours about the changes that are going to be pushed through5 at work? I know you’ve been singled out6 for praise recently, but so has your rival for promotion and I get the feeling that management are trying to play you off against7 each other. I’m worried that the changes may result in her doing you out of 8 the promotion you deserve.For a long time I’ve been toying with3 the idea of doing something completely different with my life. The opportunity has finally come, but I need to size up4 the situation before I make my decision.I’m sorry to hear about your disagreement with your colleague. It’s clear that it’s very difficult to reason with her, but don’t let her play on9 your good nature and don’t give in. Do your best to try and work things out10 with her, but if you can’t, I think you should consult your boss.1 throw a coin into the air to see which side lands facing upwards. For British coins, ‘heads’ means the side with the Queen’s head on it; ‘tails’ is the other side.Ahmed I might say no to the Berlin trip and go to Moscow instead, but I’m not sure.Julian So you’re tending towards the Moscow trip? I thought you might.Dan So who’s going to have the extra ticket? I’ve got a coin, if you like.Evan OK, let’s toss for1 it. ‘Heads’ – you get it, ‘tails’ – I get it.Ryan That’s it. I’ve decided. I’m going to take the job in Madrid.Daniela Good! I’m glad you’ve arrived at a decision at last. You won’t regret it.Lucy I think I now agree with you that we should postpone the new product launch.Stan Ah-ha! So you’ve finally come round to my way of thinking.Manon We need to encourage people to join the campaign and work with us.Charles Yes, we need to drum up more support.63ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedFind phrasal verbs in A that match these definitions.1 play with an idea, consider it but not very deeply 2 try to discuss something rationally with someone 3 consider something carefully over a period of time 4 make up your mind about something 5 unfairly deprive someone of something 6 evaluate someone or something 7 restrict or limit someone 8 select one person from a large group Answer these questions about the verbs in B.1 What do you need if you and a friend agree to make a decision by tossing for it?2 If someone is tending towards something, have they made a definite decision?3 What is a drum and why do you think it is used metaphorically in collocations like drum up support or drum up business?4 If someone comes round to a decision, how quickly did they arrive at that decision?Complete these sentences with a phrasal verb from the opposite page. 1 If we talk about the problems between us properly, I’m sure we’ll be able to things . 2 I thought it was very unfair of Mrs King to you for criticism in front of everyone else like that. 3 Although the redevelopment plans are unpopular, the government is determined to them . 4 Clara is very keen that her daughters should not themselves by getting married too young. 5 I hope it won’t take you too long to a decision. 6 If we don’t manage to some more business soon, we may have to close down. 7 Sometimes children seem to be able to sense a new teacher’s weakness and they it to their own advantage. 8 If you can’t agree on which film to go and see, we’ll have to it. 9 You don’t need to made a decision immediately – take time to it .10 Saif is only two, but he is already very good at his father his mother.Correct the mistakes in these sentences. If there are no mistakes, put a tick at the end of the sentence.1 Everyone is trying to dissuade me from taking the job, but I’m tending for accepting it.2 You’ll need to take time to shape up the situation before you decide what to do.3 Wicked Uncle Fred succeeded in making his brother out of his rightful inheritance.4 Erica is toying with the idea of going to live in Australia, but I don’t think she’ll do it.5 It took Lily ages to get her father to go round to the idea of her training as a bus driver. 6 The careers teacher helps pupils in their final year decide on a career. 7 The advert plays off people’s desire to appear young and attractive.8 I don’t want to do the washing-up either. Get a coin and we’ll throw about it. English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedExclamations and warnings30Using exclamations from the opposite page, what could you say to a family member who …1 was about to start a race in the hope of breaking a record?2 was acting in a childish way which was annoying you very much?3 told you a very surprising bit of news?4 told you he/she had just seen a flying saucer? (give two possible answers)5 was in a long-distance race and who was looking very tired and about to give up?6 was daydreaming and had not listened to something important you just said?7 said he/she intended to be an astronaut?Complete these sentences with a verb from the opposite page.1 on the end of term! I’m sick of studying.2 Oh, on! I’ve just found her number; we can ring her straightaway.3 up, everyone! Your glasses are still half-full. We have to leave now if we’re to catch the film! 4 Tim Can I print something out on your printer?Mariam Of course, go ! You don’t need to ask!5 (Older brother to younger brother) up Tom, will you! I’m trying to work out this maths problem.6 (Emma is standing at the side of the pool) Mum OK, on then, but be careful, darling!Emma Mum, watch me dive in!7 Come on, up, children! Grandma has cooked us a delicious meal.8 (Singer to guitarist) OK, it away! One, two, three!Which exclamations from the list would fit these situations? Use a dictionary if necessary.Get off! Hurry up! Watch out! Calm down! Hold on! Go easy on them!1 You think a teacher should treat some students less severely. What might you say?2 Someone is starting to lose their temper. What might you say?3 A child is pulling at the clothing of another child, who is getting annoyed. What might the second child say?4 Someone is about to cross a busy road without looking. What might you say?5 You are waiting for a friend to arrive to go to the cinema, but he calls you to say he is running late. What might you say? 6 A friend calls with some important information that you need to write down, but you don’t have a pen. What might you say to the caller while you find one? exclamations on this page are all informal. Be careful with the ones marked * as you risk insulting the person you are speaking to.Encouraging othersA1 a command used in musical contexts, meaning ‘Start playing/singing!’Expressing impatienceexpression possible context you say this in order to …Roll on (Friday)!You are in the middle of a very busy week at that you are looking forward to a time or event Dream on! A not very musical friend is telling you about their plans to become a famous rock star.tell someone that what they hope for is not possible and will not happenGrow up!* A member of your family refuses to speak to you.tell an older child or an adult to stop acting like a small childHang on!Hang about!A friend is telling you about a problem when you suddenly think of something that might solve their problem.tell someone to stop doing or saying something, to wait a minuteGo on! A friend has just told you that he’s been invited to appear ina Hollywood film.tell someone that you do not believe what they just said (Note: spoken with a falling intonation)Come on!Come off it!A friend is claiming he plays better chess than you – and you pride yourself on your play.tell someone you don’t believe them or disagree or are angry with them Wake up! You are telling someone how to do something but they are clearly daydreaming.tell someone not paying attention to listen to what you sayShut up!* Your two brothers are arguing when you are trying to concentrate.tell someone to stop talking BTake it away!1Can I look at your paper?Sure, go ahead!Go on then! Keep it up!Drink up!Eat up!Go for it!65ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedUsing exclamations from the opposite page, what could you say to a family member who …1 was about to start a race in the hope of breaking a record?2 was acting in a childish way which was annoying you very much?3 told you a very surprising bit of news?4 told you he/she had just seen a flying saucer? (give two possible answers)5 was in a long-distance race and who was looking very tired and about to give up?6 was daydreaming and had not listened to something important you just said?7 said he/she intended to be an astronaut?Complete these sentences with a verb from the opposite page.1 on the end of term! I’m sick of studying.2 Oh, on! I’ve just found her number; we can ring her straightaway.3 up, everyone! Your glasses are still half-full. We have to leave now if we’re to catch the film! 4 Tim Can I print something out on your printer?Mariam Of course, go ! You don’t need to ask!5 (Older brother to younger brother) up Tom, will you! I’m trying to work out this maths problem.6 (Emma is standing at the side of the pool) Mum OK, on then, but be careful, darling!Emma Mum, watch me dive in!7 Come on, up, children! Grandma has cooked us a delicious meal.8 (Singer to guitarist) OK, it away! One, two, three!Which exclamations from the list would fit these situations? Use a dictionary if necessary.Get off ! Hurry up! Watch out! Calm down! Hold on! Go easy on them!1 You think a teacher should treat some students less severely. What might you say?2 Someone is starting to lose their temper. What might you say?3 A child is pulling at the clothing of another child, who is getting annoyed. What might the second child say?4 Someone is about to cross a busy road without looking. What might you say?5 You are waiting for a friend to arrive to go to the cinema, but he calls you to say he is running late. What might you say? 6 A friend calls with some important information that you need to write down, but you don’t have a pen. What might you say to the caller while you find one? English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced31 WorkRead these statements by different people talking about their jobs.The boss 1 give work to other people instead of doing it yourself 2 starting to work less or do things with less energy3 leave a job or position, especially so that someone else can do it The union representative4 order workers to strike5 continue doing a job until it is finished, especially when it is difficult 6 (informal) become so involved in the details of something that you cannot achieve anything The assembly-line worker7 (informal) keep working very hard, usually for a long time 8 are not given a higher position because it is given to someone else9 (informal) stopping doing something, especially a job I The administrative assistant10 start to spend a lot of your time and energy doing something11 (informal) work hard at something for a long time, especially something you are writing 12 leave the place where you work, usually at the end of the dayThe scientist 13 have the right qualities for something, especially a job14 start to work or study hard, especially if you have not been working very hard before canlt find ‘buckle down’The office worker 15 (informal) work hard at something for a long time 16 make something quickly and not very carefully17 do only the things that you have to do without trying to go faster or be more successful I’ll be retiring next year. I already find that I can farm out1 tasks I used to do myself. I’m slowly easing off 2 now so that I can step aside3 next year knowing I’ve left everything in good hands. We never like to call people out4 on strike, but when we do, we have to be determined to see it through5 to the end. We have to keep talking constructively and try not to get bogged down6 in lengthy negotiations which only prolong the strike. My job is monotonous. I just slog away7 day after day. People like me get passed over8 for promotion, so we’re not motivated. I often feel like packing this job in9 and finding something else. One day I’ll just hand in my notice and go.In this job you just have to fling yourself into10 your work and beaver away11 to get things done each day. I spend a lot of time running round helping other people. It’s not a bad job, and sometimes I’m allowed to get off12 early if I’ve stayed late the day before. Well, in this job you just plug away15 and hope the day will pass quickly. If I have to write a report, I do what I can to cobble something together16, but I don’t ever feel that I achieve anything worthwhile. Most people in my position just coast along17 and dream of the summer holidays. I decided to go in to research, as I wanted to do something exciting. I don’t think I’m cut out for13 teaching. University was fun, but now I’ve got to knuckle down14 and build my career.67ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedAnswer these questions about the phrasal verbs in this unit.1 Which verb focuses on working with enthusiasm? 2 Which three verbs focus on stopping work?3 Which two verbs focus on working without using too much energy?4 Which four verbs focus on working hard? 5 Which verb is based on an animal metaphor?6 Which two verbs are based on metaphors connected with the land?Rewrite the underlined parts of these sentences using the word in brackets in an appropriate form. Make any other necessary changes.1 Louise always approaches her work with great enthusiasm. (fling)2 I really think that it is time you applied yourself much more seriously to your studies. (knuckle)3 As a research scientist, you just have to keep working hard at your experiments over a long period of time and eventually you’ll get results. (plug) 4 If this morning’s meeting goes smoothly, I should be able to leave work by 1 p.m. (get)5 The meeting was going well until we got really involved with the details of the sales conference party. (bog)6 I’m not sure exactly what I’m going to say in my speech, but I’m sure I’ll be able to get something ready by tomorrow morning. (cobble)7 There comes a time when it is best for an older manager to withdraw and let a younger person take over. (step) 8 I always say that if you start a job, you should make sure you finish it. (see)Correct the six mistakes with particles in this paragraph. I’d hate a job where I could just coast about without needing to think about what I was doing. I’d far rather keep busy and really don’t mind how much I have to slog off each day. I’d soon pack off any job that didn’t keep me working hard. I fling myself onto everything I do. Even when I was at school, I used to beaver up at my homework as soon as I got home from school. My sister certainly never used to knuckle into work in the way I did.Complete these sentences using verbs from the box and the correct particles. Put the verbs in the correct form and make any other necessary cut ease farm go hand pass run1 I can’t stand the sight of blood, so I’m not really nursing.2 If you hate your job so much, why don’t you just your notice?3 When several workerswere unfairly dismissed, the trade union official decided it was time to on strike. 4 As a PA I spend most of my time after my boss.5 We’ve had a very busy few months at work, but things are beginning to now.6 Liam is very good at his job, so I can’t understand why he always gets while less able people get promoted.7 Our company has started doing a lot of outsourcing, which means that we jobs that we previously used to do ourselves.8 Ever since she was a child she has wanted to medicine. English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedStudy32Match each sentence on the left with a sentence which follows logically on the right.1 He took three weeks off in the middle of term. a) He got through all the exams.2 He didn’t read the book thoroughly. b) He was marked down.3 He searched the manuscript carefully. c) He just skimmed through it.4 He was very successful at college. d) He fell behind with his work.5 He didn’t keep to the set topic for his essay. e) He pored over it for hours.Complete these sentences using the correct particles.1 It cost Oscar and Nina a huge amount of money to put three children college.2 Artem sailed all his exams at school but found things much harder at university and only scraped his final accountancy exams.3 I’m afraid you’ll have to cross my name the list for the trip next Saturday.4 The college basketball team always seems to cream the best athletes and other sports suffer as a result.5 She was so brilliant, she left all the other students .6 The end-of-semester marks in each year all count your final degree.7 I like Professor Watson’s lectures; they’re so clear. His ideas don’t come nearly as well in his books.8 He was on the borderline between pass and fail, but his poor attendance on the course counted him and they failed him in the end.Rewrite each sentence using a phrasal verb based on the word in brackets.1 As each person arrived she asked their name and put a tick on her list. (check)2 She picked up her favourite novel and became completely absorbed in it. (bury)3 He decided to take economics as the main subject for his degree. (major)4 His tutor transferred him to a higher class. (move)5 What sort of grades do you need to be given a university place in your country? (get)6 I applied to Oxford University but I wasn’t accepted. (get)Make suitable questions which could come before these answers. Use a dictionary if necessary.1 I’d like to go on to university.2 I just wanted to take up a new subject; that’s why I gave it up.3 No, she dropped out at the end of the first year.4 I can’t – I’m snowed under. I’ve got two essays to do for tomorrow.Answer these questions about your own experience of study.1 At school did you usually sail through or scrape through your exams? 2 Have you ever fallen behind with your work?3 Do you think a teacher has ever marked down your work unfairly?4 What other things apart from exam results can count towards getting into a good university in your country? through collegeSam and Ben are twin brothers. They have a very rich grandfather who offered to put them through1 university. Sam sailed through2 his exams at school and easily got into3 a good university. Ben wanted to go to the same university, but it was harder for him to get in. However, in his last few months at school, he managed to get through4 all the necessary exams. Both brothers wanted to major in5 law. Sam had worked in a law firm in several summer holidays and this experience was able to count towards6 his degree. Ben spent his holidays playing sport. Sam continued to study hard and soon left most of the other students in his group behind7. At the end of six months, the professor creamed off8 the best students and moved them up to the next class. Sam was in this group but Ben was not. The professor felt he was more interested in rugby than law and this counted against9 him. He was marked down10 for careless mistakes in a number of his essays and by the end of the year he had fallen behind11 the rest of his year. His tutor says he’ll be lucky if he even scrapes through12 his exams. His grandfather has arranged to come and visit him and Ben is feeling a little nervous.1 pay for them to study at university 7 made much faster progress than others 2 easily passed 8 separated the cleverest or most skilful people3 succeeded in getting a place (at a school, from a group and treated them differently college or organisation) 9 contributed to his bad marks4 succeed (in an examination or competition) 10 given a lower mark 5 (US, Aus) study something as their main 11 failed to remain level with a group of subject at university people that was moving forwards 6 be part of what was needed in order to 12 (informal) passes but only just complete something In the library Let me try to describe this scene in a university library. A girl with long hair is poring over1 a map. Next to her a boy is skimming through2 some books, looking for some information on wind energy for his thesis. At the same table is a girl with short hair, who has buried herself in3 a journal. Next to her a boy is ticking/checking off4 names on a list – he’s crossed off5 one of them. There is a busy and studious atmosphere in this library and I hope this has come across6 in my description.1 studying carefully 5 removed a word (e.g. name) from a list by 2 reading quickly without studying the details drawing a line through it 3 given all her attention to 6 been expressed clearly enough for the reader 4 writing something next to each item on a list to understand it in order to make sure that everything or everyone on it is correct, present, or has been dealt withAB69ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedMatch each sentence on the left with a sentence which follows logically on the right.1 He took three weeks off in the middle of term. a) He got through all the exams.2 He didn’t read the book thoroughly. b) He was marked down.3 He searched the manuscript carefully. c) He just skimmed through it.4 He was very successful at college. d) He fell behind with his work.5 He didn’t keep to the set topic for his essay. e) He pored over it for hours.Complete these sentences using the correct particles.1 It cost Oscar and Nina a huge amount of money to put three children college.2 Artem sailed all his exams at school but found things much harder at university and only scraped his final accountancy exams.3 I’m afraid you’ll have to cross my name the list for the trip next Saturday.4 The college basketball team always seems to cream the best athletes and other sports suff er as a result.5 She was so brilliant, she left all the other students .6 The end-of-semester marks in each year all count your final degree.7 I like Professor Watson’s lectures; they’re so clear. His ideas don’t come nearly as well in his books.8 He was on the borderline between pass and fail, but his poor attendance on the course counted him and they failed him in the end.Rewrite each sentence using a phrasal verb based on the word in brackets.1 As each person arrived she asked their name and put a tick on her list. (check)2 She picked up her favourite novel and became completely absorbed in it. (bury)3 He decided to take economics as the main subject for his degree. (major)4 His tutor transferred him to a higher class. (move)5 What sort of grades do you need to be given a university place in your country? (get)6 I applied to Oxford University but I wasn’t accepted. (get)Make suitable questions which could come before these answers. Use a dictionary if necessary.1 I’d like to go on to university.2 I just wanted to take up a new subject; that’s why I gave it up.3 No, she dropped out at the end of the first year.4 I can’t – I’m snowed under. I’ve got two essays to do for tomorrow.Answerthese questions about your own experience of study.1 At school did you usually sail through or scrape through your exams? 2 Have you ever fallen behind with your work?3 Do you think a teacher has ever marked down your work unfairly?4 What other things apart from exam results can count towards getting into a good university in your country? English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedLectures and seminars33In a lecture In today’s lecture, I’d like to look at¹ Sonda’s explanation of this phenomenon.To start with², I think we need to consider the importance of geographical location. Hanes has an interesting theory about the relationship between culture and language which draws on³ the results of Kaminsky’s research.Traynor set out⁴ to test the theory using a range of new technologies which were not previously available.Because the results are based on a very small sample, we have to allow for⁵ a significant margin of error.A study was carried out6 with 152 diabetic patients over a three–year period.I want to round off ⁷ my talk by returning to the question I asked at the beginning.To finish off ⁸ today, I’d like to spend some time looking at a couple of previous exam questions.Finally, I want to point out9 that there is a list of additional sources on this topic on the second page of your handout. If you didn’t get down10 all that information, don’t worry. I’ll be emailing the list of assignments to you later today. 1 focus on 6 done2 begin 7 finish in a satisfactory way3 uses information from 8 end, complete4 intended to 9 highlight5 take into consideration 10 manage to write downSeminarsSeminarsSeminars are classes with small groups of students and give you the opportunity to look into¹ a topic in detail. You can also bring up2 any questions you might have and discuss them with the tutor and other students. Seminars often involve weighing up3 different ideas that were mentioned in your lectures, so it’s a good idea to go over4 your lecture notes and other research just before you attend. Sometimes a student will be asked to put together5 a short presentation, which will be used to start the discussion. If you are presenting, then it’s important to carefully think through6 the points you want to make. You don’t want to end up7 with nothing to say! However, it’s always better to sketch out8 your ideas with rough notes, rather than writing out9 every word of the presentation. If you are not presenting, you should still try to read up on10 the subject before the seminar in order to get the most out of11 it. During the presentation, try to jot down12 any new ideas or key points. And don’t forget to type them up13 later. You might also make a note of any questions that you want to follow up14 later, either during the seminar or through research afterwards.University help: what you need to know before you go Campus Freshers Week Student Union Personal Tutor SeminarsAB1 investigate2 start to talk about3 thinking about something carefully, comparing4 study again5 prepare (by collecting together diff erent elements)6 plan carefully7 be in a situation (at the end)8 roughly plan9 write (or rewrite) in full10 do background reading on11 take benefit from12 make a note of13 rewrite in full (on a computer)14 find out more71ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedLook at A opposite. Complete the sentences using the verbs from the box and the correct particles. Put the verbs in the correct form.allow carry draw finish point set start1 Zeyneb’s experiments were mostly in the 19th century using much less sophisticated equipment than is available today.2 This theory research from several well-known scientists.3 I thought we could read Hayder’s research for the seminar tomorrow, but my tutor that the original research paper is over 700 pages long!4 Alexander Fleming didn’t to discover penicillin when he started experimenting with bacteria, but it was one of the most important discoveries of its time.5 He spoke for 50 minutes and then the lecture with a question and answer session.6 Firstly, I’d like to an introduction to the subject of quantum physics, before moving on to some key definitions.7 If we variations caused by weather conditions, the results are broadly in line with our predictions.Choose the correct alternative to complete these sentences.1 Our tutor asked us to put away / together / off a report based on what we’d discussed in the seminar.2 The handout had a list of references so we could read to / along / up on the topic before the next lecture.3 I always jot down / type up / write out the key points during a lecture even if there’s a handout.4 When I sketch out / jot down / type up my notes later, it helps me remember what I learned.5 I’m just going to sketch out / bring up / follow up my initial ideas for the essay tonight, and then I can work on it in more detail next week.6 Think through / Get out of / Follow up the essay question carefully and identify the issues you need to talk about. 7 It’s really important to end up / follow up / weigh up all the evidence before presenting your final argument.8 After a long discussion, we got out of / ended up / went over agreeing that the character of Becky Sharp was not likeable, but very interesting. 9 We’re going to end up / go over / get out of the solutions to the problems in last week’s exam and discuss any questions. 10 If you want to think through / go over / follow up on the question Jemma asked about game theory, I can recommend a couple of interesting books on the subject. Rewrite each sentence using a phrasal verb based on the word in brackets in an appropriate form.1 This morning we’re going to focus on Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy of Needs’. (look)2 The lecturer highlighted the fact that this research is still in its very early stages. (point)3 To begin, I want to talk about the background to the research. (start)4 In order to make the most of the seminar, it’s a good idea to do the suggested reading beforehand. (get)5 Can I borrow your lecture notes? I didn’t manage to write down the last few points. (get)6 Don’t worry about writing every word; just make a note of the key points. (jot)7 For next week’s seminar, I’d like you all to research one aspect of this theory. (look)8 I’d like to finish the lecture today with a short video. (round)Correct the mistakes with the particles in these sentences.1 The biology department needs undergraduates to help carry through research on plant cells over the summer, and I’m going to apply.2 The department has just received some funding to look through the links between diet and certain types of cancer.3 He spent most of the summer working on his thesis but ended out having to change it when some new research came out.4 The discussion we had last week brought into some very interesting questions about US foreign policy in the 1950s. 5 As you read for on the subject for your essay, don’t forget to make a note of useful sources as you go.6 A group of engineering students from Bristol have set off to prove the strength of plastic by building the largest Lego structure in the world. English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedWriting essays34This unit contains phrasal verbs which are all suitable for use in formal essays.Read Rebecca’s notes for an essay she is going to write on the subject of ‘Globalisation’. Her notes contain useful phrasal verbs for essay-writing. A1 represents the most typical qualities of something (Note that this is the only verb on this page where the particle can come either before or aft er the object.)2 make something seem less good than it really is or than it was thought to beLook at these extracts from essays where phrasal verbs have been used successfully, helping to create a good written style. Furthermore,it is a quiet village and basically consists of families with very young children.Democracy is founded on the ideal of equality for all citizens. [(always passive) based on a particular idea or belief] The people have many diff iculties to contend with: poor soil, inadequate roads and lack of investment. [have to deal with a diff icult or unpleasant situation]Government economic policies have resulted in an improved standard of living in the region.We need to find ways to improve on the current system of distribution of goods. [do something in a better way or with better results than when it was done before]Eff orts to interest young people in the political process oft en fail. We need to invest more thought in finding ways of involving young people in politics.Many people object to their leaders treating them as if they were not capable of running their own lives. (Note the -ing form of the verb aft er object to.)The university has always insisted on a high standard of teaching and research.BPlan:Devote a paragraph each to opposing argumentsMention how globalisation often deprives workers of their rightsBut also mention how poorer countries can pro� t from global marketsRelate globalisation to other changes (mobility, Internet, etc.)Refer to recent international gatherings (G8 etc.) Cater for non-technical readers as well as specialistsWhat best sums up1 the present situation – give examples/quotesThings to remember!l Aim at being neutrall Base opinions on sound evidence l Don’t let irrelevant details detract from2 the main argument73ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedLook at A. Complete this paragraph with the correct particles.34.1Over to youChoose a subject that you specialise in or are particularly interested in and write a paragraph relating to that subject. Use as many of the phrasal verbs from this unit as you can in your paragraph.The country has been 1 by the latest rail strike, with no rail services at all running today. The railway service has been 2 for some time, but if today’s action is prolonged it may prove 3 to the rail industry. The Minister for Transport commented: ‘The country has been suffering from a 4 of local strikes since the � rst one in Nortown last month. It was 5 and one strike led to another. Things reached 6 pitch last week and we can only hope that this 7 will come to an end soon.’ The minister’s 8 is that things will only start to improve once people appreciate the seriousness of the situation.In this essay I intend to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the information revolution. I shall relate technological change (1) other changes in society, referring extensively (2) the literature in the fi eld. I shall consider how some people, particularly those in wealthier countries, have profi ted enormously (3) the information revolution. However, I shall also devote considerable attention (4) the way in which some people in poorer societies suff er by being deprived (5) access to the information which others enjoy. I shall then present the mobile phone as the device which seems to sum (6) the essence of the information revolution, basing my opinions (7) the evidence I have presented and aiming always (8) objectivity.Complete these sentences using the correct particle and an appropriate ending.1 The research team consists .2 Immigrants to the UK have to contend .3 The headteacher would like to interest more pupils .4 The examinations board insists .5 It is essential that society should invest .6 The change in the law resulted .7 The government is keen to improve .8 The writer’s philosophy is founded .9 Some critics have objected .Find the only example sentence on the opposite page where the particle could be in a diff erent place. Rewrite that example sentence putting the particle in the alternative position.Rewrite each sentence using a word from the box so that it keeps the same meaning. Use each word only once.aimed cater consists deprived detract devoted objected refers resulted sum 1 The teaching materials will bear historians as well as economists in mind. 2 The recent problems in the company are bound to make its reputation less favourable. 3 The policy of clearing the hillsides of trees appears to have led to an increased danger of flooding. 4 There are three players from France, one from Sweden and two from Russia in the football team. 5 Many people did not like being moved from their houses to high-rise flats. 6 Having your freedom taken away from you is a very diff icult punishment to endure. 7 In her article, the writer frequently quotes a research study carried out in Canada in 2015. 8 The book has been written for undergraduate students who have little previous knowledge of the subject. 9 For me, this song captures the atmosphere in rural England in the 1980s. 10 Much of the book deals with the writer’s experiences in the United States. 34.234.334.474 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedBusiness35Structuring a businessA1 be in charge of (or, simply, head)2 responsible for3 buy a company (or part of a company) so that you own all of it4 given them the money they need to start a businessDoing businessHere are some useful business collocations or common word combinations using phrasal verbs.phrasal verb collocating words definition of phrasal verbaim sth at sb a product / programme / magazine at women / young people / studentsintend something to influence someone, or be noticed or bought by someonebreak into sth a new market / work in the media / Hollywoodbecome involved in a type of business or activity that is diff icult to become involved inbring in sb/sth or bring sb/sth incustomers / clients / new business attract people, encouraging them to buy products or servicesbring out sth or bring sth outa new product / a book produce something to sell to the publicdeal in sth art / shares / drugs buy and sell particular goods as a businessfirm up sth or firm sth uparrangements / prices / details make something more definite or precise or less likely to changesign up sb or sign sb upa new employee / a model / a film star / a basketball player get someone to sign a document stating they will work for youturn out sth or turn sth outcars / films / computers make or produce something for saleturn over sth or turn sth over$6 million / £100,000 generate a specific amount of money in a particular period of time BComplete each of the sentences below with an object from the box. Put it in the correct place or places in the sentence.10,000 pairs of shoes a new sports car modern art the USA arrangementsthe new department a young Brazilian footballer the lower end of the market1 Our business has had lots of success in Europe, but now we’d like to break into. 2 Have you heard? Latifa has been asked to head up. 3 Arsenal has signed up. 4 Her father made his fortune by dealing in. 5 Get your people to call my people to firm up. 6 The new factory is already turning out a week. 7 The Alpha model is aimed at. 8 The company is planning to bring out soon. Many phrasal verbs can have diff erent meanings in other contexts. Write two sentences illustrating two diff erent ways in which each of these phrasal verbs can be used. Use a dictionary if necessary. set up break into bring in bring out turn out35.235.3dictionary.cambridge.orgTipWhen you come across a new phrasal verb in a business context – or indeed in any context – it can be useful to note it down with two or three collocating nouns.Business News in Briefn Howard Green of M and Q is moving to Paris to head up1 the company’s new French operations. Green will also be looking after2 M and Q’s interests in Francophone Africa.n There are growing rumours, as yet unconfi rmed, that Scottish Mobiles is planning to buyout3 its rival Celtic Telecom.n 20-year-old pop star Anastasia is reported to have set her parents up4 with the restaurant business they have always dreamed of.75ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedComplete this radio interview using words from the box. Use each verb in the correct form only once, unless otherwise indicated.aim deal firm set break head turn (use twice) look bring (use twice) buy35.1Complete each of the sentences below with an object from the box. Put it in the correct place or places in the sentence.10,000 pairs of shoes a new sports car modern art the USA arrangementsthe new department a young Brazilian footballer the lower end of the market1 Our business has had lots of success in Europe, but now we’d like to break into. 2 Have you heard? Latifa has been asked to head up. 3 Arsenal has signed up. 4 Her father made his fortune by dealing in. 5 Get your people to call my people to firm up. 6 The new factory is already turning out a week. 7 The Alpha model is aimed at. 8 The company is planning to bring out soon. Many phrasal verbs can have diff erent meanings in other contexts. Write two sentences illustrating two diff erent ways in which each of these phrasal verbs can be used. Use a dictionary if necessary. set up break into bring in bring out turn out35.235.3dictionary.cambridge.orgInterviewer Welcome to our weekly spot ‘The two-minute interview’. My guest this week is Gordon Flockheart, chairman and CEO of the Kiros group. Gordon Flockheart, you’ve (1) up several major companies during your long career, most recently the Kiros empire, which (2) over more than £500 million last year. What’s the secret of your success?Interviewer There we must leave it. Gordon Flockheart, thank you. Flockheart Well, first and foremost, I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my grandfather, who (3) me up in business at the young age of 24. Since then I have been very fortunate in getting the right people to (4) aft er my interests. Secondly, we (5) in high-value, luxury personal goods and we’ve succeeded in (6) into markets where other companies thought they had a monopoly. We’ve (7) out new products at the right time and at the right price, and we’ve (8) them at the higher end of the market. Interviewer There have also been rumours that you are considering selling off your clothing range and focusing on accessories and electronics. Is that true?Flockheart No, that’s just a silly rumour! We’re actually (11) out more clothing items than ever and have (12) in a lot of new customers thanks to our latest range of menswear. Interviewer There are rumours that you would like to (9) out one of your main rivals, Lasaque. Any truth in that?Flockheart We are in negotiations with Lasaque, there’s no secret about that, but nothing has been (10) up yet. The markets will just have to wait and see.76 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedMoney36Coping with moneyA1 help a person or organisation to get out of diff iculty by giving them money2 spent a lot very quickly3 (informal) provided money, oft en unwillingly 4 reduce the size of a debt by earning money to pay for itI can’t believe my mobile phone bill. It gobbles up5 a large part of my salary every month. And I’ve had so many other bills! I’ve had to break into6 my savings and use money I’d put by7 for the holidays.5 (informal) uses a lot of something, especially money6 start to use an amount of money that you have been saving7 saved in order to use it later 8 (informal) cost a particular amount of money, usually a large amount 9 (informal) you used all the money you had on it10 (informal) pay somebody the money that you owe themI came into11 some money recently. My great aunt died and left me a very generous sum and I got a big bonus at work last month, too, so the money’s been rolling in! 12 I’m seriously considering buying a flat and renting it out.11 got money from someone who died12 (informal) arriving in large amountsFinancial servicesB1 putting money that you have earned into a business in order to make the business bigger or better2 save money for a particular purposeHi Sara,How are you coping fi nancially this term? My parents had to bail me out1 last week. I’d run through2 a huge amount of money without realising it and I couldn’t pay my fees. But they coughed up3 without a protest. I guess I’ll have to work off 4 the debt in the holidays. Expensive being a student, isn’t it?FreydaReply ForwardHi Matthew,Just back from my trip to South America, which was fantastic, but it set me back8 €8,000 and cleaned me out9 completely. I was just wondering if you could lend me a couple of hundred euros? I’ll square up10 with you when I get my next pay cheque. RobertReply ForwardIf you are unable to pay everything in the same month, we’ll arrange for your payments to be carried forward to the next month. putting money that you have earned into a business in order to make the business bigger or betterWhat are the best ways of ploughing back1 pro� ts into a small business? Call us for advice.If your aim is to put aside2 money regularly, our monthly savings plan enables you to pay a regular sum into your bank account each month.77ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedAnswer these questions about the verbs on the opposite page.1 Which five verbs in A suggest that a large amount of money is being spent or received?2 Which three verbs suggest that someone is putting money into a bank account or saving it in some other way?3 Which two verbs in A suggest that someone is paying back a debt in some way?4 Which verbs are more informal ways of saying: a) settle a debt c) make someone spend all their moneyb) give someone money to help them d) use a lot of money rapidly5 Which verb relates to earning money from property?Complete these sentences using phrasal verbs from the opposite page.1 My parents told me not to rely on them to me out if I got into debt.2 I couldn’t pay everything this month, but I’ve been allowed to carry the remainder to next month.3 The burglars took everything I had; they totally me out.4 Have you managed to any money by for the holidays? 5 My car is terribly expensive – it seems to gobble all the money I earn.6 If you can lend me £100, I’ll up with you when I get paid.7 Buying property and then it out is supposed to be a very good investment.8 Every birthday, Grandpa gives me some money to into my savings account. 9 For the first couple of years, we ploughed our profits into the business.Match the beginning of each sentence with its ending, completing each sentence with the correct particle.1 It is going to take me ages to work a) more than I had anticipated.2 For the first few years, we ploughed b) some money on your gran’s death.3 Do try to put a little bit of money c) my student debts. 4 I’m grateful to my mum for coughing d) my savings for as long as I can.5 You will certainly come e) enormous sums of money.6 Buying a car unfortunately set me f) enough money for me to buy a car.7 I want to put off breaking g) all our profits into the business.8 Chris started gambling and he ran h) each month for a rainy day.Here are some more phrasal verbs relating to money. Work out from the context what they mean and rewrite the sentences replacing the underlined verbs with a word or phrase that means the same.1 I never had much money when I was a student but I managed to scrape by somehow.2 If everyone chips in, then we should be able to afford a nice leaving present for Beth.3 Rashid’s been raking in money ever since he had that brilliant idea for a website.4 At the bakery it was Amanda’s job to cash up at the end of every day.5 Jason staked a ridiculous amount on a horse race and, needless to say, he lost it all.Answer these questions.or formal than encounter or acquire. Why are phrasal verbs important?Phrasal verbs are extremely common in English. They are found in a wide variety of contexts. You may have noticed them in songs, for example the Beatles’ I’ll get by with a little help from my friends or Roll over Beethoven, Bob Marley’s Get up, stand up and Red Hot Chili Peppers’ Knock me down. You find them in film titles such as The Empire Strikes Back, Spirited Away, Along Came Polly or Cast Away. They are very frequent in newspaper headlines. Here are just a few examples: ABPhrasal verbs are common in less formal English, but you will also hear or see and need to use them in more formal contexts. Register is discussed in more detail in Unit 6.Which phrasal verbs does this book deal with?This book is based on information gained from the Cambridge International Corpus (a huge computerised database of present-day English) about phrasal verbs and how they are used in contemporary English. It focuses on phrasal verbs more advanced students need to know – but in general does not deal with the verbs in the lower level English Phrasal Verbs in Use Intermediate. It includes phrasal nouns such as standby or onset (see Unit 3) and phrasal adjectives such as outgoing or worn out (see Unit 4). What can I do to help myself master phrasal verbs?Try to think positively about them! And, now you are at a more advanced level, try not just to understand them but also to use them in your own speaking and writing.Keep an eye open for them whenever you are reading anything in English and make a note of any interesting ones you find. Write them down in a complete phrase or a sentence to fix in your mind how they are used. Be aware that one of the special features of phrasal verbs is that some of them have many diff erent meanings – for example, you can pick something up from the floor, you can pick up a language or bad habits, the weather can pick up, you can pick up a bargain, a radio can pick up a signal, the economy can pick up, you can pick up a story where you left it, you can pick someone up in your car. Sometimes the meanings are clearly related, some being more literal and some more metaphorical. Unit 7 deals with this in more detail. In this book we may not present all the meanings of the verbs that are included. You may find others in English Phrasal Verbs in Use Intermediate and there are still more in the Cambridge Phrasal Verbs Dictionary.CDCountry’s misplaced pride holds back its democracyTurner adds up likely cost of pensionsCricket: England holds out for a drawInquiry points to a cover-up7ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedUnderline the phrasal verbs in these texts. Remember the particle or preposition may not be immediately next to the verb.1 I decided to take up gardening, so I took out a subscription to a gardening magazine and read up on the subject. I found out so many interesting things, such as the best time to plant flowers out for the summer and how to grow vegetables. I’ve really got into it now and spend hours in the garden every weekend.2 The other day we went off on a hike in the mountains. We put our wet-weather gear on as the weather forecast wasn’t good. We set off early to avoid the rush hour and soon reached the starting point for our walk. The whole walk took about four hours, and when we got back we were exhausted.3 I have to catch up on my coursework this weekend as I’ve fallen behind a bit. I worked on it till midnight last night, but I still have loads to do. I have to hand one essay in on Tuesday and another one on Friday. I’m not sure whether I’ll make it, but I’ll try.Choose the correct particle to finish these song titles. 1 Can’t get you off from / out of / away from my head (Kylie Minogue)2 Hold you against / down / at (Jennifer Lopez)3 We can work it with / across / out (The Beatles)4 Send from / in / with the clowns (Barbra Streisand)Complete the sentences in the right-hand column with a phrasal noun or adjective based on the phrasal verbs in the left -hand column. Use a dictionary if necessary, and remember that the particle may come at the beginning or end of the noun or adjective. 1 The school took in some outstanding students last year.Last year’s included some outstanding students.2 Some prisoners broke out of the local prison last night.There was a(n) at the local prison last night.3 It was an experience that put everyone off . It was a(n) experience.4 She always speaks out and gives her opinion. She is very .5 A lorry which had broken down was blocking the road.A lorry was blocking the road.Match the headlines with the sentences from the stories. The dispute is now in its fift h week.b) Unity was no longer possible, a spokesperson said.c) The event happened at 7.45 p.m. with no warning.d) There will be major changes at all levels.e) There was no attempt to hide the truth, claimed Pamela Harding.1 2 3 4 5 BIG SHAKE-UP EXPECTED IN EDUCATIONLOCKOUT CONTINUES AT AVIATION PLANTBREAKAWAY GROUP TO FORM NEW PARTYPOWER PLANT SHUTDOWN LEAVES 5,000 HOMES IN DARKNESSMINISTER DENIES COVER-UP8 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedGrammar of phrasal verbs2Phrasal verbs with and without objectsSome phrasal verbs take an object (transitive); others do not take an object (intransitive).with object (transitive) no object (intransitive)They’re knocking down the old hotel. The path branched off 1 to the river.The plumber soon sorted out the shower problem. The noise of the train died away.She tied her hair back so she could swim faster. In the winter the lake froze over.1 if a road or path branches off, it goes in another direction Some verbs can be used both with and without an object, but the meaning may change. Use the context to decide if the verb has a different meaning from the one you are familiar with. Polly and Beth were so clever the teacher moved them up to a higher class. (with object)Polly and Beth moved up to a higher class. (no object = same meaning)I can drop you off at the station. (with object = drive you somewhere and leave you there)I was sitting in the armchair and I dropped off. (no object = fell asleep, different meaning)Some verbs must have two objects, one after the verb and one after the particle. I always associate that song with our holiday in Jamaica.Playing tennis for three hours every evening after school deprived her of her youth.Position of the objectIn many cases, the particle may come before or after the object.The teacher marked the student down / marked down the student because her bibliography wasn’t up to standard.Very long objects usually come after the particle.The accident cut off domestic and industrial water and electricity supplies.When the object is a personal pronoun, the pronoun always comes before the particle.noun object personal pronoun objectI picked my parents up / picked up my parents and drove them to the airport.I’ll pick you up at 5.30. (Not: I’ll pick up you at 5.30.)Some verbs (sometimes called prepositional verbs) must have the object after the particle, even if it is a pronoun. A good dictionary will tell you if this is so.We’ve had to contend with a lot of problems lately. (Not: contend a lot of problems with) [deal with a difficult or unpleasant situation]You probably already know some of these verbs (look for, look after, cope with).Three-part verbsSome phrasal verbs have three parts – the verb and two particles. The object comes last.I will not put up with such bad behaviour. [tolerate]Other examples include look forward to, look down on, get on with, catch up on [do something you did not have time to do earlier], face up to [accept that a difficult or unpleasant situation exists].ABC9ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedLook at A. Do these sentences need1 How much did your last holiday set you back?2 What kinds of things do people usually put money aside for?3 What, apart from a flat, might gobble up your money?4 What do you think it is worth breaking into savings for?5 Who would you ask to bail you out if you had financial problems? English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedAt home37Moving houseA1 becoming relaxed and happy in new surroundings2 (informal) get rid of something that is not needed any more (also chuck out)3 fasten a piece of furniture (e.g. shelves, cupboard) to a wall or assemble something4 make a place (or a person) look tidier5 use a cloth or a mop to remove a liquid that has been dropped or that has spread6 fill a hole so that nothing can pass through it7 (common collocation: put the rubbish out)8 made tidyAt homePull up a chair and come and sit next to me. I want to show you something. [move a piece of furniture (especially a chair) near to something or someone]The last person to leave has to lock up. [lock all the doors and windows of a building when you leave it]We were sorry to part with our old sofa, but our son needed one for his flat. [give something away, usually when you do not want to]Pull/push the door to, will you? It’s cold in here. [only used of doors and windows: close or almost close a door or window by pulling it towards you / pushing it] Here, let me plump up this cushion; then you can rest your head on it and relax. [make something (e.g. cushion, pillow) rounder and softer, especially by shaking it]We’ll have to move those bags and shoes; they’re just cluttering up the hallway. [fill something in an untidy or badly organised way]We’ve had the bedroom done out in pale green. It’s a nice relaxing colour. [decorated (also done up)]This morning I forgot to clear away the breakfast things before leaving the house. [remove in order to make a place tidy]I’m fed up with having to clean up after / clear up after my flatmates. [remove dirt someone has made / make the place tidy by putting things back where they belong] BTipAssociating a set of phrasal verbs with a place or a situation (e.g. your house or flat) will help you remember them better.Hi Freddie,I’m just settling in1 to the new house now and beginning to enjoy it. There were so many things that needed doing in the first few days. I had to chuck away2 some old bits of furniture that belonged to the previous owner, put up3 my bookshelves in the study, smarten up4 the living room with a coat of white paint, wash down the kitchen walls and units, put away all the kitchen things that were still in boxes, mop up5 a pool of oil in the garage, block up6 a suspicious-looking hole that could have been a mouse hole (aargh!) and put all the empty boxes out7 in the rubbish. I thought I’d never finish! As I’m writing this I’ve got the TV on and one of those home-improvement programmes is just about to start. I’m going to switch it off – I can’t take any more!Once I’ve got the place straightened up8, I’ll invite you over for a meal.Love,AbigailReply Forward79ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedLook at the pictures and complete the descriptions below with verbs from the opposite page.1 She’s the breakfast things.4 He’s the pillow.2 She’s the door . 5 He’s a chair.3 She’s a hole. 6 He’s some spilt milk.Answer the questions using one of the verbs from A opposite.1 What do you do with the cups and plates after you have washed them up?2 What do you do if a child has put greasy fingerprints all over your walls? 3 What do you do if someone spills some juice on your kitchen floor?4 What should you do with your old newspapers? (give two possible answers)5 What might you do if you want to display your favourite ornaments in your room?6 What would you do if you noticed a small hole at the bottom of the wall?Match the phrasal verbs on the left with their definitions on the right.1 settle in a) move something nearer2 do out b) discard 3 pull to c) improve the appearance of something 4 chuck away d) close 5 stop up e) feel at home 6 clutter up f) fill 7 pull up g) decorate 8 smarten up h) make a mess somewhere Complete these sentences in an appropriate way. Use one of the phrasal verbs from the opposite page and any other words that you need. 1 I didn’t hear you come in because I’d rather loud. 2 My flatmate tends to make a mess when she’s cooking and leaves me to her. 3 When you go to bed, please don’t forget to . 4 The bookcase was too big for our new flat, so we had to . 5 Erica is untidy. There are always lots of things her room. 6 Our hall hasn’t been decorated for years – it’s time we . 7 Living in a student hostel was odd for Khalifa at first, but he soon . 8 If I lay the table, you can after the meal. 9 You’ll make the sofa look more comfortable if you . 10 It took me all day to those wild, crazy kids and get the place again. (Use two phrasal verbs.) English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedClothing and appearance38Actions connected with clothing and appearanceAroll up one’s sleeves zip up a jacket The trousers are too short, so let them down.tie back your hair The trousers are too long, The children love dressing up. so take them up.Dressing up to go outLottie is telling Alice about a party she went to.B1 the particular clothing, especially when strange 4 put on clothes quickly or unusual, that someone is wearing 5 press with your hands in order to make2 be thin enough to be able to put your clothes on something flat3 make a piece of clothing wider by removing 6 clothes which have been given to somebody else the sewing from the side edges and then because the first owner cannot use them any more sewing closer to the edge of the material 7 removed very quicklyTipRemembering a story and the verbs used to describe the events is a good way of learning a series of verbs at the same time.Lottie Most people looked really smart – there were some amazing designer outfits – but there was one man in a weird getup1 with a red wig. It looked as if he thought it was a fancy-dress party!Alice (laughs) What did you wear?Lottie Well, to tell you the truth, it was rather a disaster. I wanted to wear my little black dress, but I had trouble getting into2 it. I didn’t realise how much weight I’ve put on over the past few months. I’ll have to let it out3 or else lose some weight! When I’d finally squeezed into it, Ilooked so awful in the mirror I just took it straight off again and pulled on4 my boring old brown dress. You know, the wool one with the full skirt that I’ve worn a million times. Alice Oh, I like that dress.Lottie Well, so do I, but it was all creased and I didn’t have time to iron it, so I just smoothed it down5 with my hands and hoped for the best. I was so late by this time, I didn’t realise till I got to the party that I had the wrong colour shoes on. I was still wearing my sister’s cast-offs6, which go perfectly with my black dress but not with my brown one! But it didn’t really matter because when the music started, I flung my shoes off7 to dance anyway.81ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedAnswer these questions.1 What other item of clothing can you roll up apart from your sleeves? 2 What else can you zip up apart from a jacket?3 Do you know the opposite of zip up? (Clue: it is not a phrasal verb.)4 Can you think of anything else you might tie back apart from hair? (Clue: don’t think of clothing – think of something that might hang down or grow too much.)5 What other things apart from trousers can be let down or taken up?6 What do you think you are doing to trousers if you (a) let them out or (b) take them in?7 What sort of clothes do people put on when they dress up, for example as a famous person, or as someone from another historical age?Choose the correct word to complete these sentences.1 I had no time to think about what I looked like, so I on my old jeans. a) rolled b) pulled c) let d) took2 Come on – time to up your sleeves and get down to work. a) pull b) zip c) roll d) tie 3 Sienna stood up, down her skirt and began to address the audience. a) smoothed b) got c) tied d) zipped4 To my embarrassment I suddenly realised that I my T-shirt on backwards. a) took b) had c) got d) let5 I ate so much on holiday that I had difficulty into my suit today. a) pulling b) dressing c) getting d) zipping6 Do we need to up for the party tomorrow? a) zip b) fling c) tie d) dress7 I was so tired that I just off my clothes and fell into bed. a) rolled b) got c) flung d) let8 When I was a child I always hated wearing my older brother’s -offs. a) let b) cast c) get d) zipComplete these sentences with the correct phrasal verb expression from the opposite page.1 We were surprised when we arrived at the party because the host was wearing a kind of Superman with a mask, cape and blue bodysuit.2 My ten-year-old daughter loves getting in my dresses and high-heeled shoes.3 Now that I’m pregnant I can’t any of my clothes.4 Those trousers look a little tight around the waist. Shall I a bit for you?5 (Father to young child) You’d better your jacket . It’s cold outside.Answer these questions.1 Who do children often get cast-offs from?2 Have you ever gone out with the wrong shoes on?3 Have you ever had difficulty getting into something you haven’t worn for a long time?4 Do you think a lot about what to put on or do you just pull on the first thing you find?5 If your jeans needed to be taken up, would you do it yourself or get it done for you?6 Have you ever had to dress up in fancy dress for a party? If so, who or what did you dress up as? English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedRelationships39Advice: RelationshipsGetting to know someoneA1 having a romantic relationship 6 know a little about her because of being told2 started to like about her3 caused us to be friendly with each other 7 talked and behaved in a way which shows4 started (collocates with conversation, someone that you are sexually attracted friendship) to them5 have heard of her but don’t know her personallyRelationship problemsB1 (informal) having a sexual relationship 5 improve the situation with someone else 6 (informal) trying to make the lecturer like her2 pays too much attention to by doing and saying things that will please her3 (informal) break (in a relationship) 7 (informal) be very nice to someone so they 4 spoilt the relationship will do what you wantDaisy You and Lucas have been going out together1 for ages now, haven’t you?Isabelle Yes, we have. Longer than I’d ever have imagined when we first met.Daisy Oh, how was that? At a club or at work?Isabelle No, we got stuck together in a lift that broke down. That’s what brought us together3! We were the only people there, so we soon struck up4 a conversation. We discovered we’d got a mutual friend – Martha Gordon. You know her, don’t you?Daisy I know of5 her. I’ve heard of6 her because my brother used to talk about her a lot, but I’ve never actually met her. She went to work in Australia, didn’t she?Isabelle That’s right. Lucas had just heard from her, so he told me all her news and then we got on to all sorts of other things. Anyway, I thought he was really nice.Daisy So, you flirted with7 him, no doubt!Isabelle Just a little, perhaps. Anyway, by the time they’d repaired the lift he’d asked me to go out with him. And that was six months ago!Daisy Why, didn’t you like him much at first?Isabelle No, I warmed to2 him at once – it was just the odd way we met.I really like a girl in my English class. I’d love to ask her to come out for a coffee, but should I wait for her to make the first move? – Alfie, LondonI am worried about my partner. He got mixed up with some untrustworthy people when he started a new job six months ago. Should I say anything to him? – Grace, DundeeI have been happily married for ten years. However, lately, my wife has been getting more and more distant with me. I now suspect she may be cheating on1 me. What should I do? – Connor, BelfastMy best friend is always sucking up to6 our lecturer. I think she’s trying to butter her up7 so she gets better grades. It’s annoying and unfair. Should I say anything? – Megan, CardiffLast week I made the mistake of telling my daughter−in−law that she fusses too much over2 her children. I didn’t mean to upset her, just to help. But it has caused a major bust−up3 in our relationship and it’s come between4 me and my son too. How can I patch things up5? – Isla, Glasgow83ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedRewrite the underlined part of each sentence using a phrasal verb from A opposite. Make any other necessary changes. 39.1Correct the mistakes with the particles in these sentences.1 I’ve never met Antonia Goff, but I know with her because Charles works with her.2 I had an email last month from Dominic, but I haven’t heard to him since then.3 I think Joe is cheating to me. Somebody saw him out with another girl.4 Mrs Butler fusses ever so much on her two sons, even though they’re adults.5 Daria spent all evening flirting to her friend’s brother.6 I’m afraid my son is getting mixed up of some bad company at university.7 Majid struck off a conversation with the person sitting next to him, and the flight passed quickly.8 Rosa told me about your bust-out with Sebastian.Answer these questions.1 Michael and Ella are trying to patch things up. Are things good or bad between them at the moment?2 If you warm to somebody, do you feel (a) anger towards them, (b) in love with them, (c) a liking for them?3 If a discussion about money comes between two people, what does it do to them?4 If you suck up to your teacher, do you (a) say things to annoy him/her, (b) say things to please him/her, (c) respect him/her?5 If you want someone to do something for you, what could you do to encourage them? 6 If you have a bust-up with someone, do you have (a) a big party to celebrate something, (b) a match or competition to see who’s best, (c) an argument causing a break in your relationship?7 If someone says ‘Mary got mixed up with some guy from London’, do they think Mary was in a good relationship or an undesirable one?8 Which is correct in this sentence, go or come, or both? I really like Josh; I wish I had the courage to ask him to out with me.39.239.3Over to youFind an example of an article about relationships in a magazine. Make a note of any phrasal verbs that you find in the article and write them down in their context.1 2 3 4 5 6Marwa Do you know the novelist Madeleine Parker?Alex No, but I know a bit about her from what one or two people have told me.Harriet Did you have any success getting to know that dark-haired guy?Katie No. I tried to start a conversation with him, but he wasn’t very friendly.Jason You seem to like the new boss, anyway.Andrew Yes, I started to like him straight away in fact. He’s very nice.Sara Did you and Liam first meet at the tennis club?Amber Yes, you could say it was tennis that caused us to be friendly with each other.Robert I was surprised to hear Nick and Polly have got engaged.Anna I wasn’t. They’ve been having a romantic relationship for two years.Will Yeah, he was chatting to her and behaving in a way which showed he was attracted to her all evening.Max Did you see Tim talking to that American girl at the party?84 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedCharacter and personal qualities40Talking about negative qualitiesA1 (informal, always continuous) becoming old 6 (informal) make someone feel confused and2 looking very hard at unhappy about their life3 become stronger and moreable to deal with 7 (informal) thought that they were a particular problems (also transitive: toughen sb up) type of person (especially when they are not 4 having a tendency to express opinions even in fact like that) though they may offend people 8 stop doing something as you get older5 behave so badlyTalking about positive qualities Look at this speech by a company manager at a party for a colleague who is retiring. B1 say that you know someone and that you 4 look very happy can promise that they have a good 5 helping people to feel more confident character or good skills 6 making qualities more noticeable2 became apparent 7 appeared to be3 took pride inTipNote how the meaning of a phrasal verb can sometimes vary depending on whether it is used with an object or not. For example, come across (see above), when it is used with an object means ‘find or meet something/somebody by chance’: I came across an old photo of us when we were at university the other night. Make a note of any verbs whose meanings change in this way.Leah What do you make of Natasha’s new boyfriend? He’s getting on1 a bit, isn’t he?!Naomi Yes. He must be at least 20 years older than her. I must say I didn’t like him very much. His eyes were boring into2 me and it made me feel uncomfortable.Leah He swore at me the other day. I didn’t answer back though. I wouldn’t descend to5 his level. And how about the way he speaks about his sister?Naomi No wonder she’s a bit odd. Having a brother like that would screw me up6!Leah I’m amazed Natasha’s so keen on him. I had her down as7 a sensible person.Naomi You know, sometimes I think she’s like a teenage girl who needs to grow out of8 needing a father figure. I mean, she’s 30, not 13!Leah I’m glad you felt like that too. He really scared me. Naomi Scared you? You need to toughen up3 a bit! You shouldn’t let anyone scare you. It’s not just his eyes, though, is it? He’s so outspoken4! In fact, he’s rude.Jack is leaving us today and I want to wish him a happy retirement. Having worked closely with him, I can personally vouch for1 his unswerving loyalty to the company over the last 21 years and his extraordinary skills as a personnel manager. Right from the beginning, his ability to handle people shone through2. He prided himself on3 the good relations he enjoyed with junior staff; he knew that good relationships mean everything in the workplace. It was always such a pleasure to see how his face would light up4 whenever he managed to solve a tricky personnel issue; for him, resolving a difficult situation was its own reward. Jack was also excellent at drawing out5 younger, less experienced members of staff, and he showed that rare talent for bringing out6 the best in all his colleagues. I’m sure everyone would agree that he always came across7 as calm, professional and committed to his staff. His departure will be a great loss to the company.85ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedLook at these pages from Georgia’s private diary, where she writes about people she knows and works with. Complete the text using phrasal verbs or adjectives from A opposite.40.1Complete these annual appraisal summaries, written by a personnel manager, with the correct particles.1 Zoe sometimes comes as a little aggressive, but in general she has good relations with her colleagues and seems to bring the best in the staff she manages.2 Elizabeth has had to overcome a great deal due to her physical disability, but her determination and will to succeed always shine despite the diff iculties.3 Luke prides himself his ability to cope with huge amounts of stress and to meet deadlines. He has always met deadlines, though I can’t personally vouch his ability to deal with a major crisis.4 It’s always so nice to see how Cameron’s face lights whenever he is praised for his achievements, and he has had some notable successes in the last 12 months. Let’s hope it continues that way.5 Louis is very good at drawing the shyer and less confident members of staff . He seems like an excellent candidate for promotion in the next round.40.2Over to youTry and find some job advertisements in English. Job descriptions oft en refer to personal qualities needed for the job. Note any phrasal verbs you find.MORE BAD NEWS FOR SHELL-SHOCKED INVESTORS Investors, who are already suff ering from the financial crisis, are feeling nervous today as Southern Bank prepares to announce unexpectedly high losses.MORE BAD NEWS FOR SHELL-SHOCKED INVESTORS Investors, who are already suff ering from the financial crisis, are feeling nervous today as Southern Bank prepares to announce unexpectedly high losses.MON 17The a� air with Chloe seems to have (1) Hugo up quite badly – he seems so unhappy and confused. He’ll have to (2) up if he’s to cope with life and all the horrible things that can happen when you’re in love. Poor man.WED 19Funny, I (5) Ava down as a fairly (6) person, but she’s actually the complete opposite, quite shy and quiet when you get to know her be� er. The good thing is she seems to have (7) out of her girlish infatuation with that stupid man Henry at last. I guess she’s more mature now she’s turned 30!TUE 18Spent the evening with Victoria and her new partner. I don’t know how old Simon is, but he’s de� nitely (3) on a bit and his hair’s going grey.Bad day at the o� ce – some documents got lost. The boss suspected me and Evie. His eyes just (4) into us in a very accusing way and he questioned us for a long time.THU 20Lydia and I almost had a serious row last night. She insulted me a couple of times and I felt furious, but I refuse to (8) to her level, even though it would be easy enough!86 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedFeelings41Note the phrasal verbs connected with feelings. A1 find (used about someone trying hard to find a quality that is needed)2 (UK, Aus) stopped liking 3 don’t like4 dislikes for some reason5 make others dislike6 relax mentally7 make myself feel very upset8 (informal) force yourself to stop feeling sad or upset9 if you give in to an emotion, you stop trying not to feel it and you allow your actions to be controlled by that emotion10 wanting very much11 become happier or more energetic12 filled to capacity withNote how the second speaker uses a phrasal verb to paraphrase the first.B1 forcing herself not to show her feelings 2 trying hard not to show an emotionJulian Yes, it was obvious she was choking back1 her anger and fighting back2 the tears. Erica Bella was very angry. She was almost crying.Aisha I was very sorry to hear that Isaac’s mother has died.Natalie Yes, poor man. My sympathies go out to him and his family.Salim I think the news shocked Imogen and really upset her.Ollie Yes, it obviously shook her up a lot.Ruby I felt so sad as I stood at the War Memorial.Evelyn Yes, an overwhelming feeling of sadness came over everyone.Emma We should stay calm and not do or say anything stupid.Jack Yes, we mustn’t let our emotions run away with us.Rosie No, I wasn’t feeling up to it. I’d had a cold and was feeling tired and weak.Ellie You didn’t look physically and mentally able to tolerate such a long meeting.Luke Yes, she let it all spill out, didn’t she?Zara Molly suddenly started talking uncontrollably about her emotions.Paula Yes, I think he was bowled over by everyone’s generosity.Will Armand looked so surprised when he received his leaving gift, didn’t he?Hi FrancescaI don’t know what I’d do without your support. At the moment, I’m finding it hard to summon up1 the energy to get out of bed in the morning. I don’t know if I’ve gone off2 the idea of making a career as a singer or if I just don’t care for3 the type of music the band is playing now. I feel as if the band leader has got something against4 me and is trying to turn theother members of the band against5 me too. I know I need to loosen up6 and that I mustn’t work myself into7 a state about it – staying calm and confronting him is the only way to resolve the situation – but I feel so low, I can’t face it.Love PhoebeReply ForwardHi PhoebeI understand just how low you’re feeling, but you can snap out of8 it and not give in to9 all these negative thoughts! I know you, and I know you can get through this. I think you’re secretly hankering after10 a change and perhaps leaving the band would be a good idea. If you do decide that’s the best way forward, I’m sure you’ll soon perk up11 and be your usual self, brimming with12 enthusiasm for everything!Love FrancescaReply Forward87ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedComplete these sentences with a verb from A.1 When you came for the job interview, you were with self-confidence.2 I just couldn’t up the courage to tell my boss I wanted a pay rise.3 Please try to up and look a bit more cheerful before our visitors arrive.4 Mia has a nervous disposition but usually manages not to in to her fears.5 She’s after a major career change, so she might go back to university.6 Try not to yourself into a state about everything; calm down.7 I’ve really off football recently. I used to love it, but now it just bores me.8 Stop being so bad-tempered. Just out of it!9 He was very nervous at the beginning of his presentation, but he up after a minute or two.Which verb in B matches each definition?1 force yourself not to show some feeling 2 begin to affect 3 surprise or please a lot 4 make someone feel shocked or upset 5 encourage us to do foolish things 6 feel physically and mentally strong enough to do something Which phrasal verb from the opposite page fits each set of collocations?1 anger 3 an easy life to tears to (a) change disappointment a fast car2 charm 4 excitement to be by someone’s beauty to enthusiasm generosity self-confidenceRead the remarks about different people and then answer the questions below.Keira doesn’t care for her boss. Felix can’t snap out of his bad mood.Joel was quite bowled over by the news. Hannah tried her best to choke back her tears.Harvey ought to perk up a bit. Sofia is turning people against the boss.Poppy is brimming with anticipation. Aaron has something against his teacher.1 Who is feeling down?2 Who is finding it hard to change how he feels?3 Who is feeling dislike?4 Who is making people dislike someone?5 Who wanted to cry?6 Who dislikes someone for a reason that is not apparent? 7 Who was very surprised about something?8 Who is really looking forward to something?Rewrite each sentence using the word in brackets.1 Layla let her feelings become very obvious. (spill)2 Grandma doesn’t think she could manage a long flight. (feel)3 We must not allow our feelings to make us do something we’ll regret. (run)4 You mustn’t let those feelings of insecurity take over. (give)5 Everyone suddenly felt very tired. (came)6 We extend our sympathies to all the victims of the disaster. (go) English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedSocial life42 Social and emotional commitmentsHi Nicholas,What did you get up to1 at the weekend, anything exciting? We had quite a nice weekend here. It was my mum’s birthday, so my sister and I treated her to2 a night out. We took her out for dinner on Saturday, and then we went on to a jazz club because she’s a great jazz fan. MansourReply Forward1 (informal) do 2 paid for her to do something pleasantHi Mansour,Glad to hear you had a nice weekend. I did too. I was passing by an old friend’s place on Sunday, so I called in on3 him. Luckily he was at home. We didn’t do anything special, just hung out4 and chatted. NicholasReply Forward3 visited for a short time, usually 4 spent time together not doing anything special on your way to somewhere elseHi Holly,It’s just one big letdown5 after another in my love life at the moment. The day after we had that terrible row, Kian dropped by6 and persuaded me to agree to him taking me out7 for a meal last night. I thought it would be a chance for us to forget everything, you know, and move on8. I should have refused, but I said yes, and then he stood me up again. He phoned afterwards and gave some feeble excuse and now he’s all romantic again and wants to meet up. I know what you’re going to say – it’s your fault, deal with it, and say no. Is that right?FloraReply Forward5 disappointment6 made a short visit to someone, usually without arranging it7 going somewhere and doing something with someone, usually something you have planned or paid for8 go forward in one’s life and not look back to the past Other aspects of social life We’re having a small get-together at our place on Saturday night. Would you like to come? [informal social gathering]Shall I call Amelia and see if we can hook up with her and Nancy and go clubbing? [(informal) meet someone for a particular purpose]It’s six o’clock. I’d better shoot off or I’ll be late for dinner. [(informal) leave]Wow, that was a fantastic meal. I’ll need a couple of days to sleep it off now, though! [sleep until you feel better, especially after too much alcohol or food]Loads of people rolled up to see Theo’s band at Zino’s last night. [arrived at a particular place or event – when people roll up somewhere, they often arrive late] They had to turn people away as there wasn’t enough room. [refuse to allow them to enter]I’m really getting into snowboarding. It’s amazing. [becoming involved in an activity]Let’s invite Dan too. We mustn’t forget him just because he’s moved away from the village.AB89ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedComplete the phrasal verbs or phrasal expressions in the second speaker’s answers.42.1Answer these questions.1 If someone says they’ve been getting seriously into bird-watching, what do they mean?2 If someone asks you what you got up to over the summer, what do they want to know?3 If someone said they were having a family get-together, what would be happening?4 If someone says to you, ‘Let’s just hang out’, what do they want to do?5 If someone said they wanted to take you out, is it likely they want to (a) kill you, (b) go out with you and pay for you, (c) go with you to show you the way out of a building?Read these remarks by different people and then answer the questions below.42.242.31 Who had far too much of something? 2 Who was not allowed to enter somewhere?3 Who wants to visit someone?4 Who went to live in a different place?5 Who was visited by someone?6 Who was already out somewhere and then went somewhere else?7 Who wants to meet someone? 8 Who had a nice time and didn’t have to pay?Seth Well, I was just by so I thought I’d come and say hello.Eliza Seth, how nice to see you! I wasn’t expecting a visit!Rachel Well, we all up expecting a big party, but there were only a few members of his family there.David How was Henry’s birthday celebration?Archie No, I’d better off now; I’ve got a report to do for tomorrow morning.Maksim Can’t you stay for dinner? We’ve got loads of food.Steve No, it was a big . Very poor. A complete disappointment.Hamza Was the concert as good as you expected?Jules Well, I’ve just got to with it and on. It’s no good living in the past.Mark Do you still find it difficult living on your own?1 2345Ronnie After the meal we went on to a really great club.Jessica It’d be nice to call in on Alejandro when we’re in town.Callum I’ll need a week to sleep off that dinner!Amy Mum and Dad treated me to a wonderful weekend in Paris.Ivy I got turned away from that restaurant once.Thomas I moved away from Hobblethorpe because I needed a change.Lara It would be nice to hook up with Jake and Liam.Hessa Alexanderdropped by the other day.90 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedHealth and symptoms43Talking about how you areA1 (informal) get rid of a slight illness 4 (of illness) returned2 (of sweat, spots, rash) suddenly appears 5 become covered by new skin on the skin 6 returned to its normal size3 (informal) blockedFeeling tiredThere are a lot of phrasal verbs in English relating to the idea of sleep and feeling tired. For example, drop off and nod off are both informal and both mean fall asleep, but nod off is used particularly about situations when you did not intend to fall asleep.Here are some more phrasal verbs relating to being very tired.phrasal verb phrasal adjective/noun definition of phrasal verb examplewear out sb or wear sb outtire out sb or tire sb outdo in sb or do sb in (informal)wipe out sb or wipe sb out (informal)worn outtired outdone in (informal)wiped out (informal)make someone very tired Going round the shops all day has worn/tired/wiped me out / done me in.What a day I’ve had! I am worn out / tired out / done in / wiped out!burn out burnt-out (noun = burnout)become so ill or tired that you can’t work creatively, because of overworkDon’t work too hard – or you’ll burn out before you’re 30!washed out tired, pale and ill What’s the matter with Kay? She looks washed out.At the doctor’sBCTalking about how you areAMr Jones Well, yes, it cleared up after a couple of days, but I’d no sooner got over that than I picked up another one. It’s horrible. I keep breaking out in2 a sweat and my nose is completely bunged-up3. Mrs Smith How are you these days? Have you managed to throw off1 that cold you had when we last met?Mrs Smith Well, I hope you don’t pass it on to me. I’m feeling bad enough as it is. My arthritis has flared up4 again. And you know I fell and cut my hand a week ago? It’s only just started to heal up5 and the swelling hasn’t gone down6 yet.Mr Jones I think we should both go to the doctor’s again, don’t you?1 a lot of people are complaining of this 3 makes you feel very weak2 make you sleep heavily 4 make yourself strongerDon’t worry. There’s a lot of it going around1. I’ll put you on some tablets to help you sleep. They should knock you out2. Keep taking them for at least a fortnight – you shouldn’t come off them until I say so. This particular bug takes a lot out of3 you, so when you begin to feel better, make sure you eat lots of fruit and vegetables to build yourself up4.91ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedRewrite the underlined parts of these sentences using a phrasal verb or phrasal expression from the opposite page. Make any other necessary changes.43.1Over to youFind a magazine article on a health issue and make a note of any phrasal verbs that are used in it.1 Who is feeling weak because of an illness?2 Who is ill but getting better?3 Who is feeling sleepy?4 Who is finding it difficult to get better?5 Who is completely exhausted from overwork? 6 Who is pale, ill and tired?7 Whose skin is looking better?8 Who is keen not to catch someone else’s illness? Match the beginning of each sentence with its ending.1 The doctor put me a) out and I slept deeply.2 I’ve come b) out from all that work.3 The tablet knocked me c) off the antibiotics.4 I found it difficult to d) myself up a bit.5 There’s a lot of flu going e) on a course of antibiotics.6 I’m quite weak, so I need to build f) drop off last night.7 I feel worn g) around right now.43.31 23456Patient Well, OK, but my nose is blocked all the time. Can you give me something for it?Doctor Mr Kelly, hello, how are things?Patient Well, I sprained my ankle a week ago, but the swelling hasn’t diminished and it’s still painful.Doctor Miss Peters, what can I do for you?Patient Well, I had an ear infection about a month ago. It seemed to disappear when I took the antibiotics you gave me but now it’s returned again.Doctor And what’s troubling you, Mrs James?Patient Well, I just feel absolutely exhausted all the time. I have no energy at all.Doctor Right, Mr Troy, what’s troubling you?Patient Well, a rash suddenly appeared on my neck about a week ago.Doctor When did you first notice the problem?Patient I think I’ve caught a chest infection. I’m coughing and wheezing a lot.Doctor So, how can I help you today?Read the remarks about different people and then answer the questions below.43.2Daniel I keep nodding off and missing parts of the TV show. Harry I feel totally burnt out.Elliot I know I look really washed out.Natasha This bronchitis is taking a lot out of me.William My scar is healing over nicely now.Grace I’m getting over the flu now.Teddy I hope Bethany doesn’t pass on her cold to me.Bethany I just can’t seem to throw off this cold.92 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedThe body44Phrasal verbs referring to actions or positions of the bodyAIt was very cold and we huddled up together to keep warm. During the dance we had to spread our arms out and go round in a circle. The cat curled up on the sofa and went to sleep. Dylan stuck his head out of the window to see what was happening in the street below.She stretched out her hand to try to reach the fruit. Molly bent down to pick up the puppy.More phrasal verbs connected with the bodyphrasal verb definition of phrasal verb exampleloosen up / warm upprepare your muscles for a physical activity by stretching and doing simple exercisesWe always do exercises to loosen up / warm up before playing tennis.swing around/roundsuddenly turn around so that you can see someone or something behind youI swung round when I heard my name and saw Jude running towards me.tense up if you tense up, your muscles stiffen because you are not relaxed‘Relax! Don’t tense up and you’ll float!’ said the swimming instructor.thaw out (slightly informal, metaphorical) become warmer after getting very cold‘Oooh! It was freezing outside! Turn the heater on! I need to thaw out.’waste away gradually get thinner and weaker, usually because of illnessPoor old Mrs Jones is just wasting away. She’s been so ill, poor woman.pick yourself up stand up again after you have fallen (Parent to child who has just fallen) ‘Come on, pick yourself up! Don’t cry! You’re OK.’double updouble oversuddenly bend your body forwards because you are laughing a lot or in a lot of painWhen she told me, it was so funny I just doubled up laughing.turn around/round (sb/sth) or turn (sb/sth) around/roundturn so that you are facing the opposite direction, or make someone or something do this(to somebody who is trying on a skirt) ‘Turn around, let me see it from behind.’He turned the car around and drove back home.B93ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedLook at A. Match the beginning of each sentence with its ending.1 If you all huddle up together a) the horse will take the carrot from your hand.2 If you stretch out your arm b) you’ll be able to see our car.3 Spread out your arms c) and go to sleep if you like.4 Now bend down d) you’ll feel a bit warmer.5 If you stick your head out of the window e) and move them in circles.6 You can curl up in the armchair f) and touch your toes.Answer these questions using one of the phrasal verbs from B.1 What do you normally need to do before starting on an exercise routine? 2 If you have been outside for a long time on a very cold day, what may it take you some time to do when you go indoors again?3 What do you have to do if you fall over?4 What do you do if you hear a sudden noise behind you? 5 What happens to your muscles if you are feeling very anxious?6 What happens if someone doesn’t eat enough over a long period of time?7 If you suddenly have an excruciating pain, what may you do?Correct the five particle mistakes in this paragraph. I’m ratherworried about my neighbour. I saw her the other day in the garden and she was doubled out in pain. She also looks as if she is wasting off. I asked her about it and she said she was just trying to lose some weight, but she clearly didn’t like my talking about it and I could sense her tensing in. I think she’s probably been doing far too much exercise. She spends hours outside bending away to touch the ground or spreading off her arms and swinging them in circles. I can see that she’s in pain and I long to tell her to relax a bit. Rewrite each sentence using the verb in brackets in an appropriate form.1 You must be freezing – do come inside and get warm. (thaw)2 Look at me – now face in the opposite direction. (turn)3 Their daughter was lying in a little ball on her bed with her thumb in her mouth. (curl)4 He put his arm out of the window and waved at us. (stick)5 If you don’t eat more, you’ll get far too skinny. (waste)6 The stand-up comic was so good that we spent the evening in fits of laughter. (double)Explain the play on words in these sentences.1 The twins doubled up laughing.2 The rubbish collectors were wasting away.3 The grammar teacher tensed up when Maria said ‘writed’ instead of ‘wrote’.4 The taxi driver picked himself up after he tripped over the suitcase. English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedHow people speak45In these dialogues, the second speaker uses a phrasal verb in their response.ALook at these sentences with more phrasal verbs connected with speaking.Mr Holroyd reeled off a list of names. [(informal) said a long list of things quickly and without stopping]The detectives tried to wring the truth out of the suspect. [force or persuade someone to give you money or information]The reporters bombarded the minister with questions. [directed a lot of something at one person]Somebody raised their hand to put a question to the speaker.I didn’t really have a conversation with her. She just talked at me for an hour. [talked to someone without listening to them or allowing them to speak]Without thinking, he blurted out the name of the hotel where the star was staying. [said something suddenly and without thinking, especially because you are excited or nervous]I’ll introduce the plan in general and then you can expand on it.In the middle of my welcome speech I just dried up. [stopped speaking, especially because you suddenly forget what to say next]The teacher kept asking him questions but he was nervous and he just clammed up. [(informal) became silent or refused to speak, usually because of shyness or fear]I’d like to get a flat of my own but I’ll have to sound my parents out first. [talk to someone to discover what they think about an idea or plan]We were talking about the Olympics and that led into a discussion about drugs.Are you going to tell the truth or do I have to drag it out of you? [make someone tell you something that they do not want to tell you]B1 criticise someone continuously2 explain or read something to someone quickly3 talking about a particular subject for a long time, often in a way that other people find boring4 avoid discussing something, or discuss something without talking about the details in order to make it seem unimportant5 try to start a conversation with himChild OK, OK! Don’t go on at1 me! I’ll do some work after supper. Parent Go and study! You haven’t done any revision yet this week! Did you hear me? Paul OK, I’ll just run through2 the main points. Jackson Can you explain to me what we have to do at the meeting?Maya Two hours is far too long! I’d bore everyone stupid. I wouldn’t want to listen to anyone holding forth3 for that long. Austin You can have two hours for your presentation.Eloise I think we should emphasise the good things and perhaps just gloss over4 the difficult bits. Archie How do you think we should present our case to the committee?Lauren Well, I’ll engage him in conversation5 and you can leave the room discreetly.Albert How can we distract Richard while I bring in his present?95ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedRewrite the underlined part of each sentence, using one of the phrasal verbs in A.1 It’s so boring listening to Uncle Ed lecturing us about the problem with the youth of today.2 I’ll try to get into a conversation with your father so he won’t notice you leaving.3 I wish my parents would stop criticising me all the time.4 OK, before everyone starts working, I’d like to quickly remind you of the instructions.5 The personnel manager said very little about salary progression during our interview.Read the sentences and then answer the questions.1 After Josie got back from the party, her flatmates bombarded her with questions. Did Josie’s flatmates ask her a lot of questions or a few questions?2 Towards the end of the play, one of the main actors suddenly dried up. Would the actor have been pleased with his performance or not?3 Nathan reeled off the names of all 50 states of the USA. Did Nathan have to pause and think of the name of each state?4 Jensen clammed up as soon as Bobby came in the room. Did Jensen speak more or less after Bobby arrived?5 The detective eventually managed to wring his attacker’s name out of the boy. How easy was it for the detective to get the boy to tell her the truth?6 Matt decided to sound out the editor before he started to write the article. What do you think Matt talked to the editor about?7 Blake has a dreadful habit of talking at people. Why is this habit of Blake’s dreadful?8 Daniela glossed over the accident when she was telling her parents about her trip. What did Daniela tell her parents about the accident? Complete these sentences using a phrasal verb from the opposite page.1 Now, who’d like to the first question to our guest speaker?2 In this essay I shall first outline three key issues. I shall then expand each of these in turn.3 Our discussion of modern education soon into an argument about whether schools are better now than they used to be.4 I’d love to join your expedition to the North Pole, but I should my boss out first.5 My son doesn’t tell us much about school. We have to drag things of him. 6 The children were so interested in the topic that they their teacher with questions.7 Sadie just up whenever I tried to get her to talk about her work.8 During the press conference, she was nervous and unintentionally out the name of the secret agent.Here are some more phrasal verbs connected with ways of speaking. Can you work out what they mean and rewrite the sentences, replacing the underlined verbs with your own words? 1 Finn was so rude – he cut in on the conversation I was having with Faye about her new job and started to ask her questions about her daughter.2 I don’t know how you’ll manage to explain away the scratch on your mother’s car.3 I wish he’d stop wittering on about the weather – it’s so boring. to youLook up the verbs from exercise 45.4 in a good dictionary. Write down some more examples of how they are used.96 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedHow people move46Coming and goingThe boy stole away while his parents were sleeping. [left quietly without anyone knowing]I’m sorry! I only crept up on you for a joke. I didn’t mean to frighten you. [approached someone so quietly they did not know you were there till the last moment]My landlord told us that if we didn’t clear out of the flat by the end of the week, he’d contact his lawyer. [(informal) leave]I’m terribly sorry for walking in on your private meeting! [going into a room and seeing what someone is doing when they do not want to be seen]Moving with other peoplephrasal verb definition of phrasal verb exampledrop back move to a position nearer the back Joseph started out in the lead in the race but soon dropped back to fifth place.hang back not move forwardswith other people, usually because you are shy or afraidThe others rushed forward to see the tiger but I hung back.pile into / out of(informal) enter/leave a place or vehicle quickly and not in an organised wayThe schoolchildren piled into / out of the bus.squash up (informal) move closer together in order to make space for someone elseIf you squash up, there’ll be room for Tim on the sofa too.gain on sb/sthget nearer to someone or something that you are chasingThe helicopter could see that the police car was gaining on the robbers’ car.A long walkABC1 go back in the direction we’d come from 4 continue on our walk2 found/met by chance 5 (informal) moving very quickly3 moved away because they were surprised 6 fell because I accidentally hit my foot or afraid against something while walkingHi Gemma!We’re having a great holiday. Yesterday we went for a long walk in the hills. It was longer than it needed to be because Ivan misread the map. We walked quite a long way but then came to a big cliff and had to double back1. We saw lots of wildlife. In the early evening we stumbled on2 some deer. At first they were startled and drew back3 from us into the forest, but we stood well back so as not to frighten them and they soon relaxed and went back to their grazing. We stood still and watched them for some time. We suddenly realised that it was starting to get dark and that we’d better push on4. We were zipping along5 until I tripped over6 a fallen branch. I thought I might have sprained my ankle, but we managed to get back to our cottage in time to have a late supper and it’s fine today.Seb Reply Forward97ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedComplete these sentences using the correct particles.1 I accidentally walked Max and Isla the other day at the office, and they were having a terrible row about something!2 They stole in the middle of the night; nobody knew they had left.3 I looked in the rear-view mirror and saw that the mysterious motorcyclist was gaining me.4 We all piled the car, but we had to squash as it was only small and there were five of us.5 Oh! I didn’t realise you were there! You shouldn’t creep me like that!Complete these sentences with a verb from the opposite page.1 We all into the taxi and headed off to a club to end our perfect night out.2 Old Mrs Gifford over the edge of the carpet and fell and hurt her ankle.3 I don’t think we have time to stop for lunch; we’d better on if we want to get there before it gets dark.4 The fire chief told everyone to well back as there was the risk of an explosion.5 The message warned them to everyone out of the building as quickly as possible.6 When I was putting some books in the attic, I on an old picture I hadn’t noticed before. 7 Crossing the valley, we were along, but then the car suddenly broke down as we went up a hill. 8 I suddenly realised I’d left my wallet in the café where we’d stopped for breakfast, so we had to back. Explain the play on words in these sentences. Use a dictionary if necessary.1 When he had finished his painting, the artist drew back to see his work from a distance.2 The children’s jackets were all undone as they stood in a row waiting for the photographer, so she zipped along the line to fasten them. 3 Squash up, kids, and when you’re all sitting down, I’ll give you some juice.4 The twins set off in one direction but then doubled back to try to lose their pursuers.5 The robbers stole away as soon as they heard the police car outside the bank.Complete the chart with four verbs which can be used with back to match the meanings in brackets. Then make four sentences using one of the verbs in each. (not move forwards with other people)3 (move away if afraid or surprised)2 (move nearer the back)BACK4 (go back in the direction you came from)98 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedNature47Animals and plantsA1 becoming more and more rare and eventually disappearing completely2 plants which have developed from a larger plant3 catches for food4 force an animal to come out of its hiding placeWater and skyphrasal verb definition of phrasal verb exampledry up disappear (used about water) The river is in flood now – it’s hard to believe it completely dried up six months ago.freeze over become covered with ice In the far north, the sea freezes over for several months each year.go out / come inmove further away from the beach / nearer the beachWhen the tide goes out, we can look for shellfish. But we’ll have to be careful as the tide comes in quickly here.come out appear in the sky (used of the sun, moon or stars)It is spectacular here at night when the stars come out.go in become hidden by a cloud Let’s go indoors now – the sun has gone in and it’s getting chilly.overcast grey, covered in cloud (used about the sky)I don’t want to go to the beach today as it is so overcast.wash away carry away by water An old boat abandoned on the beach was washed away by the unusually high away at gradually destroy by taking little bits at a timeThe sea is eating away at the cliff , and houses close to the edge are at risk.BAnswer these questions using phrasal verbs or phrasal adjectives from the opposite page.1 What would happen to a pond if the temperature dropped to –10°C?2 What might happen to a shallow lake if the weather is very hot and there is no rain for a long time? 3 What adjective can describe the sky when it is grey and covered in cloud?4 Why is the sea not always at the same place on a beach?5 If the police suspect that bank robbers are hiding in a forest, what might dogs help them to do? Rewrite these sentences using phrasal verbs or phrasal adjectives from the opposite page.1 As night fell, the stars appeared.2 The sun became hidden by a cloud and the temperature fell suddenly.3 Cats (both large and small) lift their young with their teeth to move them around.4 It was lovely and sunny this morning but now the sky is grey.5 Many wild animals and plants are on the verge of becoming extinct.Complete these encyclopaedia entries using phrasal verbs from the box in the correct form. Use a dictionary if over take over move in bring up fend for chase out47.247.347.4dictionary.cambridge.orgElephants feed on plants. By pulling down trees to eat leaves, breaking o� branches and pulling up plants, they create clearings in which new vegetation can grow to provide nutrition in the future. However, their destructive habits have meant that a number of plants are in danger of dying out1.� e cherry laurel requires consistently moist soil; do not allow it to dry out. In favourable areas it is very invasive; if you cut the tree down, it will still send out limbs from the root and o� shoots2 from the bottom of the stem. Very hard to dig up. � e cherry laurel has small � owers which come out in late spring.The South African secretary bird preys on3 insects, snakes, tortoises and rats. Small prey are picked up in the bill and swallowed. Larger prey are � rst stamped to death and then eaten. � e secretary bird also stamps its feet on the ground to � ush out4 prey.99ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedComplete these commentaries from television nature documentaries with the correct phrasal verbs. You are given the first letter each time.47.1Answer these questions using phrasal verbs or phrasal adjectives from the opposite page.1 What would happen to a pond if the temperature dropped to –10°C?2 What might happen to a shallow lake if the weather is very hot and there is no rain for a long time? 3 What adjective can describe the sky when it is grey and covered in cloud?4 Why is the sea not always at the same place on a beach?5 If the police suspect that bank robbers are hiding ina forest, what might dogs help them to do? Rewrite these sentences using phrasal verbs or phrasal adjectives from the opposite page.1 As night fell, the stars appeared.2 The sun became hidden by a cloud and the temperature fell suddenly.3 Cats (both large and small) lift their young with their teeth to move them around.4 It was lovely and sunny this morning but now the sky is grey.5 Many wild animals and plants are on the verge of becoming extinct.Complete these encyclopaedia entries using phrasal verbs from the box in the correct form. Use a dictionary if over take over move in bring up fend for chase out47.247.347.4dictionary.cambridge.orgHere in this cold landscape of cliffs and stony beaches, these birds f (1) the many � sh which are found offshore. Seals also p (2) the abundant � sh stocks. It is hard to imagine that if global warming increases, these wonderful creatures may d (3) and never be seen again at this latitude. Sea levels will rise and e (4) the cliffs and rocky shores, w (5) their natural habitats forever. And, paradoxically, as the temperature and sea levels rise, some of the inland lakes may d (6) altogether, leaving an arid landscape.These elegant creatures p (7) the higher branches of trees and eat the succulent leaves. In the course of their feeding, they often b the branches (8) causing damage to the trees, and even more so by p (9) the youngest saplings altogether. Fortunately, nature always revives, and the destroyed and damaged trees s (10) new o (11) so that, in time, the forest renews itself. Only humans are the real enemy, c (12) the trees and d (13) the most precious plants to collect specimens, denuding the forest forever, and all for commercial gain.Many animals (4) their young in a similar way to human parents, (5) them till they are mature; others leave their young to (6) themselves shortly after birth.In many places, grey squirrels have (1) and the native red squirrels (2). � ey have then (3) their territory. 100 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedWeather48Rain and snow phrasal verb definition of phrasal verb examplebeat down come down in large amounts with forceLying in bed, I could hear the rain beating down.pelt down (informal) fall very heavily The rain was pelting down by the time we got to the top of the mountain.hold off not start, although you expect it to Fortunately the snow held off until we had got safely home.freeze up become blocked with ice and stop workingIt was a very hard winter last year and many people had problems with pipes freezing up.Sun and clouds If the sun breaks through (the clouds), it starts to appear from behind the clouds.If the sun beats down, it shines very strongly and makes the air hot. If some kind of bad weather such as clouds or fog rolls in, it appears in a large amount. If cloud or smoke blots out the sun, it covers it and prevents it from being seen.If windows or glasses fog/mist/steam up, they become covered with small drops of water and you can’t see through them.MetaphorsI suspected there would be trouble at the office as soon as the new boss breezed in1 on his first day. He was very competent and he’d breezed through2 the job interview, but he had no patience at all for anyone less able and he had a very sharp tongue. I noticed that as soon as he spoke to his PA, her face clouded over3 in anger. He asked the sales manager to explain some contradictory figures in such an aggressive manner that she froze up4 and couldn’t say a word. I could see her eyes misting over5. By the end of that first day, his PA had stormed out6, saying she would never return. The rest of us got together after work and decided that we had no choice but to try to freeze him out7. We agreed only to speak to him if we absolutely had to.ABC1 walked in quickly and confidently 5 filling with tears (breeze = light wind) 6 left in an angry way2 (slightly informal) succeeded very easily 7 make him feel that he is not welcome by 3 suddenly looked unhappy being unfriendly4 became so afraid she couldn’t do or say anything101ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedComplete the text below using the correct particles from A opposite.The weather forecast said that there would be rain later on, but we were all hoping that it would hold (1) until Julia’s birthday barbecue was over. When we first arrived, the sun was beating (2) and some people were too hot. But then grey clouds appeared and the rain started. At first it was quite light but then it began to pelt (3). We had to cook indoors but Julia wasn’t too disappointed.Mark these sentences with a if you are happy in this situation or a if you are not happy in this situation. Explain your answers. 1 Your pipes at home freeze up while you are on a skiing holiday. 2 You receive a letter that makes your face cloud over. 3 You are walking by the sea when fog rolls in. 4 You can hear the rain beating down outside as you sit by a big log fire. 5 You are on a long country walk and the rain holds off. 6 You have to give a speech at a friend’s wedding and you freeze up. 7 You breeze through an important exam. 8 You storm out of a meeting. 9 A group of friends start to freeze you out. 10 You are sitting on the beach and the sun is beating down.Write a sentence about each picture using a phrasal verb from the opposite page.1 2 3 4 5 6 Complete these sentences using a phrasal verb from the opposite page in an appropriate form. Add any other words that are needed.1 Ellis arrived an hour late but he didn’t seem worried; he just .2 It was such a sad film. When the hero died I could feel my eyes . 3 Whenever I go from a cold street into a heated shop, my glasses .4 I can see a little bit of blue sky. I think the sun is trying to .5 We’re going to an open air concert tonight. I hope the rain .6 I think the weather’s changing for the worse. Look at those clouds .7 Don’t worry about your driving test. I’m sure you’ll .8 I always get really nervous before oral exams. I’m afraid I’ll . 42 53 6102 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedPlaces49Travel websites ATipIf you notice a phrasal verb in a text, it may be useful to copy out the whole sentence. This can help you to be able to use it as well as understand it.1 has a lot of (collocates strongly with history, 5 made to look even more attractivealso with tradition) 6 has many, all over the place2 look similar, do not seem very diff erent 7 enjoy an experience3 advance beyond proper limits 8 very full with (only used in continuous 4 a little distance from form)Improving houses and townsB1 shabby, in disrepair 5 covered with pieces of wood2 repaired, improved 6 arranged, structured3 been fixed into position 7 model showing how something will look 4 made into a pile of bricks and stones when it is built(a strong collocation but note also: Toby was 8 compensated forreduced to tears = Toby started crying)The unspoilt little market town of Steeple Bunting stretches out along the winding River Tare. The town is steeped in1 history, and great care has been taken to ensure that modern buildings blend in2 well and do not encroach on3 the 16th-century centre. A particularly well-preserved building from that period is Elderfl ower Cottage, a delightful half-timbered house set back4 from the High Street. The beauty of this white-walled cottage is set off5 by the colourful fl ower gardens which surround it, and visitors must also not miss the walled herb garden which opens off the rose garden. There are many other must-see sights in Steeple Bunting and the town is dotted with6 pleasant cafés where you can relax if you just want to sit and soak up7 the atmosphere. The town is bursting with8 tourists at the weekend, so visitors whoprefer to avoid crowds are advised to come during the week. Steeple Bunting Destination of the weekKingsmill renovations to begin next weekThe run-down1 Kingsmill area near the city’s football ground is at last about to be done up2. Signs have gone up3 around the area indicating that work will start next Monday. The fi rst stage of the the work will affect the buildings which back onto the football ground, and Stadium Road will be closed off from Monday morning while the area is reduced to rubble4. Drivers wishing to access the stadium car park will need to approach it by Grant Lane, which branches off Rampart Street just after the petrol station. Local resident Maisie James (74) told us, ‘I’ll be glad to see the back of the boarded-up5 windows in the area. It’s very dangerous – a ceiling fell in once when some children got into one of the abandoned buildings.’ Local architects Taylor and Summers have been employed to design the reconstruction, and readers can visit their offi ce or look online to see the plans showing how the area will be laid out6 and a large-scale mock-up7. Richard Taylor commented, ‘The renovations will inevitably be expensive, but we hope that the costs will to some extent be offset8 by the use of reclaimed sandstone and slate, and also the reclaimed rubble.’ 103ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedComplete these two emails using phrasal verbs or adjectives from the opposite page.49.1Correct the mistakes with the phrasal verbs in these sentences.1 New housing developments are encroaching against the countryside on the edge of town.2 Those climbing red roses really set that old white cottage out, don’t they?3 The architects made a large-scale mock-on of the new shopping centre.4 The plain lines of the marble walls are upset by the ornate windows; together they produce a harmonious building.5 This plan shows how the area will be lied out when it is redeveloped.6 Signs have gone out round the area to be demolished warning the public to keep away.7 The 1990s buildings do not blend on very well with the older houses around them.8 The whole area is steeped with history.Answer these questions.1 Can you name a modern building that blends in well with older surroundings? 2 What is the nearest place to you that is sometimes bursting with tourists?3 To what extent do you think that the place you live in is steeped in tradition?4 What does your own home back onto?49.249.3Hi Charlotte,Here we are in our new home. It’s in an old house (1) back from the road in a big garden, on the top of a hill. The town (2) out below us. It’s an old town, (3) in history, but (4) with all the excitement of a big modern city. Sometimes we just stroll through the streets (5) up the atmosphere. From the back of the house, we look up into the hills, which are (6) with little white houses. The road that runs past our house branches (7) down to the river, so it’s a nice place to go for a walk. I hope you can come and see us.All the best,JavierReply ForwardHi Javier,Now you’ve left university you can live in luxury, but I’m still a poor student. Jade and I have moved into our accommodation for this year. It’s in a rather (8) part of town which was rich and prosperous years ago, but now there are lots of (9) shops and cheap restaurants. We’re in a house that backs (10) an old factory whose roof has fallen (11), and next to that was another building which has been completely (12) to rubble and the area is all closed (13). So it couldn’t be more different from your view! The flat itself is OK. There’s a living room and a small kitchen which opens (14) it, two bedrooms and the bathroom. We’ve talked to the landlord and he’s going to let us do it (15) a bit. He said he’ll pay for the paint and stuff. It may not be the Mediterranean, but it’s home.Love,CharlotteReply ForwardOver to youLook at tourist brochures or websites written in English for any city or town you are interested in. Note any phrasal verbs you find.104 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedTransport50DrivingRead about Freddie’s nightmare car journey and note the phrasal verbs.The whole journey was a complete nightmare. I’d only been going five minutes on the motorway when somebody cut in1 on me and I had to brake really quickly to avoid an accident, but that was only the start of it. A bit further on I pulled out2 to overtake a big lorry, but as I did, my engine just died. I tried revving the engine and after a couple of seconds it started again, but I had to change down3 and get back into the slow lane and go very slowly indeed. Because I was so slow, I was flagged down4 by a police officer who checked the car and told me that one of my tyres was worn. He said it wasn’t illegal and let me continue but warned me to get it changed. The car started again without any problems, so I set off again, picked up speed5 and drove a couple of miles before, guess what, the worn tyre blew out6! So I changed the tyre, which was another half hour wasted. Then I picked up7 a hitchhiker – I felt sorry for him. After a while we branched off8 the motorway, and I left him where he wanted to be and went to a nearby café for a cup of tea. When I came out, the rain was pelting down and someone had blocked me in9. Then to cap it all, I realised the hitchhiker had taken my waterproof jacket from the back seat! 1 suddenly drove in front of me, not leaving enough space between the two vehicles2 drove onto a road or onto a part of the road where the traffic is moving faster3 put a vehicle into a lower gear, usually in order to go slower4 made to stop by waving at the driver 5 started to go faster6 suddenly burst7 to let someone get in your car with the purpose of taking them somewhere8 turned onto a smaller road9 put a car or other vehicle so close to another vehicle that it cannot drive awayOther phrasal verbs connected with transportFive planes were stacked up over the airport waiting for permission to land. [flying over an airport at different heights waiting to be told they can land]Two young men had stowed away on the ferry, hoping to enter the country illegally. Police said they had already arrested more than 20 stowaways at the port this year. [hidden on a ship, aircraft or other vehicle in order to travel secretly or without paying; person who does this]There’s a popular programme where celebrities pretend they have been cast away on a desert island and have to survive. [left on an island with no other people after swimming from a ship that is sinking]She was knocked over by a cyclist and broke her arm. [hit by a vehicle and injured or killed]A police car pulled us over to the side of the road and two police officers searched the car.The traffic lights were very slow to change and all around me impatient drivers were revving up. [make a car’s engine work faster while the car is not moving]AB105ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedLook at A. Choose the correct word to complete these sentences.1 The train started slowly but soon revved / picked / pulled up speed.2 I hate drivers who cut / block / flag in on you when you’re driving on a motorway.3 You pull / blow / change down when you want to reduce your speed.4 I wish my neighbour wouldn’t rev / blow / change up outside my window early in the morning. 5 Take care when you blow / change / pull out to overtake.Look at these pictures, and then complete the sentences about them below using phrasal verbs from the opposite page. 50.150.21234561 The police officer is 2 The driver is 3 The aeroplanes are 4 The tyre has 5 The car is 6 The car has been Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.1 down / The / flagged / on / a / police / ten / found / lorry / board / stowaways / and2 bedroom / car / was / a / I / woken / revving / by / window / up / outside / my3 car / on / caused/ cutting / an / by / nearly / accident / in / us / That 4 very / blew / motorway / out / when / I / was / frightened / the / tyre / my / onComplete these sentences using a phrasal verb from the opposite page.1 The boy managed to on a plane to Australia and was only discovered when he arrived in Sydney.2 The old man was by a car that was speeding away from a burglary.3 I couldn’t get out of the car park – someone had me .4 A police officer Elodie and fined her for driving too fast. 5 Robinson Crusoe is about someone who was on a desert island.6 Take that narrow road that the main road just after the railway bridge.7 I’m taking my car to work tomorrow so I can you on the way.8 I hate it when your plane has to spend ages waiting to land.50.350.4Over to youPeople often talk about journeys they have made. Write sentences about your journey to work or college or about any other interesting journeys you have made using some of the phrasal verbs on this page, together with any other phrasal verbs connected with travel that you know.106 English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced51 The newsHow journalists get the newsSome news comes from press releases that are put out by companies or organisations. However, journalists also pick up1 stories from their contacts. Occasionally a story gets out2 when a politician or film star confides in3 someone who is not discreet. Sometimes a rumour starts and journalists sound out4 people in the know to check its truth. It may sometimes be difficult for them to root out5 the information they want, but journalists get very good at worming stories out of 6 people who don’t want to talk to them. Sometimes they may stake out7 their potential subject’s house until they get the story they want. In fact, the ability to ferret out8 a story may be as important for a journalist as the ability to write it up well.1 learn by chance 6 getting information from someone who does2 becomes known (of something secret) not want to give it3 tells something private or secret to someone 7 watch continuously4 get an opinion from 8 find out something after searching for it 5 search for and find something that is difficult to findPolitical newsAB1 became known The police and the army in the newssentences from newspapers meaning of phrasal verbIf there are not enough volunteer recruits, the government will have to call people up.order people to join the armed forcesThe new general joined up when he was 21. joined the armyThe enemy continues to hold out in the south. defend itself against attackThe army is to be sent in to help earthquake victims. (of people with special skills) sent to an areaTroops are expected to pull out before May. move out of an areaTwo planes were shot down last night. destroyed by enemy fireThe kidnapper gave himself up last night. allowed the police to catch himThe police will move in if the situation escalates. go to a place to deal with a difficult situationCA major protest took place yesterday after news leaked out1 about the government’s plans to raise the retirement age further. Workers of all ages walked out from factories and offices to join in public demonstrations. Police attempts to head off the main protest march failed, but fortunately all the demonstrations passed off without any major incidents. The government has denied that it is planning to use force to put down any future protests.Pensions protest Brookes joins influential committeeTim Brookes has been voted on to the Environmental Committee. Brookes has been an MP since his party first got in in 1997, and he claims that his main ambition has always been to get onto this important committee. There were a number of powerful contenders for the place, but Brookes succeeded in whipping up considerable support and won the coveted place. Brookes’ critics say that he has a tendency to dumb down complex issues, but he argues that anything that gets people talking about the environment is worthwhile.107ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedAn experienced journalist is talking to a new young reporter. Complete his advice below using phrasal verbs from A. You are given the first letter of each phrasal verb.A lot of your time will be spent trying to r (1) information, and that can be boring – going to record offices, surfing the Internet, reading press releases p (2) by government departments, and that sort of thing. It’s also important to hang out with other journalists and see what you can p (3) from them. You might discover a story that has l (4). The secret with celebrities is to get them to c (5) you. If they just think you’re trying to w private information (6) them to create a scandal, they won’t give you anything. And they hate it when journalists s (7) their homes. With politicians, it’s best to s them (8) about various topics to find out what they want to talk about; don’t be aggressive – that won’t get you anywhere. Just like celebrities, if they think you’re trying to f (9) a story that’s going to g (10) and cause them embarrassment, they’ll keep quiet and you’ll get nothing. And take your time w your stories (11). Don’t rush the process.Match each headline 1–7 with an extract from the article a–g.1 OIL PROTEST PASSES OFF PEACEFULLY2 UN TROOPS TO PULL OUT OF PHRASALIA3 ARMY MOVES IN TO QUELL DISTURBANCES IN NORTHERN PROVINCE4 RESERVISTS CALLED UP AS SITUATION WORSENS5 PAINTSHOP WORKERS WALK OUT AT AUTO PLANT6 SPECIAL FORCES ATTEMPT TO HEAD OFF REBELS IN QUESA REGION7 UNIVERSITIES ACCUSED OF DUMBING DOWN ENTRANCE EXAMSa) 5,000 men have been ordered to report to local bases for immediate posting to the front.b) The aim is to push back the advance and to restore government control.c) 2,000 people assembled calmly outside the ministry and chanted slogans.d) The riots had reached a level which could no longer be tolerated, the defence minister said.e) Their work was now complete and had been a success, a spokesperson said.f) Pass rates have increased by a huge 50% this year.g) 250 downed tools and started an unofficial strike this morning.Rewrite the underlined parts of these sentences, using a phrasal verb from the opposite page. Make any other necessary changes. 1 The conservatives won the election in 2015. 2 A helicopter was destroyed by enemy fire whilst in flight yesterday. 3 My great-great-grandfather became a soldier when he was only 16. 4 The kidnappers surrendered to the police just after midday. 5 The rebels successfully defended themselves for six weeks. 6 The government has ordered a group of experts to go to assess the flood damage. 7 The government crushed the rebellion using massive force. 8 Mr Fleet is trying to arouse some enthusiasm for the concert he is trying to organise. 9 Hundreds of people participated in the celebrations outside the palace. 10 Theodore got a place on the party’s national committee. to youPhrasal verbs are very common in newspaper headlines – perhaps because they are often short and dramatic words. See how many you can find in any one copy of a newspaper. Make a note of any interesting ones. 108 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedSecrets and lies52News headlines AWhich word could fit into all the sentences in each set? Look in your dictionary for any new meanings.1 The lawyer tried to the accused out in a lie. Be aware of exam questions designed to you out. Every year unexpected snowstorms people out.2 Isabella likes to out that she has a very important job. Can you out that small yacht on the horizon? Who should I this cheque out to?3 Please take care not to my secret out. This skirt is too tight – I’ll have to it out. Don’t forget to the cat out before you go to bed.4 The way his hands were shaking away his nervousness. The company away six new cars as part of their advertising campaign. It was meantan object? If they do, add an appropriate one in the correct place. example Last summer we knocked down. Yes. Knock down is transitive; it needs an object. Last summer we knocked down the old shed in our garden. 1 The sound of the violin slowly died away.2 If you’re ready to leave now, I can drop off at your office.3 The river in St Petersburg freezes over for several months each year.4 My son is so good at English that I think the teacher should move up to the advanced class.5 I associate with that evening we spent together in Rome.6 I was so tired that I dropped off in front of the TV.Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. If you can do it in two different ways, then do so. 1 pick / off / you / work / the / I / and / can / at / you / from / airport / up / drop / then2 from / that / put / teacher / she / The / not / would / said / with / such / up / class / rudeness / her3 villages / The / off / several / have / mountains / in / cut / the / floods 4 your / doesn’t / the / improve / down / If / will / spelling / mark / examiners / you5 always / Margot / to / with / all / seems / her / cheerfully / problems / cope Rewrite each sentence using the verb in brackets in an appropriate form. 1 I’ll have to ask my daughter to get my Internet connection working. (sort) 2 I was so tired after work that I fell asleep in the train on the way home. (drop) 3 I was given a lower mark because my essay was over the word limit. (mark) 4 Jason has no right to despise me – he’s no better than I am. (look) 5 Lara doesn’t have a good relationship with one of her flatmates. (get) 6 You have to accept the fact that you will probably never see each other again. (face) 7 Maria has got a new job taking care of an old lady. (look) 8 If you don’t let the children get enough sleep, they won’t be able to concentrate at school. (deprive) 9 In Lapland we had to manage in some difficult driving conditions. (contend) 10 The road to our house leaves the main road just after the service station. (branch)Write answers to these questions using the phrasal verb in brackets. 1 What are your plans for the summer holidays? (look forward to)2 What homework have you got to do this weekend? (catch up on)3 If you’ve been away somewhere by train and arrive back late, how do you usually get home from the station? (pick up)4 What is your favourite album and why do you like it? (associate with)5 What sorts of things make you feel stressed? (contend with)6 How easy do you find it to fall asleep at night? (drop off) to youLook up these verbs in your dictionary: associate with, deprive of, contend with and face up to. How does your dictionary give information about the structures that these verbs require? What nouns do these verbs typically combine with according to the examples in your dictionary?10 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedPhrasal nouns3What are phrasal nouns?Like phrasal verbs, phrasal nouns consist of a verb combined with a particle. The particle may come before or aft er the verb. phrasal noun meaning examplestandby ready to be used if necessaryMy wife’s a pilot and she’s on standby over the weekend.We’re keeping the old equipment as a standby, in case of emergencies.letdown disappointment I had been looking forward to the concert for weeks, but it turned out to be a terrible letdown.back-up support Nicholas can provide technical back-up if you need it. warm-up preparation The comedian who did the warm-up for the studio audience before the TV programme started was excellent.onset start (of something unpleasant)The match was halted by the onset of torrential rain.input contribution Try to come to the meeting – we’d value your input.overkill more of something than is neededShall I add some more decorations to the cake or would that be overkill?Some such nouns have a corresponding phrasal verb, but some don’t. For example, there is no phrasal verb to kill over. The phrasal verb set on exists but it means attack. The verb related to onset is set in: We couldn’t continue playing aft er the rain set in.If the particle is in first place, then the phrasal noun is never written with a hyphen. If the particle comes second, then there is sometimes a hyphen between the two parts of the phrasal noun, particularly if that particle is in or up or if the phrasal noun is relatively infrequent, e.g. walk-on [small part, with no words, in a play], stand-off .When are phrasal nouns used?Phrasal nouns are used frequently in newspapers and informal conversation.AB1 person hiding in order to travel 3 strike2 failure to reach agreement 4 increase in size or strengthTipThe stress is on the first syllable in these nouns regardless of whether this is the verb or the particle.5 I met Nasser and we just had a knockover on the college football pitch for half an hour.Choose the correct phrasal noun in each sentence. Use a dictionary if necessary.1 Putout / Output has increased this year and the factory is doing well.2 One of the robbers acted as lookout / outlook while the others robbed the bank.3 There was a sudden pourdown / downpour and we all got very wet.4 The breakout / outbreak of war in 1914 changed Europe for ever.5 Lift -off / Off -lift is scheduled for 07.00 on Friday and the astronauts will arrive at the space station later that day.6 There was a break-in / an in-break at our off ice last night. Two computers were stolen.3.4dictionary.cambridge.orgWALKOUT3 AT CAR FACTORYSTAND-OFF2 IN TRADE TALKSSINGER STAGES A COMEBACKSTOWAWAY1 FOUND ON PLANEHELP FOR BUSINESS START-UPSBREAKDOWN IN STRIKE TALKSMANAGEMENT BUYOUT FOR HIGH STREET CHAINMILITARY BUILD-UP4 CONTINUESAnnie Who do you think will get the job – Paul or Elsa?Lily Did you have a good time at football last night?David Yes, but we didn’t have a real game, just a knockabout.Finn I don’t know. It’s a toss-up. [(informal) both seem equally likely]11ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedComplete these sentences using a phrasal noun from A opposite.1 The of winter meant that there was less food for the animals and birds.2 I thought having a 45-piece orchestra at their wedding really was , personally.3 The police off icer radioed for before entering the bank.4 Let’s ask Joel what he thinks. I always find his very useful in these matters.5 TV producers find that studio audiences react better if they have a to watch before a live programme.6 Our holiday in the Mediterranean was a bit of a . The hotel was second-rate and the food was awful.7 Although Cameron usually rides his new road bike to school now, he’s kept his old bike as a .Rewrite these sentences, starting with the cues given, using phrasal nouns from the opposite page instead of the underlined words.1 Two men who had stowed away in the container were arrested when police opened it. The police opened the container and 2 Negotiations with union members broke down aft er a couple of hours. There was a 3 The management bought out the company in 2014. There was a 4 Last night all the workers walked out and the factory was forced to close. There was a 5 Military forces are continuing to build up on both sides of the border. The military Correct the mistakes with the phrasal nouns in these sentences.1 There has been a stand-up for several days now in the talks between the government and the rebels. Neither side will make any concessions.2 Last year there were 15,000 new Internet business start-off s, most of which only survived for a few months.3 Aft er years without releasing an album, Madeleine Flame has staged a comeagain with her new collection of love songs. I met Nasser and we just had a knockover on the college football pitch for half an hour.Choose the correct phrasal noun in each sentence. Use a dictionary if necessary.1 Putout / Output has increased this yearas a surprise but Kate the game away.52.4dictionary.cambridge.org6 watched secretly in order to discover information about themEmail gossipB1 proves that something that someone has said or written is true, or say that someone is telling the truth2 stopped the public from finding out about something bad that had happened3 (informal) tell the truth about something4 hiding a diff iculty to try to make people believe that there is no problem5 stop people from discovering the truth about something bad1 (informal) something that makes you aware of a fact that someone else was trying to keep secret2 claim falsely that something is true3 tell someone things that you keep secret from other people 4 discovered new facts about a person or situation aft er a lot of searching5 (informal) pretend to agree with someone, or to do what someone wants for a short time, in order to get something from them or to avoid making them angry 6 discover that someone is lying or doing something wrong7 lets someone know something that should be kept secret, oft en by mistake5 stop people from discovering the truth about something badMINISTERS TRIED TO COVER UP5 ARMS SCANDAL, SAYS OFFICIAL REPORT PRIME MINISTER ACCUSED OF PAPERING OVER4 CABINET DISAGREEMENT (informal) tell the truth about somethingGOVERNMENT URGED TO LEVEL WITH3 PUBLIC OVER HEALTH RISKS stopped the public from finding out about something bad that had happenedCOMPANY HUSHED UP2 FINANCIAL SCANDAL proves that something that someone has said or written is true, or say that someone is telling the truthINVESTIGATION BEARS OUT1 FRAUD CLAIM watched secretly in order to discover information about themAGENTS SPIED ON6 UN DIPLOMATS: FORMER SPY BREAKS SILENCEHi Nicole,I wasn’t at all surprised to hear that Dylan and Maria are getting engaged, were you? The way they’ve been looking at each other was a real give-away1, wasn’t it? And Maria almost let the secret out a couple of weeks ago anyway, even though they continued to make out2 that they were just good friends. They seem to be crazy about each other!EstherReply ForwardDear Aidan,I need to confi de in3 you. I’ve been suspecting for a long time that one of my employees, George, has been stealing from the till at work, so I actually hired a private detective. He dug up4 a few unpleasant facts, I’m afraid. George has had a number of convictions for theft already. But the detective hasn’t managed to prove that he is stealing from us. So I’ve decided to just play along5 and pretend I don’t know, to see if I can catch him out6 – you know, just see if he gives anything away7 without realising it. Am I doing the right thing, do you think, or should I confront him?OscarReply Forward109ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedAnswer these questions about the headlines in A opposite.1 What was the aim of the investigation and what did it discover? 2 Why might the company have wanted to hush up the scandal? 3 What is the third headline implying about the government?4 Why might the Prime Minister want to paper over what was happening in the Cabinet? 5 Does it sound as if the report supports or condemns the ministers’ behaviour?6 What has the former spy just admitted? Match the beginning of each sentence with its ending.1 Fortunately, my research bore a) in someone.2 Please just play b) up a good scandal.3 I wish I could confide c) out your secret.4 Journalists love to dig d) on her.5 I’m so sorry I let e) with her.6 We did all we could to hush f) out my original hypothesis.7 My friend begged me to level g) along with the story I tell Mary. 8 Libby accused Charles of spying h) up the scandal in the company.Correct the ten mistakes with particles in this paragraph. word could fit into all the sentences in each set? Look in your dictionary for any new meanings.1 The lawyer tried to the accused out in a lie. Be aware of exam questions designed to you out. Every year unexpected snowstorms people out.2 Isabella likes to out that she has a very important job. Can you out that small yacht on the horizon? Who should I this cheque out to?3 Please take care not to my secret out. This skirt is too tight – I’ll have to it out. Don’t forget to the cat out before you go to bed.4 The way his hands were shaking away his nervousness. The company away six new cars as part of their advertising campaign. It was meant as a surprise but Kate the game away.52.4dictionary.cambridge.orgAs journalists, it is our job to try to dig off stories that dishonest people are trying to cover over. Sometimes we are accused of spying at innocent people, but surely it is our duty not to allow people to paper up their scandals. Often it is not at all diffi cult to learn secrets. People are often eager to confi de with someone who is willing to lend a sympathetic ear. Or they let off a secret without realising it. Little things like a blush or a quick glance at someone else can be a real give-out to an experienced reporter. Of course, sometimes people try to make over that they have nothing to hide, and then it can be a good idea to play on with them up to a certain point. Then you suddenly take them by surprise with an unexpected question and in this way you can often catch them across.110 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedRules and laws53Obeying rules and lawsA1 managed to catch 4 give someone a punishment2 given information to the police about 5 (formal) obeysomeone who has done something wrong 6 (formal) obey3 give someone else legal rights to somethingDescribing rules and lawsB1 make more limiting and diff icult to avoid 4 made stricter2 (formal) allowing to happen 5 introduced3 rejectedTipWrite sentences using phrasal verbs on small cards, missing out the preposition or particle. Write the missing word on the back of the card. Test yourself regularly using the cards.Correct the mistakes with the phrasal verbs in these sentences. 1 The new act went across Parliament last week and will become law on 1 January. 2 The anti-litter laws should be tightened in; as it is now, nobody is ever prosecuted. 3 He went on a two-year crime spree before the police finally caught up to him. 4 She avoided tax by signing out her property to her two sons. 5 The new law provides with jail sentences of up to ten years for repeat off enders. 6 Building regulations come by local government rather than national or European law. 7 The bill was passed by the Lower Chamber but was thrown away by the Senate and never became law. 8 The bill will be voted to in Parliament next week, and the government hopes it will get across without too much opposition. [two mistakes] 9 If trials prove successful, the government intends to roll in the scheme across the whole country next year. 10 He was sentenced to three years in prison, but he’ll probably be let off in 18 months.Rewrite the underlined parts of these sentences using a phrasal verb from the opposite page. Make any other necessary changes.1 The former CEO of Wilson & Wallace has been released from prison aft er serving a ten-year sentence.2 If you don’t follow the health and safety regulations, you will be punished.3 The government plans to make the existing laws more strict. 4 The law reforming the Health Service was passed by Parliament with a large majority. 5 Evan’s criminal activity was discovered when his neighbours told the police about him.Here are some more phrasal verbs connected with rules and laws. Work out from the context what they mean (or look them up in a dictionary) and rewrite the sentences, replacing the underlined phrasal expressions with a word or phrase that means the same.1 He was tried last week, found guilty and sent down for five years.2 This government has brought in more new laws than any other in the last 50 years.3 The new law will come into force in March.4 The military authorities put out an order banning demonstrations in the area around the parliament buildings.53.253.353.4dictionary.cambridge.orgMr Smith But, I’m innocent, sir. Breaking the law would be going against my principles.Police off icer Well, Mr Smith. I am pleased to say we have caught up with1 you at last.Police off icer Well, several of your fellow criminals have informed on2 you.Mr Smith Just wait till I see them!Mr Smith But they did it of their own free will.Police off icer They say you make a habit of persuading old ladies to sign over3 their property to you.Police off icer The court is going to have to impose a substantial sentence on4 you this time. Mr Smith But what if I promise to abide by5 the law in the future?Police off icer Well, you will certainly need to do that, and who knows, if you adhere to6 the rules in prison, you might be let out early, but I’m certain the judge will give you a prison sentence – you won’t be let off again.Progress on tax evasionThe government has long been anxious to introduce a new law relating to tax evasion. The intention is to toughen up1 the existing legislation, bringing all crimes related to the non-payment of taxes under the authority of the Financial Crimes Agency, giving the FCA considerable new powers and providing for2 the imprisonment of serious offenders. The initial proposals for the law were thrown out3 at the committee stage. However, some modifi cations were made and the new proposals went through the committee stage last week. The next step is for them to be voted on in Parliament. It is expected that they will get through without diffi culty, as there is general cross-party agreement that the current laws have too many loopholes and should be tightened up4. Once passed, the new regulations will be rolled out5 gradually over the coming year.NEWS111ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedAre you a good citizen? Complete this questionnaire and then answer the questions. 53.1Correct the mistakes with the phrasal verbs in these sentences. 1 The new act went across Parliament last week and will become law on 1 January. 2 The anti-litter laws should be tightened in; as it is now, nobody is ever prosecuted. 3 He went on a two-year crime spree before the police finally caught up to him. 4 She avoided tax by signing out her property to her two sons. 5 The new law provides with jail sentences of up to ten years for repeat off enders. 6 Building regulations come by local government rather than national or European law. 7 The bill was passed by the Lower Chamber but was thrown away by the Senate and never became law. 8 The bill will be voted to in Parliament next week, and the government hopes it will get across without too much opposition. [two mistakes] 9 If trials prove successful, the government intends to roll in the scheme across the whole country next year. 10 He was sentenced to three years in prison, but he’ll probably be let off in 18 months.Rewrite the underlined parts of these sentences using a phrasal verb from the opposite page. Make any other necessary changes.1 The former CEO of Wilson & Wallace has been released from prison aft er serving a ten-year sentence.2 If you don’t follow the health and safety regulations, you will be punished.3 The government plans to make the existing laws more strict. 4 The law reforming the Health Service was passed by Parliament with a large majority. 5 Evan’s criminal activity was discovered when his neighbours told the police about him.Here are some more phrasal verbs connected with rules and laws. Work out from the context what they mean (or look them up in a dictionary) and rewrite the sentences, replacing the underlined phrasal expressions with a word or phrase that means the same.1 He was tried last week, found guilty and sent down for five years.2 This government has brought in more new laws than any other in the last 50 years.3 The new law will come into force in March.4 The military authorities put out an order banning demonstrations in the area around the parliament buildings.53.253.353.4dictionary.cambridge.orgHOW LAW-ABIDING ARE YOU?Work out your score and then turn to page 157 to � nd out if you are a good citizen.1 Have the police or a court ever (1) a � ne on you?Yes: 0 No: 22 Do you (2) to speed limits? Rarely or never: 0 Mostly: 1 Always: 23 Would it go (3) your principles to take items from your place of work for your own private use?No: 0 Yes: 2 Depends on value: 14 Do you abide (4) parking laws?Rarely or never: 0 Mostly: 1 Always: 25 If you knew that a friend or family member had committed a crime, would you (5) on them?No: 0 Depends on how serious: 1 Yes: 26 If you park illegally in a foreign country because you genuinely don’t understand the rules, do you think you should be (6) off or punished?Not punished: 0 Punished: 1112 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedTechnology54ComputersSeveral verbs related to computers are based on the verb go, meaning access or use something. You can go on a computer, the Internet, a website.You can go to a menu, an item on a menu, a particular web page or part of a page, or a link.Note how phrasal verbs are used in these extracts from an online computer helpline. A1 unwanted advertisements which suddenly appear on the screen when you are online2 a list of choices which appears on a computer screen 3 become gradually louder or brighter (fade in) or quieter or darker (fade out)4 removedOther technical equipmentB1 connecting something to a piece of electrical equipment by using electrical wires2 start working so that it becomes warm enough to work well3 stop moving or working in the normal wayQuery 17:02 How do I stop pop-up adverts1 from coming up every time I go on the Internet?Answer 17:03Go to the tools menu on your browser and click ‘disable pop-ups’.Query 19:35 When I try to print off more than one copy of a document, a warning light comes on on the printer or the printer just goes off altogether and I have to switch it on again.Query 9:18I want to set up a drop-down menu2 on my website. How do I do it?Answer 19:40 Try re-installing the printer driver. You can call up the information you need for your printer by opening the control panel, going to ‘printers’ and then clicking ‘help’.Answer 9:25Go to our tutorial page, type in your query and follow the instructions.Query 11:57How can I get my photos to fade in and fade out3 when I show them on my computer?Answer 11:59Just right-click on the folder and choose ‘Slide show’. They’ll fade in and out automatically.Query 14:10There was a power cut the other day while I was working on my computer and a whole load of data got wiped off  4 the hard drive. How can I avoid this in future?Answer 14:14You can buy a piece of equipment which will automatically provide back-up power.When the battery is low, simply plug the unit into the mains supply to recharge.Tune into any radio station anywhere in the world with our free app. You can pick up hundreds of thousands of stations 24 hours a day.Spending hours wiring everything up1 is a distant memory. All you have to do is switch on and connect!2Developments in technology mean that scanners no longer need to warm up2. Looking for a printer that never seizes up3? The new Jentra 850 has a unique paper feed. 113ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedComplete these sentences with phrasal verbs from A opposite.1 At the end of a scene in a radio play, the actors’ voices often .2 When you bought your new laptop, did you find it easy to ?3 Could you three copies of the document, please?4 The network crashed and the information I’d just added got the system.5 When using this program, you can instantly the figures you need.6 If you click on the icon, a menuappears on your screen.7 All you have to do to get an instant answer is your question.Choose the correct word to complete these sentences.1 With my new radio I can far more stations than I used to be able to get. a) tune in b) pick up c) set up2 If a machine stops moving or working normally, you can say that it has . a) cut off b) wiped off c) seized up3 OK, If you want to create a template, go the Tools menu. a) on b) in c) to4 I’m going to have to get my printer repaired – it keeps going for no apparent reason. a) on b) off c) out5 Please could you help me my new computer? a) set up b) tune in c) pick up6 Whenever Mohammed is abroad, he the BBC World Service to listen to the news. a) seizes up b) tunes into c) calls upAre these sentences true or false about the computer that you usually work on?1 Pop-ups come up every time you go on the Internet.2 You create bullet points by going to the Format menu and clicking on ‘Bullets’ and ‘Numbering’.3 Your printer plugs into the back of your monitor.4 You can pick up radio stations from all over the world.5 It takes less than a minute for your machine to warm up.6 It makes an automatic back-up of files on a regular basis.Complete each sentence in an appropriate way using one of the phrasal verbs from the opposite page and any other words that you need.1 The advantage of a wireless connection is that you don’t .2 You can print a document by selecting the print icon or by .3 It’s quite easy to a website with these step-by-step instructions.4 Whenever I switch on my computer, it takes time .5 I can use this cable to listen to my MP3 player in the car by .6 If the printer is beginning to run out of ink, a warning light . to youFind an article online about a computer, camera, mobile phone, MP3 player or other piece of technology that you are interested in. Does it contain any examples of phrasal verbs? If so, note them down in their context. 114 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedFood and drink55EatingATipA number of the words in B can also be used metaphorically. Anger can spill over, you can soak up an atmosphere and plans or suggestions can be watered down. Learning the literal and metaphorical uses together may help you to remember these expressions.1 eat small amounts 6 put on a plate for oneself2 (informal) eat very fast 7 makes you feel slightly ill or uncomfortable3 (informal) eat very fast 8 stop eating4 eat at home 9 (UK, informal) quick meal made of 5 phone a restaurant and ask for food to be fried food delivered to you 10 make you feel that you’ve eaten enoughDrinkingphrasal verb definition of phrasal verb examplewash down sth or wash sth downhelp you swallow it Have a drink of milk to wash down the tablet.drink to sb/sth hold up your glass before drinking from it in order to wish someone success or happinessLet’s raise a glass and drink to the happy couple!dip sth in (sth) quickly put it in and take it out againShe loves dipping carrot sticks in soft blue cheese.soak up absorb Cook the lentils until they soak up half the liquid.water down sth or water sth downmake it less strong by adding water or other liquidYou should water down fruit juice for your child until he or she is five years old.spill over flow over the edge Alfie, hold your juice properly. It’s spilling over the edge of your glass.BSix easy ways to eat a healthy diet1. It’sbettertohavethreepropermealsadayratherthanjustpick at1things allday.2. Don’tgobbleyourfooddown2–takeyourtime,enjoyit.Ifyouwolf it down3,youwon’teventastewhatyou’reeatingandyou’lleatmore.3. Don’tjusteat in4everyday;spoilyourselfatleastonceaweekbyhavingamealinagoodwholefoodrestaurant.Orifyoufeellikestayingathome,send out for5somethingnutritious.4. Havefriendsroundandserve upaspecialvegetariandish.Foraneasymeal,justbuylotsofvegetarianpizzas,slicethemupandleteveryonehelp themselves to6whattheywant.5. Makesureyou’reawareofwhatfoodsagree withyouandwhatdon’t.Avoidanythingthatdisagrees with7you–evenifittastesgood.You’llregretitlater.6. Cut out8 fry-ups9andeatmoresalads–you’reboundtofeelhealthier. Eatlotsoffruitandrawvegetables–theywillfillyouup10withoutmakingyouput onweight.115ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedComplete these dialogues using phrasal verbs from the opposite page so that the second speaker agrees with and repeats more or less what the first speaker says.55.1Read the remarks by different people and then answer the questions below.55.21 Who ate something that didn’t agree with them? 2 Who helped themselves to something?3 Who ate something that filled them up?4 Who was served up something new?5 Who drank to someone?Complete the word puzzle.Across2 Do you ever your biscuits in tea?3 We the meal down with lemonade.6 She’s put a lot of weight.7 the cake up and give everyone a piece.Down1 Stop pouring! The water’s going to over the top of the jug!3 This juice is too strong. I’ll it down.4 Have some bread to up the rest of the sauce.5 Particle that goes with water and wash.Name a food or drink that …1 often disagrees with people.2 can be sliced up.3 you often serve up.4 fills you up.5 you should cut down on.6 people often send out for.55.312 3 4 56755.4Pippa You’re right. We should them and eat more salads.Arthur I think we should stop eating burgers; they’re not good for us.Louise No, I’m afraid you’ve a bit of weight. Michael These trousers don’t fit me any more. They must have shrunk.Rebecca Yes, they me too. I don’t feel too good either.Julian Those prawns made me feel a bit sick.Harriet Yes, let’s . We can for a pizza or something.Tim Shall we eat at home tonight? We could order something from a takeaway.Ed Yes, she just her food like a bird.Clara Polly just eats tiny amounts – no wonder she’s so thin.Ronnie Yes, they do tend to / their food . (Give two possible answers.)Mariam The kids eat so fast! I’m sure it can’t be good for them.1 23456Khadijah I took a big slice of cake.Oliver She gave me some raw fish. It was the first time I’d ever tasted it.Grace The smoked salmon made me feel unwell. I shouldn’t have eaten it.Lizzie We toasted Matthew and wished him well in his new job.Rory I enjoyed it, but I couldn’t eat one bit more.116 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedCome56Complete these sentences with phrasal verbs from A opposite.1 Originally stories from one generation to the next through the spoken word rather than in writing.2 The tide and goes out twice a day.3 Prices tend to when the economy is experiencing a recession. 4 Surrealist artists their work very differently from artists of previous generations.5 In a formal meeting you should wait until you catch the eye of the chairperson before to join a discussion.6 The Russian revolutionary Trotsky died when someone him with an ice axe.Complete these sentences with the correct particles.1 Any original idea is bound to come a certain amount of opposition at first.2 I prefer not to argue with Caitlin because she usually comes best. 3 The new licensing laws will come force on 1 January.4 The Chancellor is bound to come attack for putting forward such a controversial proposal.5 Small children say the funniest things – you never know what they are going to come next.6 Sometimes your brother comes as being a bit unfriendly.7 I gave up football because I wanted a change. Age doesn’t come it. 8 Now I’d like to discuss the next stage of the project and this is where your plans come .Rewrite the underlined parts of these sentences using a phrasal verb from the opposite page. Make any other necessary changes.1 Álvaro’s Englishhas improved a lot since he met Flora.2 Most people think Hugo is confident and extrovert.3 The Prime Minister has received a considerable amount of criticism lately.4 Ellen makes some very strange comments sometimes.5 This history homework does not meet the standards we expect from our students.6 We’ve had a difficult year but we’ve survived and are looking forward to the future now.7 At this point I should like to invite Anastasia Snow to enter the discussion.8 I was afraid the dog was going to attack me.Which phrasal verb with come fits each set of collocations? Use a dictionary to help you if necessary.1 standard 3 scrutiny to not expectations to attack scratch pressure 2 competition 4 effect to a problem to being prejudice force56.156.256.356.4dictionary.cambridge.orgTypical meanings of come in phrasal verbsYou may have already met some phrasal verbs with come in this book or elsewhere. For example, come in [start speaking during a discussion (Unit 11) or, for the sea, come nearer to the beach or coast (Unit 47)], come at somebody [move towards someone in order to attack them (Unit 22)], come at something [think about something in a particular way (Unit 24)], come down [pass from one generation to another so that it continues (Unit 10) or, for a price or level, become lower (Unit 10)].Come typically expresses movement and the particle shows the direction of the movement. Come in above suggests a person ‘entering’ a discussion. Come at someone suggests directing oneself at/towards someone and come at something suggests directing one’s thoughts to a particular subject. Come down suggests moving through time (from the more distant past towards the present). More phrasal verbs with comeLook at these extracts from two interviews for Policy and Finance magazine. AB1 (usually negative) have an influence 5 faced2 received (collocates with criticism or praise) 6 managed to get to the end of a difficult 3 getting a lot of situation 4 being seen by others1 suddenly said 4 is involved2 ended up in a good position (come off better) or bad position 5 improved (come off worse) because of an argument or some kind of struggle 6 begin 3 reach TipLook at the units which deal with the meanings conveyed by the particles (Units 9–15). These may help you learn the meanings of the phrasal verbs in Units 56–60.Economist I was misquoted. What I said was that in a period when new technology was coming in and replacing traditional employment patterns in the workplace, we needed to rethink our basic economics. Other economies which have combined capitalism with a caring social framework have come off2 better in the long term. If our standards of employment and social care are to come up to3 those of our neighbours, then we need something other than a traditional form of capitalism. And this is where a more cooperative approach comes in4. Our workers’ general life skills have come on5 a long way since the days of mass manual labour, and we have to involve them and their skills in a more democratic way. A new era has to come into6 being or we will simply be left behind.Interviewer You once came out with1 a famous remark that surprised everyone: ‘Capitalism is dead.’ Do you still believe that?Politician Luck? No, luck doesn’t come into it1. You have to work in politics. As you know, the party came in for2 a lot of criticism on its tax policy and was also coming under3 attack from pensioners’ groups. We were coming across4 as insensitive to ordinary people’s needs and problems, so we needed new ideas. I came up against5 critics in my own party, and it was a difficult period, but we came through6 it because we were strong and determined to succeed.Interviewer You are often seen as a survivor. How did you survive your difficult second term in government? Was it just luck?117ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedComplete these sentences with phrasal verbs from A opposite.1 Originally stories from one generation to the next through the spoken word rather than in writing.2 The tide and goes out twice a day.3 Prices tend to when the economy is experiencing a recession. 4 Surrealist artists their work very diff erently from artists of previous generations.5 In a formal meeting you should wait until you catch the eye of the chairperson before to join a discussion.6 The Russian revolutionary Trotsky died when someone him with an ice axe.Complete these sentences with the correct particles.1 Any original idea is bound to come a certain amount of opposition at first.2 I prefer not to argue with Caitlin because she usually comes best. 3 The new licensing laws will come force on 1 January.4 The Chancellor is bound to come attack for putting forward such a controversial proposal.5 Small children say the funniest things – you never know what they are going to come next.6 Sometimes your brother comes as being a bit unfriendly.7 I gave up football because I wanted a change. Age doesn’t come it. 8 Now I’d like to discuss the next stage of the project and this is where your plans come .Rewrite the underlined parts of these sentences using a phrasal verb from the opposite page. Make any other necessary changes.1 Álvaro’s English has improved a lot since he met Flora.2 Most people think Hugo is confident and extrovert.3 The Prime Minister has received a considerable amount of criticism lately.4 Ellen makes some very strange comments sometimes.5 This history homework does not meet the standards we expect from our students.6 We’ve had a diff icult year but we’ve survived and are looking forward to the future now.7 At this point I should like to invite Anastasia Snow to enter the discussion.8 I was afraid the dog was going to attack me.Which phrasal verb with come fits each set of collocations? Use a dictionary to help you if necessary.1 standard 3 scrutiny to not expectations to attack scratch pressure 2 competition 4 eff ect to a problem to being prejudice force56.156.256.356.4dictionary.cambridge.org118 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedGet57Phrasal verbs with getThere are many phrasal verbs with get, some of which you may have already met in this book or elsewhere. For example, get your act together [become more organised (Unit 8)], get around [travel, of news or rumours (Unit 9)], get by [have just enough money to pay for the things you need but no more (Unit 6)], get someone down [make someone depressed (Unit 10)] and get off [finish work (Unit 31)]. Phrasal verb collocations with getcollocation meaningThe children are very quiet. I hope they’re not getting up to mischief. doing something naughtyNow we’re all here, let’s get down to business. start our workI wish my parents would get off my back! I’m studying as hard as I need to. stop nagging meThe football coach decided it was time for his team to get back to basics. start again at the beginningThe business was a little slow to get off the ground, but it’s doing very well now.get startedI just can’t get the situation with Tom out of my mind. stop thinking aboutDoctors try to get the message across that too much salt is bad for you. make people understandYou are far too soft on Holly. You let her get away with murder. behave badly and not be criticised or punishedWhat happened between Kian and Daisy? We must try to get to the bottom of it.understand properly, not superficiallyThey’ve seen how popular the product is and now other companies want to get in on the act.become involvedGetting down to a good gossipABCAlice Well, let’s get together one evening soon and catch up properly on all the news.Beth That’s right. In fact, I’m finding it quite hard to get back into6 the ordinary office routine now.Alice That’s great. It’s good if you can get something out of 5 the trips foryourself as well as for work.Beth Well, I’ve been getting around2 quite a lot actually, mainly for work. I’ve been to Italy a couple of times and Ireland, visiting our offices. But I’ve also been getting into3 golf recently and I managed to get in4 a few rounds between meetings.Alice Hi, Beth! Haven’t seen you for ages. What have you been getting up to1 recently? Anything interesting?TipMany phrasal verbs have a whole range of different meanings. If you come across a phrasal verb and it doesn’t make sense with any meaning that you know, look it up online at to see if it has a different meaning in that context.1 doing 4 find time for2 travelling to different places 5 get benefit from3 becoming keen on 6 return to (after some time)119ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedPut the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 she got / together / her act / It’s time / a job / found / and2 not looking / always / to mischief / The children / when / get up / I’m3 the bottom / of that / I must / strange letter / get to / I received4 down / We / business / to / got / immediately5 is too / Modern / complicated / life / to basics / should / get / We / back (two sentences)Complete these dialogues using phrasal verbs from the opposite page so that the second speaker agrees with and repeats more or less what the first speaker says. 57.157.2Complete these sentences using the correct particles. 1 Studying so hard really got me so I took a break to cheer myself up.2 Look, just get my back, will you! I’m sick of you finding fault with me.3 The project took a long time to get the ground, but we’re moving now.4 I hope I get something that summer course I’ve registered for; it’s quite a lot of money to pay.5 I’d like to get a game of tennis later today. Are you free around five?6 Hi there. What have you been getting since I last saw you?7 Ryan has got photography recently; he spends all his time editing pictures on his computer.8 Let’s get for lunch one day. I’ve got loads to tell you.Rewrite these questions, replacing the phrasal verbs with a word or phrase that means the same.1 When do you normally get off work?2 Do you get around a lot?3 Is there any time of the year when you find it hard to get back into the routine of your daily life?4 What have you been getting up to recently?5 What sorts of things get you down?6 Where do you usually get together with your friends?Now answer the questions in Yes, it’s hard to .Lily It’s often difficult to make people understand how important it is to protect the environment.Antonia Yes, she seems to be able to .Adam Sarah always seems to behave badly and never get criticised by anyone.Victoria Oh yes, the story soon .Zara Everyone soon found out about Harry’s divorce. I’m amazed.Sergio I know. It’s the same for me. I just can’t .Emma I just can’t stop thinking about Lucía.Ameena Yes, don’t worry I’m sure we’ll .Alex We’ll just have to survive on less money now that I’ve lost my job.Ella Oh yes, if publicity’s involved she always wants to .Anna Sienna always wants to be part of anything that involves publicity.1 23456120 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedGo58Look at A. Complete the text below using particles from the box.after ahead down for into overIt’s been a terrible week. As you know, I’m planning to go (1) teaching. On Monday I went (2) a trainee teacher position that was advertised at a school in town, but I didn’t get it. I’m not sure why. I’ve been going (3) the interview in my mind, but I don’t think I said anything too stupid. Then on Tuesday I fell off my bike and managed to twist my ankle. It was terribly swollen for a day or two, but it’s beginning to go (4) now. It’s my birthday party tomorrow. I hope you can come. Plans are still going (5) for that, of course, although I don’t suppose I’ll be able to dance very much. I’m probably going to sell my bike, though. I hope it’ll go (6) at least £300, which will help me out till I manage to find a job.Match the beginning of each question with its ending.1 Are you planning to go after a) when they finally managed to sell it?2 Is the end-of-term concert going ahead b) over our business accounts?3 Why did you decide to go over c) yet?4 How much did their house go for d) in the school hall as usual this year?5 Did your anniversary party go off e) to the semi-final?6 Could you help me go back f) to a different political party?7 Has the swelling on your knee gone down g) the boss’s job when he leaves?8 Which teams are going forward h) as well as you’d hoped? Correct the mistakes with particles in these sentences.1 Lara has been promised that her name will go over for a place on the board of directors next year.2 Going for the weather forecast, there’ll be snow tomorrow.3 They went on a terrible time during their daughter’s illness.4 You really mustn’t go across telling such terrible lies.5 Cameron has always wanted to go on law.6 The journalists went into her wherever she went.Which particle fits in each of these sets of sentences? Use a dictionary if necessary.1 Elsa really went me in the office today. They are selling their old car but don’t expect it to go much. Please be quiet, children – and that goes you too, Seth.2 The standard of school-leavers’ English is going . The office computer system has gone again. The bump on the boy’s head looked alarming, but it quickly went .3 Let’s go our plan of action for tomorrow again. I keep going what I said to him, wishing I could take my words back. He started his political life as a Republican but later on went to the Democrats.4 I was nervous about playing in the concert, but everything went very well. I didn’t wake up when my alarm clock went this morning. Don’t drink this milk – I think it’s gone . meanings of go in phrasal verbsLook at these meanings of go down which you may have already met. Note that what they have in common is change from a bigger or more positive state to a smaller or more negative state.phrasal verb meaning unitgo downif a computer system goes down, it stops working 10become worse in quality 58if part of your body that is bigger than usual because of an illness or injury goes down, it starts to return to its usual size43As these examples show, go typically carries meanings connected with movement, change or things happening. Here are some more examples:We should go back over these figures. I think there’s a mistake somewhere. [examine again]The house went for €900,000, which was more than we expected. [was sold for]The festival will go ahead despite the bad weather. [happen]I’ve been going over in my mind what happened the other day. I think we have a big problem. [thinking about something that happened or that was said]Lucas has decided to go into politics. I’m not sure I would vote for him! [become involved in]Who would want to go after/for such a boring job? [try to get]Other phrasal verbs with goLook at the verbs with go in these short news clips. AB1 happened in a particular way2 leave one group or organisation and join another competing group or organisation3 spend time (used about doing something that is unpleasant for other people) 4 experienced (used about an unpleasant or difficult situation or event) 5 using as a reference6 attacking7 to chase or follow someone in order to catch themThe newspapers are really going for6 Ben Rone. They seem determined to go after7 him and destroy his career.Going by5 the government’s own statistics, they have failed to stop the rise in drug addictionThe young parents went through4 agony before their missing child was found.The event went off1 as planned and £5,000 was raised for charity.Mr Drake said he haddecided to go over to2 the Green Party as he was disillusioned with his own party’s policies on the environment.Youths who go around3 vandalising property should be forced to repair the things they have damaged.Three candidates will go forward to the next round in the election for party leader.121ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedLook at A. Complete the text below using particles from the box.aft er ahead down for into overIt’s been a terrible week. As you know, I’m planning to go (1) teaching. On Monday I went (2) a trainee teacher position that was advertised at a school in town, but I didn’t get it. I’m not sure why. I’ve been going (3) the interview in my mind, but I don’t think I said anything too stupid. Then on Tuesday I fell off my bike and managed to twist my ankle. It was terribly swollen for a day or two, but it’s beginning to go (4) now. It’s my birthday party tomorrow. I hope you can come. Plans are still going (5) for that, of course, although I don’t suppose I’ll be able to dance very much. I’m probably going to sell my bike, though. I hope it’ll go (6) at least £300, which will help me out till I manage to find a job.Match the beginning of each question with its ending.1 Are you planning to go aft er a) when they finally managed to sell it?2 Is the end-of-term concert going ahead b) over our business accounts?3 Why did you decide to go over c) yet?4 How much did their house go for d) in the school hall as usual this year?5 Did your anniversary party go off e) to the semi-final?6 Could you help me go back f) to a diff erent political party?7 Has the swelling on your knee gone down g) the boss’s job when he leaves?8 Which teams are going forward h) as well as you’d hoped? Correct the mistakes with particles in these sentences.1 Lara has been promised that her name will go over for a place on the board of directors next year.2 Going for the weather forecast, there’ll be snow tomorrow.3 They went on a terrible time during their daughter’s illness.4 You really mustn’t go across telling such terrible lies.5 Cameron has always wanted to go on law.6 The journalists went into her wherever she went.Which particle fits in each of these sets of sentences? Use a dictionary if necessary.1 Elsa really went me in the off ice today. They are selling their old car but don’t expect it to go much. Please be quiet, children – and that goes you too, Seth.2 The standard of school-leavers’ English is going . The off ice computer system has gone again. The bump on the boy’s head looked alarming, but it quickly went .3 Let’s go our plan of action for tomorrow again. I keep going what I said to him, wishing I could take my words back. He started his political life as a Republican but later on went to the Democrats.4 I was nervous about playing in the concert, but everything went very well. I didn’t wake up when my alarm clock went this morning. Don’t drink this milk – I think it’s gone . English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedKeep59Phrasal verbs with keep In this book or elsewhere, you may have already met keep in with someone [be friendly with someone because they can help you (Unit 5)], keep up with something [be able to understand or deal with something that is developing very fast (Unit 24)] and keep it up [don’t stop doing (Unit 30)]. This unit presents more of the many other phrasal verbs with keep.Describing problemsAB1 made to stay somewhere 4 continues doing something repeatedly2 keep something secret 5 made to stay up late3 not become involvedSome adviceC1 not allow something that is at a high level to fall to a lower level2 don’t start writing about other topics3 keeping a building in good conditionKeep at it and you’ll get on top of those phrasal verbs.After our son had to be kept in1 hospital overnight after suspected appendicitis several months ago, the doctors explained that they thought his stomach pain was stress related. His school have always kept us informed about any concerns they have, and until recently, everything seemed to be going really well. But now I’m sure our son is keeping something to2 himself. He normally tells us about all his worries and doesn’t keep anything back. We’ve asked him what the problem is, but he won’t tell us anything. We’ve got a meeting with his teacher next week, so should I keep out of 3 it until then and not make a fuss?I’m a medical student and up till now I’ve managed to keep ahead of the other students in my year. I really want to do well in my exams. However, now I have a problem with my fl atmate. She always wants to spend hours discussing her problems with me and this is keeping me from my studies. On top of that, she keeps on4 inviting her friends to come and stay. We’ve only got two small bedrooms so they have to sleep on the sofa and they keep me up5 chatting until the early hours of the morning. It’s not so bad at the weekend, but they often come during the week when I’ve got nine o’clock lectures. I really need to speak to her about everything that is annoying me, but I don’t want to add to her problems. What should I put fi rst – work or friendship?n Keep off sugary drinks if you want to stay slim.n If you are on a diet, or on a budget, a bowl of homemade soup is a good and inexpensive way to keep your strength up1. n Keep your music down late at night or you’ll annoy your neighbours.n When answering an exam question, you will get better marks if you keep to2 the point. n Whenyoubuyahouse,remembertobudgetforitsupkeep3asthiscanbeverycostly.123ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedComplete these emails using the correct particles.59.1Look at these brief notes giving people advice or warnings. Rewrite the underlined parts of the sentences using a phrasal verb from the opposite page. Make any other necessary changes.1 Please play your music, TVs and radios at a minimum volume during the exam period.2 Every household will be asked to contribute £10 a month towards the maintenance of the village recreation ground.3 All team members are strongly advised to refrain from eating fatty foods during the training period. It is important to maintain your fitness to the highest level.Which particle could fit into all the sentences in each set?1 There is one rule which we ask all club members to keep . I wish the lecturer would stop digressing and keep the point. Before your exams, make a revision timetable and try to keep it.2 I wish my parents wouldn’t keep at me about getting my hair cut. Keep going until you reach the T-junction and then turn left. My grandma kept working until she was in her 80s.3 Why don’t you go to bed now? I really don’t want to keep you . At university Jack did a course on ornithology, but I don’t think he’s kept his interest in birds. Things change so quickly in Faye’s life – it’s hard to keep with what’s going on.Answer the following questions.1 What sort of thing has kept you up late at night?2 Have you ever been kept in hospital overnight? If so, why?3 What are you going to do to keep up your knowledge of phrasal verbs?59.259.359.4HiGeorgia,Keepthis (1)yourself,butIheardsomethingveryinterestingtheotherday.YouknowhowLydiaisalwaystryingtokeep (2)withthebossandyouknowhowshejusttellseveryoneEVERYTHING(shecanneverkeepanything (3),canshe?)?Well,shetoldmeshe’sactuallygettingmarriedtohim!Canyoubelieveit?MeganReply ForwardHithereAndrew,ThanksfortheinvitationtotheweekinFrance,butIthinkyou’retryingtokeepme (4) mystudies!Seriously,Ireallyshouldn’ttakeanymoretimeoff.Mynewyear’sresolutionisto keep (5)withmystudies,soI’mtryingtodofivehoursaday,fivedaysaweek. IfIhadaweekoff,IthinkI’dfindithardtokeep (6)themomentum.MadeleineReply ForwardDearMax,Katie’shadarowwithArchieandshewantsmetohelpsortitout.IthinkIshouldkeep (7)it.Whatdoyouthink?Ifindithardtokeep (8)alltheupsanddownsoftheirlovelife.Ithinktheyshouldsolvetheirownproblems,don’tyou?NaomiReply Forward124 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedTake60Typical meanings of take in phrasal verbs Take oft en carries a meaning of ‘remove’, as in:We hope you will take many happy memories away from your stay here.Phil’s boss has agreed to take him off the night shift .Helena took her parents out for a meal. (Unit 42)Take also sometimes carries a meaning of doing something quickly or something happening quickly or abruptly, for example Take it away! (Unit 30), take aback [surprise], take off (of a plane) and take out [kill or destroy in a military battle].Organising a charity concertABI must say I was taken aback1 when I saw the cost involved, but I wanted it to be a memorable experience for people. A huge amount of time was taken up2 with phone calls persuading sponsors to be involved. The uptake3 was slow at first, but bit by bit we managed to persuade local companies and individuals to support us. The work didn’t end when the concert was over. We spent a whole day taking down4 the stage set and lighting and so on, but none of that took away from5 the pleasure we got from organising it. And I think the audience took away6 something that will stay with them for a long time. Overall it was worth it – a great experience for all involved.1 very surprised 2 used 3 number of people who committed themselves 4 removing by separating into pieces and taking the pieces away5 made it seem less good or successful6 remembered [used about e.g. a memory, an impression, a message]Other phrasal verbs with takephrasal verb/noun definition of phrasal verb/nounexampletake sb away take to a diff erent place He took his mum away for a week to the coast.take sb off sthremove from a job He was put in charge of security, but he was taken off the job aft er a week as he was not strict enough.stop giving someone a particular type of medicineThe doctor took her off the pills as they were making her sick.take up sth or take sth updiscuss something or deal with somethingThe tutor promised to take the problem up with the Head of Department.take along sb/sth or take sb/sth alongtake with you I’d advise you to take along an umbrella.intake number of people that are accepted at a particular time by an organisation, especially a college or universityThis year’s intake have higher exam grades than last year’s.take-off imitation She does a brilliant take-off of Adele.C125ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedWhich of the phrasal verbs on the opposite page can have the following meanings?1 surprise someone 2 detract from something 3 leave an airport (of a plane) 4 destroy a military target Complete these sentences with the correct particles.1 My Spanish cousin is coming to stay next week, so I plan to take her when I visit my daughter at university.2 Personally, I took a very good impression of France when I went there.3 Joel was quite taken to learn that his application had been unsuccessful.4 Much of Jason’s time is taken with dealing with customer complaints.5 Grandma asked the doctor to take her those tablets as she thought they were making her feel sick.Rewrite the sentences using a phrasal verb or noun based on take. Remember to make all the changes to the sentences that are necessary. 1 Martin does the best imitation of the Prime Minister that I have ever seen.2 A ridiculous amount of my time is occupied by dealing with emails.3 Even the rain could not detract from the beauty of the scene.4 I was very surprised when I was told that I was no longer allowed to park in front of my own house.5 Would you like me to raise your concerns with the manager?6 We are expecting a particularly large group of students to arrive next week.7 We decided it would be nicer to invite our aunt for a weekend in a hotel with us rather than having her stay with us. 8 The number of people wanting a place at the weekend seminar has been rather disappointing. Rewrite these sentences so that the underlined words have the opposite meaning. Make any other changes that are necessary. 1 Let’s put up the decorations tomorrow.2 The doctor has agreed to put my elderly uncle on some pills for his arthritis.3 Her parents brought her back to their holiday home.4 My favourite part of a flight is when the plane lands. 5 Robert’s being there added to our enjoyment of the evening.6 Aft er Stan had been working in the kitchens for a week, he was put on washing-up duties. to youIf you have now finished all the units in this book, congratulations! Remember to regularly revise the new phrasal verbs you have studied and try to use them in your own speaking and writing of English.126 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedUnit 11 I decided to take up gardening, so I took out a subscription to a gardening magazine and read up on the subject. I found out so many interesting things, such as the best time to plant flowers out for the summer and how to grow vegetables. I’ve really got into it now and spend hours in the garden every weekend.2 The other day we went off on a hike in the mountains. We put our wet-weather gear on as the weather forecast wasn’t good. We set off early to avoid the rush hour and soon reached the starting point for our walk. The whole walk took about four hours and when we got back we were exhausted.3 I have to catch up on my coursework this weekend as I’ve fallen behind a bit. I worked on it till midnight last night, but I still have loads to do. I have to hand one essay in on Tuesday and another one on Friday. I’m not sure whether I’ll make it, but I’ll try.1 out of 2 down 3 out 4 in1 intake2 breakout 3 off-putting 4 outspoken5 broken-down1 d 2 e 3 a 4 b 5 cUnit 21 no object needed2 object needed: If you’re ready to leave now, I can drop you off at your office. Remember, without an object, drop off means ‘fall asleep’.3 no object needed 4 object needed: My son is so good at English that I think the teacher should move him up to the advanced class.5 object needed: I associate this music / that perfume / Juliet with that evening we spent together in Rome.6 no object needed 1 I can pick you up from work and then drop you off at the airport. Or I can pick you up from the airport and then drop you off at work.2 The teacher said that she would not put up with such rudeness from her class.3 The floods have cut off several villages in the mountains. Or (but less likely as it is quite a long object) The floods have cut several villages in the mountains off.4 If your spelling doesn’t improve, the examiners will mark you down.5 Margot always seems to cope cheerfully with all her problems. Or Margot always seems to cope with all her problems cheerfully. Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced 1 I’ll have to ask my daughter to sort my Internet connection out. Or … to sort out my Internet connection. 2 I was so tired after work that I dropped off in the train on the way home. 3 I was marked down because my essay was over the word limit. 4 Jason has no right to look down on me – he’s no better than I am. 5 Lara doesn’t get on (well) with one of her flatmates. 6 You have to face up to the fact that you will probably never see each other again. 7 Maria has got a new job looking after an old lady. 8 If you deprive the children of sleep, they won’t be able to concentrate at school. 9 In Lapland we had to contend with some difficult driving conditions. 10 The road to our house branches off (the main road)just after the service station. Possible answers:1 I’m looking forward to visiting my aunt in New York for a couple of weeks.2 I’ve got to catch up on some maths I missed when I was off school on Monday.3 My mother picks me up.4 My favourite album is Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, and I like it because I associate it with being a student.5 I feel stressed when I have too many different things to contend with at the same time.6 I usually drop off as soon as my head touches the pillow.Over to youThis is how the Cambridge Advanced Learners’ Dictionary deals with these verbs:associate sth with sth phrasal verbdeprive of verb [T] [T = transitive]contend with sth phrasal verbface up to sth phrasal verbCollocations highlighted by examples in Cambridge Advanced Learners’ Dictionary:risks associated with smokingdeprive someone of freedom/rights/sleepcontend with problems / someone’s deathface up to the fact thatUnit 31 onset 5 warm-up2 overkill 6 letdown3 back-up 7 standby4 input 1 The police opened the container and arrested two stowaways.2 There was a breakdown in negotiations with union members (after a couple of hours).3 There was a management buyout of the company in 2014.4 There was a walkout (by the workers) last night and the factory was forced to close.5 The military build-up is continuing on both sides of the border. English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced1 There has been a stand-off for several days now in the talks between the government and the rebels. Neither side will make any concessions.2 Last year there were 15,000 new Internet business start-ups, most of which only survived for a few months.3 After years without releasing an album, Madeleine Flame has staged a comeback with her new collection of love songs.4 Holly: Have you decided where you’re going this summer? Flora: Not really. It’s a toss-up whether it’ll be Italy or Greece.5 I met Nasser and we just had a knockabout on the college football pitch for half an hour.1 Output 4 outbreak2 lookout 5 Lift-off3 downpour 6 a break-inUnit 41 There was a worn-out carpet on the stairs.2 The newsletter has a list of forthcoming activities at the tennis club.3 What’s happened? You’re looking very downcast!4 Unlike her sister, Emily is very outgoing.5 I find the cover of this novel very off-putting, don’t you?6 It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, Polina always looks tired out. Or ... worn out.7 We are not in the habit of going to such overpriced restaurants.8 When you meet my boss I think you’ll find her surprisingly outspoken. Or ... outgoing.1 a fold-up chair 2 a broken-down car 3 a built-in oven 4 a foldaway bedPossible answers:1 An advantage of having a live-in nanny might be that the children look on her as one of the family; a disadvantage might be that the parents do not get much privacy. 2 A foldaway bed would be particularly useful in a small room, especially one that is also used for entertaining visitors.3 A job requiring tact might not be suitable for a very outspoken person – a diplomat, for example, or a beautician.4 You might want to give a watered-down version of something that happened to you to your parents if you think they might not like the whole truth.5 A job in show business requires you to be outgoing – an actor, singer or TV presenter, for example.6 A difficult social problem would tend to be ongoing – for example, the problem of poverty or of discrimination.7 If you are having a meal in a restaurant, you might find it off-putting if someone at the next table talks very loudly.8 You might think that meals, clothes or cosmetics are often overpriced. Phrasal Verbs in Use Advancedbroken-down not workingcandid outspokencontinuing ongoingdiluted watered-downdowncast miserabledynamic go-aheadexhausted tired outextrovert outgoingforthcoming futureobsolete outdatedoff-putting repellentshabby worn outNote that worn out can also mean exhausted.Possible answers:1 If the union doesn’t accept our terms, what should we have as the position that we will agree to if we cannot get our main aim?2 Clara always feels ignored / lonely when her brother’s friends come round to play.3 Julian is usually chatty but his sister is not very talkative / communicative.4 You shouldn’t get so upset / in such a state about every little thing.5 Zack met me at the airport with arms open wide ready to embrace me.Unit 51 Collocation means the way words combine with each other.2 a, c and e3 They are things that are written.4 Because it will help you to be able to use them appropriately in your own speaking and writing.5 You might want to note down: whether it collocates with positive or negative things or both whether it collocates with people or things as objects whether it collocates with people or things as subjects whether it collocates with particular types of situation1 appropriate2 appropriate3 not appropriate – hit on is used about good ideas; in this context it would be better to say ‘You can always rely on Joseph to come up with an idea that will never work.’4 appropriate5 not appropriate – though it would be appropriate to talk about the need to keep in with your bank manager1 after 5 off2 into; off 6 off / up3 through 7 in with4 with English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced1 Helena sailed through her driving test. 2 I’ve really gone off coffee.3 The wind is easing off/up now. Or The wind has eased off/up now.4 If I have a problem, I find a walk by the sea often helps me to hit on a solution. 5 Masses of people streamed into the shop as soon as it opened, hoping to find a bargain in the sale. 6 His argument is riddled with holes.Unit 65.46.1 Dear Mr Janes,Thank you for your letter of 23 May complaining about the bad service you experienced at this hotel. I promise you we will investigate the problem at once and respond to you as soon as possible. We always try to achieve/meet the highest standards of service, and if we have failed to meet/achieve those standards we will immediately seek to remedy the situation. Meanwhile we hope you will continue making Miromana Hotels your first choice for all your business and leisure travel.Yours sincerely,G. H. Logan (General Manager) 1 Will you look after Aunt Jessie while I go and get the children’s supper ready? 2 He went into the subject in great detail in his lecture. 3 When the president died his son took on the title of Great Leader. 4 I like her. Do you think I should ask her out? 5 During the war he went over to the enemy side and was killed in action. 6 She bought up all the shares in the company last year. 7 The local newspaper put out a story about a strange animal seen in the city park. 8 I think I’ll call in on my grandfather on the way home from work. 9 The deal fell through at the last minute. 10 I managed to get by on about €70 a day when I was travelling.computers and technology academic lectures/writing money and businessback up, hack into, log in, print off, scroll downbase on, gloss over, put forward, sum upbail out, carry forward, sell up, square up, take over, turn over1 Despite his family’s poverty, Alfie never wants for anything. 2 You must inform the police if you have evidence which bears on the case. 3 Jack will have to call on all his ingenuity to resolve the situation. 4 The president ascribes his party’s victory to his leadership.5 The manager will attend to your enquiry without delay. Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedUnit 7Possible answers:1 later than expected2 They’ve risen.3 aggressively4 He wants to read the agenda and make sure it is correct. Perhaps also prepare what they are going to say.5 more6 go straight into the proposal without any planning7 not pay any attention to them, not consider their proposal1 It’snot good for children to spend too much time glued to a screen.2 Choosing a university course boils down to deciding what you want to do with your life.3 I arrived at the stadium early and watched the other spectators flooding in.4 Laura dragged herself away from the window and returned to her desk.5 Sam was staring at Megan, drinking in every word she said.6 George brushed off / swept aside all objections to his plan, saying they were unimportant.1 stands by 5 eat into2 soldier on 6 brushed off or swept aside3 fished out 7 struck out4 nosing around 8 sandwiched betweenPossible answers:1 If someone warms up an audience, they make it more receptive and friendly, more relaxed (perhaps by telling some jokes). Coldness in English equates with unfriendliness and warmth with friendliness. Warming up people and warming up food both have the idea of making something pleasanter.2 If someone falls into a job, they get it very easily and without making any effort. So both falling into a hole and falling into a job have the idea of something happening by chance.3 If you climb down in an argument, you admit that you were wrong. So both uses of climb down suggest moving back to the level of other people from a position in which you were separated from others.Unit 81 the baby2 get on like a house on fire3 let off steam4 to spite their face5 take the sting out of something6 run rings round somebody; go round in circles1 off; nose; spite; face 5 round; circles2 put; roots 6 throw; baby3 ran rings 7 get; house4 sting; of 8 letting off English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedAfter a year of travelling, I decided to put my act together and get a job. A friend who worked for a bank put in some good words for me. In fact he pushed in all the stops and arranged for me to have lunch with the CEO. I got on the wrong feet by saying I wasn’t ready to plant down roots yet; I think they were looking for someone to make a long-term commitment. I should have kept quiet!1 her heels in 4 his own2 for lost time 5 the heat3 to the fact 6 your mindUnit 91 banging 5 ask2 floating 6 fly3 run 7 lying4 switched 8 clowning1 ask around2 lying around/about 3 gets around/about4 bosses; about/around5 clowns around/about1 lying/pottering/playing/clowning around/about; lying around/about; switched around2 play/clown/run around/about; bossing us around/about; run around/about3 work around4 skirt around (Note that skirt around can also be used to describe physical movement, e.g. We decided to skirt around the city centre to avoid the rush-hour traffic.)5 banging around/about; flying around/about. (Note that it would also be possible to say that all sorts of rumours have been going around/about among the neighbours.)Over to youPossible answers:phrasal verb meaning examplecrowd around surround someone or something, standing close togetherPlease don’t crowd around the desk. Stand in an orderly queue.knock sth about/around / knock about/aroundif people knock a ball about, they hit or kick it to each other for funWe knocked a ball about in the park after work.turn around turn so that you are facing the opposite directionI saw him walk up to the door, but then he hesitated, turned around and walked away again. turn sth around make something unsuccessful (e.g. a business) become successfulPaul has made a very successful career out of turning failing businesses around.roll about/around laugh a lot Kathy is very funny. Her stories had us all rolling around.blunder about/aroundmove in an awkward way (often because you can’t see where you’re going)When the lights went off, we were all blundering around in the darkness.8.3 1 get2 a good word3 pulled out4 off on the wrong foot5 put8. Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedUnit 101 Heidi Knight 2 Lucas Hind 3 Harry Irving 4 Oliver Reece 5 Mia CalvoSuggested answers:1 The computer system suddenly went down this morning, so we’re doing everything manually at the moment.2 I’m sorry I’m so irritable. Things have been getting me down lately.3 Shall I put you down (on my list) to sponsor me for the charity walk?4 This event will go down in history as the worst catastrophe this country has ever suffered.5 The company had to shut down all their machines during the 24-hour strike at the factory.6 The salesman came down on the price, and after that we even managed to knock him down by a further 10%.7 Many everyday remedies for minor ailments have come down to us from our ancestors.1 slam the phone down2 have it put down (rather than put it down, since you would probably not do it yourself)3 tie it down4 getting you down5 turn it down1 a and c 2 b and c 3 a, b and c 4 b and cUnit 111 cash in on 6 lead-in2 come in / cut in 7 factor in3 pitch in 8 squash in4 usher in 9 build in5 boxed in 10 set in 1 My new curtains are excellent – they don’t let any light in.2 Alba, can you show Mr Hill in as soon as he arrives, please?3 Having the meeting on the 28th would fit in better with our plans than the 30th. 4 Our office in Buenos Aires has brought in a lot of new business this year.5 When you are planning the course, make sure you build in enough free time. 6 It’s rude to cut in when someone else is in the middle of speaking. (Note that come in does not fit as well in this context as it does not sound so abrupt and potentially rude as cut in.)7 If everyone pitches in, we’ll soon get the job done.8 If I move up, then Rachel should be able to squash (fit is also possible here) in at the end of the bench.1 squashed 2 fitted 3 pitched 4 set 5 let1 bring in customers / profits / a loss / business2 a lead-in to a discussion / a bargain / a lesson3 a recession / rain / a new product sets in4 usher in a price increase / a new era / changes English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedUnit 121 Eliza’s father to Eliza’s mother: Eliza’s 18 now and should make her own decisions. I think we should back off and let her run her own life.2 Newsreader: The prime minister has shrugged off leadership threats from within his party, saying that they are only rumours.3 Mother to father: I think we should let the kids run round in the garden for a bit and work off some of their energy so that they sleep tonight.4 Mother to Imogen: Imogen, you MUST pay your electricity bill. If you don’t, they’ll cut you off and you won’t have any heating.5 Louis to Callum: Oh no! Seth wants to come back with us to Nikita’s house. He’s such a drag! How can we shake him off?6 Chairperson: I’d like to just round off the meeting by giving a vote of thanks to the committee for all their work this year.7 The last 100 metres to the top of the hill just finished me off. I had to sit down and rest for an hour.8 I don’t want you in my room any more, so just shove off!When I come home from work, I love to just kick away my shoes and relax for the evening. It’s great to let off worrying about work and round up the day with a nice meal. If Ihave off a couple of days it’s even better. I usually go off to our country cottage. I can just light off completely. I love it. I never stay there long, because after a while I feel a bit stoodoff from all my friends and social life back in the city. 1 s 2 t a r t e di3 c o r d o n4 k i c ki 5 s h o wn pg 6 l e a v eit12.112.2 off1 leave2 off3 have a couple of days off4 switch5 cut12.3135English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedUnit 131 B 2 D 3 I 4 N 5 B 6 I 7 D1 a or b 2 b, c or d 3 a, c or d1 Try to focus on what is really important and to ignore what is not essential.2 Now we’ve had a bit of a rest, it’s time to press on again.3 I’m counting/depending/relying on you to let me know when my talk has gone on for longenough.4 Your grandmother will always live on in your memory.5 This is a quiet neighbourhood where noisy behaviour is frowned (up)on.6 After the first few pages of the book, I decided I couldn’t be bothered to read on.7 Please stop harping/going/droning on about Lena. Your relationship is over, so just forget her.8 I am worried about my son’s behaviour. He is so easily led on by his friends.1 focus2 spring3 dwell4 press 5 lead (Note that egg on has a similar meaning.)6 frowned7 depend8 going/droning/harpingSuggested answers:1 You can count/rely/depend on James.2 Dad will ramble/drone on for hours about European history. 3 Many political reputations are hanging on / riding on the outcome of next week’s election.4 Josh never stops going on (and on) / harping on about the litter in the office car park. It irritates me. 5 While tidying my room, I happened on an old diary of mine from 2001. Unit 141 She shared the apples out / shared out the apples among the four children. 2 He sorted things / the situation out. Or He sorted out the situation.3 She picked out the best ones / picked the best ones out.4 He kicked Sam out of the restaurant. (Note that He threw Sam out of the restaurant is also possible.)5 It juts out over the terrace.1 I don’t have any money so you can count me out from the shopping trip.2 I shared the mints out / shared out the mints among my friends in the car.3 We need to sort out this mess about the misprinted tickets pretty soon. 4 He really lashed out at me when I suggested he’d got it wrong. 5 Look at those big rocks jutting out from the sea. 6 Pick out the good strawberries and leave the rotten ones in the box. English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced1 I opened the door and heard somebody yell out from the staircase below. (Note that (shout out / cry out / scream out are also possible.)2 My position as regards the committee is that I want out.3 He always draws out the discussion / draws the discussion out with arguments about political ideology.4 When we got back to our campsite, the campfire had gone out.5 Spread the leaflets out on the table.6 The burglars cleaned us out (completely).1 c 2 d 3 a 4 bUnit 151 finish up or eat up 5 propped up2 pep up/jazz up 6 jazz it up3 shore up 7 wrap up4 pick them up 8 lift up1 stand 5 bought2 split 6 show3 set 7 blown4 land 8 sticking 1 blow up 2 shore up 3 set up (Note that fix up is also possible.) 4 open upUnit 161 c 2 e 3 d 4 a 5 b1 Adriana 2 Jude 3 Mary 4 Leah 5 Jack1 out 5 back (Note that off is also possible.)2 back 6 over3 along (Note that up is also possible.) 7 aside4 in 8 up1 You’d get far more done if you didn’t fritter away so much time.2 The children tried to spin their game out so they didn’t have to go to bed.3 Cameron might lose his job if he doesn’t pull his socks up.4 We must discuss what we need to do leading up to the opening of the new branch.5 Let’s try to set some time apart next month to discuss progress on the project.1 We’ve had to bring the meeting forward to this Tuesday as Austin will be away next week.2 Francesca always drags out any discussion. Or Francesca always drags any discussion out. (Note draw out is also possible.)3 I think we should space our meetings out a bit more. Or I think we should space out our meetings a bit more.4 I thought I had ages to prepare for my exams, but they have crept up on me in no time at all.5 I think we should try to eke out the printing paper. Or I think we should try to eke the printing paper out.14.314.415.115.215.316.116.216.316.416.5137English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedUnit 171 h 2 f 3 i 4 b 5 c 6 a 7 d 8 e 9 g1 Theodore puts the problems down to the government, but I attribute them to the general world economic situation.2 To a large extent, how a person accounts for the problems in their lives seems to depend largely on their own parents’ attitudes to difficult situations. 3 I believe the new legislation will contribute to a general improvement in the standard of living, but Ben thinks it will result in increased poverty for most people.4 The desire for reform has come out of a general desire to improve the situation, but I suspect the proposed changes may rebound on the government.5 The proposals are rooted in an appropriate awareness of the problems that exist, but I do not feel that what is proposed adds up to a coherent programme of action.1 The school’s rituals and traditions are rooted in its long history. 2 My mother puts the problem down to a decline in moral values. 3 How do you think the changes will impact on your business? 4 The economic recession inevitably resulted in increased unemployment.5 How would you account for the recent increase in violent crime? 6 Joel’s criticism of Erica may rebound on him now that she’s his boss! 7 I do not feel that the writer’s analysis of the problem adds up. 8 Some unforeseen problems have come out of the change in legislation. Author’s answers:1 I’d put global warming largely down to increased air and road travel.2 I think a dramatic change in social values has led to the current increase in violent crime in most societies.3 I’d account for it by saying that teenage girls tend to be more inclined to work harder at school than teenage boys – though of course there are plenty of exceptions. 4 I’d attribute the success of social media sites to the fact that they are convenient, fast and efficient. 5 I’d point to the prevalence of materialistic attitudes as one main cause of social problems today.6 My own interest in English stems from the fact that I had very good English teachers when I was at school.7 I think that mobile phones have resulted in more communication between people – it’s so much easier to keep in touch with friends and family.8 For me the main thing that contributes to the difficulty of phrasal verbs is the fact that one verb – like, say, make out – can have so many different meanings.Unit 181 b 2 c 3 d 4 a 5 b1 reminds 6 blocked2 conjure/stir/summon/call 7 put3 flooding/coming 8 stick (Note that stay is also possible.)4 associate 9 store5 coming/flooding 10 conjure/summon/call17.117.217.317.418.118.2138 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedIn each case the play on words depends on the literal meaning of the basic verb in the phrasal verb.1 To stir up memories means to make memories, often unpleasant ones, appear in your mind. A cook stirs ingredients, e.g. the ingredients for a cake or batter for pancakes.2 To conjure up memories means to make you remember things from the past. A magician traditionally conjures a rabbit out of a hat.3 To call up memories means to evoke memories or make someone remember something. Another meaning of call up is to require young men to become soldiers.4 If a memory sticks with you, then you don’t forget it. Glue is used to stick something to something else. The first meaning of stick here is metaphorical and the second is literal.5 If memories come flooding back, you suddenly remember a lot of things very clearly. When pipes burst – this typically happens if they freeze and then the ice melts – then there will be a flood.Author’s answers:1 I associate my childhood with the colour green because I spent so much time playing in the garden at home.2 The smell of lavender reminds me of my childhood because we had a lot of lavender growing in our garden.3 The pop music of the 1970s always conjures up memories of my youth.4 I would like to block out the memory of school dinners, particularly of the awful macaroni cheese we were forced to eat.5 I think that music makes memories come back to me more powerfully, although smells can also be very potent.Unit 191 If your currency bottoms out, then it will become expensive to buy things inand the factory is doing well.2 One of the robbers acted as lookout / outlook while the others robbed the bank.3 There was a sudden pourdown / downpour and we all got very wet.4 The breakout / outbreak of war in 1914 changed Europe for ever.5 Lift -off / Off -lift is scheduled for 07.00 on Friday and the astronauts will arrive at the space station later that day.6 There was a break-in / an in-break at our off ice last night. Two computers were stolen.3.4dictionary.cambridge.org4 Holly Have you decided where you’re going this summer?Flora Not really. It’s a toss-over whether it’ll be Italy or Greece.12 English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced4 Phrasal adjectivesSome phrasal verbs have related adjectives. Make a note of these as you meet them.phrasal verb adjective meaning examplego on ongoing one which continues We’ve had an ongoing problem with the computer system.wear out worn out weak, damaged through much useShe was wearing old, worn-out shoes.break down broken-downone that has stopped workingIn our garage we’ve got an old broken-down fridge.However, this is not the case for all such adjectives. We can say ‘that way of thinking is very outdated’, but there is no related verb to date out; we can say ‘the restaurant was really overpriced’, but there is no phrasal verb to price over (the verb is ‘to overprice’).Note the phrasal adjectives in these extracts from people talking about their dreams and ambitions.1 makes you not like it or not want to do it2 made less strong in order to make more people agree with them3 sad and depressed Here are some more examples in small advertisements and announcements. 4 happening in the near futureTipWhen you come across a phrasal adjective, check to see whether it has a ‘matching’ verb and, if so, learn the two together.I’m an outgoing sort of person, so I want a career where I mix with people. To be honest, I find the idea of a desk job quite off -putting1; I just don’t think I’d like it at all. I’d love to do something new, something completely diff erent.I’ve always been very outspoken. I’m never afraid to express my opinion, so I think a job campaigning for an environmental organisation would suit me. I would never accept any watered-down2 proposals and would make some very direct demands of our political leaders.I always feel completely tired out at the end of the day in my present job and just want to sleep. Instead of feeling cheerful aft er a good weekend, I always feel quite downcast3 every Monday when the new week starts, so I want something new and more stimulating, preferably with a more go-ahead company which will bring interest and excitement into my work.Forthcoming4 events at the City StadiumLive-in nanny wanted for 3-year-old.Caravan for sale: built-in fridge, freezer and satellite TVFold-up picnic chair for sale. As new.For rent, cosy one-room fl at with foldaway bed. Ideal for student.13ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedReplace the adjective in each sentence with a phrasal adjective with the opposite meaning.1 There was a new carpet on the stairs.2 The newsletter has a list of recent activities at the tennis club.3 What’s happened? You’re looking very cheerful!4 Unlike her sister, Emily is very introverted.5 I find the cover of this novel very attractive, don’t you?6 It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, Polina always looks fresh.7 We are not in the habit of going to such cheap restaurants.8 When you meet my boss I think you’ll find her surprisingly uncommunicative.What do these pictures show?1 a chair2 a car3 a oven4 a bed4.14.2Answer these questions about the words on the opposite page.1 Can you think of one advantage and one disadvantage for parents of having a live-in nanny?2 In what kind of room might it be particularly useful to have a foldaway bed?3 What kind of job would not be suitable for a very outspoken person?4 When might you want to give a watered-down version of something that happened to you?5 What kind of job requires you to be outgoing?6 What kind of problem tends to be ongoing?7 What might you find off-putting if you are having a meal in a restaurant?8 What sorts of things do you think are often overpriced?Match the pairs of synonyms in the box below.broken-down candid continuing diluted downcast dynamicexhausted extrovert forthcoming future go-ahead miserablenot working obsolete off-putting ongoing outdated outgoingoutspoken repellent shabby tired-out watered-down worn outHere are some more phrasal adjectives. Work out from the context what they mean and rewrite the sentences replacing the underlined words with a word or phrase that means the same.1 If the union doesn’t accept our terms, what should we have as our fallback position?2 Clara always feels left out when her brother’s friends come round to play.3 Julian is usually chatty but his sister is not very forthcoming.4 You shouldn’t get so worked up about every little thing.5 Zack met me at the airport with outstretched arms. English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedCollocation and phrasal verbs5Why is collocation important?Collocation means the way words combine with one another. When learning a phrasal verb, it is important to note what kinds of words the verb is typically used with. For example, can it be used for both people and things, or only for people, or only for things? Is it typically used with negative things or can it be used for both positive and negative things? Look at this chart for the verb pore over [study or look carefully at something] and note how the objects it is used with refer especially to books or documents.AMaking a note of collocations in this way will help you remember the meaning of the phrasal verb. It is a good idea to learn the verb and its typical collocations as chunks of language. This will help you to speak and write more fluently.Collocations with positive or negative/problematic thingsMake a note if a phrasal verb collocates especially with positive or negative things.✓ typical/correct collocation ✗ untypical/wrong collocationThe plan was riddled with problems ✓ good ideas ✗ .The rain ✓ The traffic ✓ The fine weather ✗ has eased off/up now.After hours of discussion, we hit on a good idea ✓ the solution ✓ a stupid plan ✗ .Collocations with objects denoting people or thingsMake a note if a phrasal verb collocates especially with objects denoting people or things, or both.I’ve really gone off Sienna ✓ cheese ✓ recently.I’d advise you to keep in with the boss ✓ Andrew ✓ the exam system ✗ .Collocations with subjects denoting people or thingsMake a note if a phrasal verb collocates especially with subjects denoting people or things, or both.As we opened the door, water streamed into the room. ✓People were streaming into the meeting. ✓I have to dash off. I have a meeting in ten minutes. ✓The car dashed off along the motorway. ✗ [headed off / drove off at high speed would be more typical]Collocations with particular situationsMake a note of particular situations a phrasal verb typically refers to.He just sailed through his exams ✓ the interview ✓ his breakfast ✗ . [sail through is used with challenging things and situations]I was always hankering after an easier life ✓ sweet food while I was on a diet ✓ passing my exams ✗ . [hanker after is most often used with things we cannot or should not have]BCDEa documenta list of namesa book a manuscriptpore over15ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedAnswer the following questions. 1 What does the word collocation mean?2 Which of these are correct collocations? a) pore over a book b) pore over a view c) pore over a manuscript d) pore over a flower e) pore over a list of names3 What do the nouns that collocate with pore over have in common?4 Why is it helpful to learn phrasal verbs in collocations?dollars, or to travel to the USA. But more tourists might come to your country because it's cheaper for them. So you might be happy or unhappy depending on your circumstances.2 sprouting or springing 3 True. See the left-hand page, section A.4 You begin to feel less confident.5 It becomes less strong.1 opens 2 apart 3 on 4 up 5 breaks 6 out1 When you’ve finished with the scissors, could you pass them to me? (Note the change to present perfect tense.)2 They wound up the business in 2014 after a year of low sales.3 OK, so who’s magicked the bottle opener away / magicked away the bottle opener? It was here a minute ago!4 We’ve had some setbacks but we’ll press on.5 I only got up to page 12 of the book before I got bored and stopped reading it.1 Wind up means to finish/terminate something. It is also what you do to a non-electric clock or watch to make it work.2 Sprout up means to suddenly appear. A Brussels sprout is also a vegetable.3 Press on means to continue in a determined way. Dry cleaners also press clothes (remove creases by using an iron or a pressing machine).4 Spring up means to appear suddenly. A trampoline has springs, which contract and expand, making it possible for a person to bounce up and down on it.5 Training shoes are worn by athletes when running. To run out of money means to have no money left.18.318.419.119.219.319.4139English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedUnit 201 up 5 up2 rage 6 off3 around 7 back4 out (Note over is also possible.) 8 offThere was a terrible bust-up at work today. The departmental manager came into the office in a terrible temper. She flew at her PA and when people tried to calm her down, she rounded on them. I don’t know what had got into her. She pushes everyone around* a lot, but she’s not normally quite so aggressive. I tried not to get dragged into it at first, but she started shouting really loudly at Jessica, so I stepped in to try to break things up.* push over would mean literally push people onto the floorPossible answers:1 When I tried to enter the house, the dog flew at me.2 No object required3 They threatened to bump him off if he told anyone about the robbery.4 Because she had learned some judo as a child, Lauren found it much easier to fight off her attacker / to fight her attacker off.5 I was completely taken by surprise when someone suddenly came at me from behind.6 After only ten seconds in the ring, Henry’s opponent had knocked him out.1 Paul tried to drag me into the argument, but I managed to stay out of it. 2 The old man thought the boys were trying to break into his house, so he set his dog on them. 3 The aim of the organisation is to wipe out cruelty to children. 4 Although he is small, James is strong and he quickly managed to knock his attacker out.5 Uncle Ronnie can flare up (very quickly) if you say the wrong thing. 6 The witness saw the thief come at the woman just as she was opening her car door. 7 The robbers came running out of the bank, pushing over an old lady who was in their path. 8 Older people often find it harder to fight off colds and other infections than younger people do. Unit 21making noise reducing noisebelt out die downboom out trail offblast out keep down1 trailed 2 belting 3 blasting 4 keep 5 boomed 6 died 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 a 7 c 8 c1 You would not enjoy it: droning on means continuing for a long time in a boring, monotonous way.2 True3 up4 away5 ring out6 came over20.120.220.320.421.121.221.321.4140 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedUnit 22This party stands for equality for all. We do not hesitate to come out strongly against any case of injustice.We stick by our principles at all times and never cave in to threats or pressure from the opposition.We side with the underdog and do not defer to those who are wealthy and powerful.1 The runners were cheered on by the spectators as they headed for the finishing line.2 You can rely on Tim to stick up for his little sister. Or You can rely on little Tim to stick up for his sister.3 My grandfather swears by raw garlic as a way of protecting himself from catching colds.4 My mother would never have tried bungee jumping if we hadn’t egged her on.5 She wanted to go to an all-night party but her mother wouldn’t hear of it.6 The discovery of gas in the North Sea buoyed up the British economy for some years. Or The discovery of gas in the North Sea for some years buoyed up the British economy.1 stick 2 side 3 cheer 4 buoy1 My preferred course of action would be to go with what Ivan has recommended.2 He began his political life as a Conservative but crossed over to the Labour Party when he realised that he would be more likely to get a seat in Parliament that way.3 correct4 correct5 I shall have to defer to your superior knowledge of the situation.6 My mother swears by a daily spoonful of honey to keep healthy all year long.7 Josh is not usually naughty himself but he is quick to egg others on.8 correctUnit 231 c 3 e 5 a 7 b2 g 4 f 6 h 8 d1 down 3 to 5 to 7 in2 in 4 on 6 down1 After two weeks of strikes, the company finally gave in and increased the overtime rate.2 Our application for planning permission went through without any problems and so we can start building next month. 3 We’ve got a general agreement, but it will take some time to hammer out the details. 4 Chris always just goes along with what the manager says. He never thinks for himself. 5 It’s going to be difficult to nail down all the details of the training day until we’ve chosen a date. 6 Charlie said he didn’t like the new website design, but I think he’ll come round when he sees the latest version. 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 c 5 bUnit 241 grappling 7 cottoned2 rough 8 hit3 talk 9 break4 bounce 10 piece5 reflect 11 thrash6 occurred1 up; on 5 around2 out 6 with3 up; on 7 at4 with 8 in22.122.222.322.423.123.223.323.424.124.2141English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedPossible answers:1 bounce off, bat around, play with, hit on an idea2 piece together3 thrash something out, grapple with, break something downUnit 251 The basic meaning is collecting up animals who have ranged over a wide area of land, e.g. a sheepdog rounds up sheep or a cowboy rounds up cattle. With a different meaning, round up (a number / a total) also refers to raising a number or total to the nearest whole number, e.g. The bill was £9.20, so we rounded it up to £10 and gave the waiter a £10 note. See Unit 26.2 a cushion3 pile up4 looking for something important among things which are not so important5 Some of the uses of ‘up’ do have similar meanings. In prop up, pile up and stack up the particle suggests up rather than down. In gather up, round up and line up, the particle suggests ‘together’.1 stack up 2 round up 3 separate out1 up 4 towards2 away 5 up3 among 6 upPossible answers: 1 You would fix up a meeting. 2 They are required to space out the desks. 3 You might put a book under the short leg to prop up the table. 4 You might need to separate out paper, glass, food waste, etc. into different containers. 5 The photographer usually lines the pupils up before taking a school photo. 6 A sofa could double up as a bed if someone stays over. 7 You gather all the papers up and then throw or tidy them away. 8 You might agree to wear something distinctive so you will know each other from all the other people in the café. 9 Could you see about decorating the room, perhaps, while I get the food prepared? 10 It might be sensible to sift through the papers first to ensure that nothing important is thrown away.Unit 261 The total cost of our holiday amounted to nearly £500. 2 The bill came to £22.20 each, so we rounded it up to £25 to include a tip. 3 Helena has put on a lot of weight recently.4 It will take Joe some time to build up5 What sorts of things might you note down about what a phrasal verb collocates with?Do the sentences below show appropriate collocations or not?1 When we took our old dog to the vet, she discovered he was riddled with disease.2 The pain in his leg seems to be beginning to ease off now.3 You can always rely on Joseph to hit on an idea that will never work.4 I used to enjoy that TV series but I’ve gone off it a bit now.5 It’s usually a good idea to keep in with your bank account.Complete these sentences using the correct particles. 1 There is no point in hankering your lost youth.2 When her housemate rang to say that water was streaming the basement, Maria dashed to the station to catch a train home.3 I always find job interviews really difficult, but my brother seems to sail them.4 We’ll have to cut down that tree – it’s riddled disease.5 When my sister was pregnant she drank a lot of milk, but she completely went tea and coffee. 6 Liam was bullied a bit when he started school, but it seems to have eased now.7 You should apologise to Juliette’s mother. It’s sensible to keep your future in-laws.Rewrite each sentence using the verb in brackets in an appropriate form.1 Helena easily passed her driving test. (sail)2 I really don’t like coffee any more. (go)3 The wind is less strong than it was now. (ease)4 If I have a problem, I find a walk by the sea often helps me to find a solution. (hit)5 Masses of people entered the shop as soon as it opened, hoping to find a bargain in the sale. (stream)6 There are a lot of holes in his argument. (riddle) to youLook back at any other phrasal verbs you have recently written in your vocabulary notebooks. Write them down in some typical collocations. You will find these in the example sentences of a good dictionary, e.g. the Cambridge Phrasal Verbs Dictionary.16 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedRegister6Phrasal verbs in the English lexiconThe word register is often used to refer to whether a word is formal or informal. It can also be used to refer to the language associated with a particular job or interest. English vocabulary is particularly rich because it combines a large vocabulary originating from Anglo-Saxon roots with a large vocabulary originating from Latin or French. This means that English often has words with very similar meanings from each of these sources. To give a phrasal verb example, you can put forward or propose an idea, where put forward (like the majority of phrasal verbs) has a typical Anglo-Saxon etymology, whereas propose is of Latin origin. It is interesting to note that propose comes from the Latin prefix pro- [= forward] added to the Latin root -pose [= put]; there are many other examples of where the Latin etymology parallels the etymology of its phrasal verb equivalent. Words of Latin or French origin tend to be more formal and so ‘proposing an idea’ is found more frequently in formal written English than in informal spoken English. Although phrasal verbs are typical of more informal English, many – like put forward, for example – will also be found in neutral or formal as well as informal contexts. Most phrasal verbs are like this. Some phrasal verbs, however, are only used in either informal or formal situations. We indicate throughout the book when this is the case. Informal phrasal verbsABSerge Well, they’re asking for6 trouble, aren’t they? You know your boss respects you, don’t you?Jessica Yes, I couldn’t ask for7 a better boss, that’s for sure. But she’s got more important things on her plate than sorting out petty office squabbles.Serge How’s things, Jessie? Is work OK these days?Jessica Not really. Sophie’s gunning for1 me. I think she’s after my job. I mucked up2 an important deal yesterday and she was so thrilled!Serge Don’t pay any attention to her.Jessica I know, but the trouble is Tim’s ganged up with3 her now too. So it’s got much worse. They hang around4 together in every break and after work too. If Sophie doesn’t shoot down5 one of my ideas, Tim does.Now do the opposite with these sentences. Use phrasal verbs from the box to make the sentences less formal. Use a dictionary if necessary.go into fall through put out go over to look after call in on buy up get by take on ask out 1 Will you attend to Aunt Elsie while I go and get the children’s supper ready? 2 He explored the subject in great detail in his lecture. 3 When the president died his son assumed the title of Great Leader. 4 I like her. Do you think I should invite her to go out with me? 5 During the war he defected to the enemy side and was killed in action. 6 She purchased all the shares in the company last year. 7 The local newspaper published a story about a strange animal seen in the city park. 8 I think I’ll visit my grandfather on the way home from work. 9 The deal collapsed at the last minute. 10 I managed to survive on about €70 a day when I was travelling.Which professional registers are these phrasal verbs associated with? Put each of them into one of the three categories below. Use a dictionary if necessary.sell up sum up log in take over put forward back up gloss over scroll down/up base on hack into turn over bail out carry forward square up print offcomputers and technology academic lectures/writing money and businessRewrite each sentence using the word in brackets in an appropriate form.1 Despite his family’s poverty, Alfie always has everything he needs. (want)2 You must inform the police if you have evidence relating to the case. (bear)3 Jack will have to use all his ingenuity to resolve the situation. (call)4 The president believes his party’s victory is due to his leadership. (ascribe) 5 The manager will deal with your enquiry without delay. (attend)6.2dictionary.cambridge.org6.3dictionary.cambridge.org6.41 (only used in continuous) trying to cause 5 criticise strongly trouble for somebody 6 (only used in continuous) behaving in a 2 did very badly with way that is sure to create problems for them3 formed a group to act against me 7 couldn’t ever find, because this person 4 spend a lot of time (with) (or thing) is the best of their kindFormal phrasal verbsIn the first five examples below, the base verb is in itself formal. The base verb here is of Latin rather than Anglo-Saxon origin. In the final three examples, it is the specific usage rather than the base verb which is formal.The authorities finally acceded to his request for a work permit. [agreed to]We will attend to your request in due course. [deal with]He ascribes his success to hard work in his youth. [explains]The presence of the gene may predispose a person to heart disease. [make more likely]James Hansen is to preside over the government inquiry. [be in charge of]Some new facts have emerged which bear on the Smith case. [are connected to]The castaways had to call on all their strength to survive. [use]All her life the princess had never wanted for anything. [needed]C17ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedReplace the phrasal verbs in the letter with verbs from the box to make it more continue complain respond remedy investigate achieve6.1Now do the opposite with these sentences. Use phrasal verbs from the box to make the sentences less formal. Use a dictionary if necessary.go into fall through put out go over to look aft er call in on buy up get by take on ask out 1 Will you attend to Aunt Elsie while I go and get the children’s supper ready? 2 He explored the subject in great detail in his lecture. 3 When the president died his son assumed the title of Great Leader. 4 I like her. Do you think I should invite her to go out with me? 5 During the war he defected to the enemy side and was killed in action. 6 She purchased all the shares in the company last year. 7 The local newspaper published a story about a strange animalseen in the city park. 8 I think I’ll visit my grandfather on the way home from work. 9 The deal collapsed at the last minute. 10 I managed to survive on about €70 a day when I was travelling.Which professional registers are these phrasal verbs associated with? Put each of them into one of the three categories below. Use a dictionary if necessary.sell up sum up log in take over put forwardback up gloss over scroll down/up base on hack intoturn over bail out carry forward square up print off computers and technology academic lectures/writing money and businessRewrite each sentence using the word in brackets in an appropriate form.1 Despite his family’s poverty, Alfie always has everything he needs. (want)2 You must inform the police if you have evidence relating to the case. (bear)3 Jack will have to use all his ingenuity to resolve the situation. (call)4 The president believes his party’s victory is due to his leadership. (ascribe) 5 The manager will deal with your enquiry without delay. (attend)6.2dictionary.cambridge.org6.3dictionary.cambridge.org6.4Dear Mr Janes,Thank you for your letter of 23 May going on about the bad service you experienced at this hotel. I promise you we will look into the problem at once and get back to you as soon as possible. We always try to go for the highest standards of service, and if we have failed to live up to those standards we will immediately seek to sort out the situation. Meanwhile we hope you will go on making Miromana Hotels your fi rst choice for all your business and leisure travel.Yours sincerely,G. H. Logan (General Manager)Reply Forward18 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedMeaning and metaphor7Multiple meaningsMany phrasal verbs have more than one meaning. Oft en, the basic meaning relates to some physical action, while other meanings are metaphorical (i.e. they are figurative, not literal). For example, the meanings in the grey boxes below are literal and the others are figurative.phrasal verb definition of phrasal verb examplerun overhit sth/sb with a moving vehicle and injure or kill themI ran over a rabbit as I was driving home. It really upset me.go on aft er its expected time The meeting ran over so I missed my quickly to make sure something iscorrectCould we just run over the schedule again to make sure it’s all going to work?brush sth/sb off use a brush (or hand) to remove something I brushed off the dust from my shoes.refuse to listen to what someone says, or refuse to think about something seriouslyThe boss just brushed him off and told him to get back to work.Examples of metaphors based on quick or violent actionsThe price of petrol has shot up this year. [gone up rapidly and sharply]I don’t want to just dive into a new job without carefully considering it. [start doing something suddenly and energetically without thinking about it]The leader of the opposition party has hit out at the government’s new proposals on tax. [strongly criticised, typical of journalism]My success in the exam spurred me on to study even harder. [spurs are worn on the ankle and are used to make a horse go faster; here the meaning is ‘encouraged me’]Metaphors and contextThe context will usually tell you that a verb is being used in a metaphorical way. Look at these extracts from the advice column of a magazine which use phrasal verbs metaphorically rather than literally. ABC1 When did the budget meeting end?2 What has happened to transport costs recently? 3 How does Luke usually behave towards Rory?4 What does Rory want to do with Bella this aft ernoon regarding tomorrow’s agenda?5 Has today’s meeting made Rory more or less determined about tomorrow’s meeting?6 What does Rory not want to do with their proposal at tomorrow’s meeting?7 What is he afraid that the boss might do to them?Rewrite the underlined parts of these sentences using a phrasal verb from C or D opposite.1 It’s not good for children to spend too much time just watching a screen.2 Choosing a university course is a matter of deciding what you want to do with your life.3 I arrived at the stadium early and watched the other spectators entering in large numbers.4 Laura reluctantly left the window and returned to her desk.5 Sam was staring at Megan, listening intently to every word she said.6 George dismissed all objections to his plan, saying they were unimportant.Complete these sentences with a phrasal verb from the opposite page. 1 It is terrible how the world just and lets such terrible things happen!2 Despite all his diff iculties, Douglas does his best to bravely .3 William reached into his pocket and his passport.4 When I go to a new town I love the back streets.5 You mustn’t let your social life your study time.6 The politician simply the allegations being made against him.7 When he was 30 Mario left his uncle’s business and on his own.8 Our little house is a bank and a supermarket. Here are some more phrasal verbs which can be used metaphorically. How are their literal and metaphorical meanings connected? Use a dictionary if necessary.1 I’ve left you some soup which you can warm up when you get home. A fantastic singer warmed up the audience before the main programme started.2 The boy wasn’t looking where he was going and fell into a hole in the ground. Alexander fell into his first job as soon as he had left university.3 The cat got up the tree but didn’t seem able to climb down. Molly always wants to win an argument – you’ll never get her to climb down. examples of phrasal verbs used metaphoricallyShe searched in her bag and fished out an old photograph.We wandered round the old market, just drinking in the atmosphere.He spends hours glued to his computer every evening.We found this vase when we were just nosing around in an antique shop.People were flooding into the stadium two hours before the concert.DDon’t just stand by and let others have all the fun. It’s time to strike out on your own and do something completely different. Sweep aside all your inhibitions and start living life to the full. It all boils down to whether you are prepared to take control of life or let life control you.You must fi nd the strength to drag yourself away from your domestic responsibilities for a short while and stop feeling sandwiched between your family and your career. Doing everything single-handed is eating into all your free time and you need time to think. You can’t be expected to soldier on on your own any longer.19ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedLook at A and B opposite. Read the email and then answer the questions below using your own words rather than the phrasal verbs in the email.7.11 When did the budget meeting end?2 What has happened to transport costs recently? 3 How does Luke usually behave towards Rory?4 What does Rory want to do with Bella this aft ernoon regarding tomorrow’s agenda?5 Has today’s meeting made Rory more or less determined about tomorrow’s meeting?6 What does Rory not want to do with their proposal at tomorrow’s meeting?7 What is he afraid that the boss might do to them?Rewrite the underlined parts of these sentences using a phrasal verb from C or D opposite.1 It’s not good for children to spend too much time just watching a screen.2 Choosing a university course is a matter of deciding what you want to do with your life.3 I arrived at the stadium early and watched the other spectators entering in large numbers.4 Laura reluctantly left the window and returned to her desk.5 Sam was staring at Megan, listening intently to every word she said.6 George dismissed all objections to his plan, saying they were unimportant.Complete these sentences with a phrasal verb from the opposite page. 1 It is terrible how the world just and lets such terrible things happen!2 Despite all his difficulties, Douglas does his best to bravely .3 William reached into his pocket and his passport.4 When I go to a new town I love the back streets.5 You mustn’t let your social life your study time.6 The politician simply the allegations being made against him.7 When he was 30 Mario left his uncle’s business and on his own.8 Our little house is a bank and a supermarket. Here are some more phrasal verbs which can be used metaphorically. How are their literal and metaphorical meanings connected? Use a dictionary if necessary.1 I’ve left you some soup which you can warm up when you get home. A fantastic singer warmed up the audience before the main programme started.2 The boy wasn’t looking where he was going and fell into a hole in the ground. Alexander fell into his first job as soon as he had left university.3 The cat got up the tree but didn’t seem able to climb down. Molly always wants to win an argument – you’ll never get her to climb down. BellaSorry to miss you this morning – the budget meeting ran over and I just couldn’t leave. We had to try to fi nd some ways to cope with the way that our transport costs have shot up over the last few months. Luke was fi nding fault with all my ideas and I had to stay and try to defend them as best I could. He always takes any opportunity to hit out at me – I don’t know why. Anyway, could we meet later today to run over the agenda for tomorrow’s meeting? My problems today have spurred me on to succeed tomorrow. We mustn’t just dive into our proposal without preparing the ground carefully. It’d be a disaster if the boss just brushed us off after all that work!RoryReply Forward20 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedIdioms using phrasal verbs8Problems at work and homeA1 get rid of the good parts of something 4 doing something because you are angry as well as the bad parts though it may cause you more problems2 talk or act in a way that helps get rid of 5 outwit, be cleverer than strong feelings 6 immediately liked each other3 make something that is unpleasant less soProgress meetingB1 started badly 6 (informal) start to behave better2 (informal) organised myself more effectively 7 doing something to compensate for not 3 using a lot of time and effort with no results doing it previously4 refuse to do what others try to persuade you 8 be very successful to do 9 be realistic5 say good things about me to someone in authority 10 do all you canHi Millie,How’s your awful new boss? Still planning a total reorganisation of the office or have you persuaded her not to throw the baby out with the bathwater1? Let me know if you need an evening out to let off steam2 – it’s about time we met up again.We’ve been told at our company that we won’t be getting a salary increase this year. They took the sting out of it3 by giving us a Christmas bonus, but people are not happy.My boss is still as difficult as ever. Her personal assistant’s resigned, but I think that might be cutting off her nose to spite her face4 as she’ll find it hard to find anything else as well-paid. She can usually run rings round5 anyone, so it must have been a shock for her to get a boss she couldn’t manipulate. I badly need your advice. Joey’s beginning to turn up the heat in our relationship – he’s dropping hints about marriage. He invited me to meet his parents last weekend. We got on like a house on fire6 but I just don’t feel ready to put down roots yet. Should I stop seeing him? I don’t want to but maybe it’d be kinder? I can’t make up my mind. Let me know what you think.LydiaReply ForwardOscar Hmm, well Stan needs to clean up his act6 too. If you don’t start making up for lost time7 soon, we’re going to have to let you go.Anna Oh, no, please. Just give me a bit more authority and I’ll come into my own8.Oscar Oh, Anna. Wake up to the fact9 that you won’t get any more authority unless you pull out all the stops10 and your work improves significantly.Oscar Well, Anna, you’ve been here for a month now and it’s time we had a little chat.Anna OK. Well, I know I got off on the wrong foot1 by deleting all last year’s client information, but I hope you’ll agree I’ve got my act together2 now?Oscar Erm, not exactly. I’ve tried my best to show you where you’re going wrong, but I just appear to be going round in circles3. Nothing ever seems to get any better. You dig your heels in4 and don’t make any effort to change.Anna Oh, I don’t think that’s fair. I’m sure Stan would put in a good word for me5. I’ve helped him out with one of his projects.21ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedAnswer these questions.1 What should you not throw out with the bathwater?2 What expression uses a burning house as a metaphor for a good relationship?3 What expression uses steam as a metaphor for strong feelings?4 According to the idiom, why might people cut off their own nose?5 What idiom means ‘ease an unpleasant situation’ and refers to what bees can do?6 Which two phrasal verb idioms refer to circular motion?Complete these sentences using expressions from 8.1.1 Refusing that job offer just because you’re annoyed about the interview would be cutting your to your .2 When she came back to the UK, Harriet decided it was time she down and she bought a little cottage not far from here. 3 The robbers round the police. It took two years to catch them.4 The extra day’s holiday we offered should take the out the pay cut.5 I felt as if I was just going in and getting nowhere.6 We should keep the better parts of the old system when we move over to the new system. We don’t want to the out with the bathwater.7 Isaac and Matthew on like a on fire; they’re great friends.8 I don’t think she was really angry with you; she was just steam.Cross out the five mistakes in this text and write the correct form in the box next to that line.After a year of travelling, I decided to put my act together and get a job. A friend who worked for a bank put in some good words for me. In fact he pushed in all the stops and arranged for me to have lunch with the CEO. I got on the wrong feet by saying I wasn’t ready to plant down roots yet; I think they were looking for someone to make a long-term commitment. I should have kept quiet!Complete these dialogues using phrasal verbs from the opposite page so that the second speaker agrees with and repeats more or less what the first speaker says. 2 3 4 5 getMichael Alice seems determined not to agree to the new plan.Juan Yes, she really seems to be digging .Sarah Wow, my Uncle Joshua is 75 and he’s getting married for the first time!Amelia Really? He’s obviously trying to make up !Luis Charles lives in a fantasy world. He thinks he can make a living writing poetry.Ava That’s crazy! He should wake up that poets never make any money!Eva Teddy has been very successful in his new career.Gabriel Yes, he really seems to have come into .Robert The boss seems to be getting very serious about the new sales campaign lately.Dan Yes, he’s really turning up .Franck I think it’s time I made a decision.Daisy Yes, it’s time for you to make up .22 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedAround and about9Around and about are often (but not always) interchangeable in phrasal verbs. A good dictionary will tell you whether they can both be used. The only verbs on this page where both are not possible are marked *.Basic meaning of around and about in phrasal verbsAround and about keep a lot of their basic meaning in many phrasal verbs. They often indicate activities and situations taking place in various locations, often without having a clear direction or order.There were books lying around everywhere in the room.The children were running about in the garden. Phrasal verbs with aroundand about are often informal. Look at this conversation between two teachers.ANote that in boss around, around emphasises the fact that the person is frequently being bossed by someone else, not the fact that this occurs in different places.Other uses of around and aboutHere are some other phrasal verbs which use around and about.Children! Stop playing around! Sit politely. [behaving stupidly] The neighbours have been banging about next door all morning. I wonder what they’re doing. [making loud noises, for example hammering or moving heavy objects]Theo was clowning around at the party last night. It got very irritating. [acting in a silly way]Politicians often skirt around* the truth and don’t give direct answers to questions. [avoid discussing a difficult subject or problem]It’s a problem, but I’m sure we can work around* it in some way. [organise our activities to ensure that the problem does not prevent us from doing what we want to do]BHolly Thanks very much. So, what are you up to this weekened?Jake Nothing much, just pottering about at home, really. Oh goodness! Is that the time? I have a class now.Holly Rumours have been flying around the staffroom lately that you’re leaving. Is it true?Jake It amazes me how news gets around in this place! I did say to one or two people that Iwas tired of being bossed around by you-know-who, and, I have asked around* here and there to see if they need any full-time teachers, but I haven’t made a decision yet.Holly OK, see you later. Don’t forget that we switched our classrooms around this afternoon. You’re in Room 2.Holly Oh, right. I heard the other day that Eleanor is sick of running around* after you-know-who sorting out problems he’s caused. So she might leave too. By the way, do you have a copy of that new grammar book? I want to show it to my students. My copy’s floating about here somewhere but I just can’t find it.Jake Yes, I think I have a copy lying around here somewhere … Yes, here you are.23ExercisesEnglish Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedChoose the correct word to complete these sentences.1 I couldn’t get to sleep because of Owen around upstairs. a) banging b) lying c) switching2 Wait a moment – the document you need is about here somewhere. a) flying b) floating c) running3 I think we should stop the car and let the children around for a bit. a) get b) lie c) run4 The room looks different. Have you the furniture around? a) pottered b) switched c) banged5 If you around, you might be able to find someone with a car for sale. a) ask b) boss c) play6 I hate the way rumours around the office. a) run b) fly c) lie7 You really shouldn’t leave such important papers about. a) clowning b) lying c) playing8 Yanis made the children laugh by around with pieces of fruit. a) banging b) getting c) clowningComplete each dialogue using a verb from the box with around or about.boss get ask clown lie9.19.2Complete these sentences with phrasal verbs from the opposite page. Put the verb in the correct form. Sometimes more than one verb is possible.1 I thought Alex was just in his bedroom today, but in fact he’s been really busy. He’s tidied up all the books and papers that were on the floor. He’s also his bed and his desk, which makes the room feel bigger.2 When I was a child I used to hate visiting Great Uncle Edward. He wouldn’t allow us children to in case we broke anything, and he was always us , getting us to after him, doing odd jobs for him.3 Do you think we could find a way to the problem of having to get written permission from everyone to use the photographs in our book?4 I think we should be honest with everyone and not try to the issue.5 We hear people every night in the flat upstairs. All sorts of rumours have been among the neighbours as to what is going on up there.9.3Isla I need to find a flat to rent in London. Do you know of anything available?Katie No, but I’ll .1Sara Do you know where the extension lead is?Milo Yes, I think it might be in my study somewhere.2Adam How did Hugo know we’re getting married?Zara Well, news like that very quickly.3Ava Do you get on well with your sister?Ella Yes, on the whole, though she me a bit too much.4Amber What do you think of Freddie?Louis I find the way he always a bit childish.5Over to youLook up these words in your dictionary: crowd around, knock sth about/around, knock sb about/around, turn around, turn sth around, roll about/around, blunder about/around. Make a note of the meanings of these words and record them with an example sentence.24 English Phrasal Verbs in Use AdvancedDown10Read these sentences and then answer the questions below by writing the correct name in the box.Harry Irving felt he had lost his freedom when he and Antonia had their first baby.Oliver Reece was forced to the ground and held there by two security guards. People protested so loudly that no one could hear what Heidi Knight had to say.Mia Calvo persuaded the man to reduce the price by £500.Lucas Hind was shot dead yesterday by terrorists.1 Who was shouted down?2 Who was gunned down?3 Who felt tied down?4 Who was pinned down?5 Who managed to knock someone down?Rewrite the underlined parts of these sentences using a phrasal verb from the opposite page. Make any other necessary changes.1 The computer system suddenly stopped working this morning, so we’re doing everything manually at the moment.2 I’m sorry I’m so irritable. Things have been depressing me lately.3 Shall I write your name on my list to sponsor me for the charity walk?4 This event will be remembered in history as the worst catastrophe this country has ever suffered.5 The company had to stop all their machines during the 24-hour strike at the factory.6 The salesman agreed to a lower price, and after that we even managed to persuade him to reduce the price by a further 10%.7 Many everyday remedies for minor ailments have reached us over time from our ancestors.Answer the following questions using a phrasal verb from the opposite page.1 What might someone do if they get very angry during a phone call?2 What might you do to a very old and sick dog or cat?3 What would you do to stop a tent from blowing away?4 If work is making you depressed, what is it doing to you emotionally?5 If your radio was too loud, what would you do?Which of the meanings given are possible or likely interpretations of the phrasal verbs in these sentences? More than one interpretation may be possible. Use a dictionary if necessary.1 I think you should take this down. a) write it b) drink it c) dismantle it2 The house has come down. a) has been rebuilt b) is for sale at a lower price c) has been demolished3 She turned it down. a) reduced the heat b) refused the offer c) put the collar of her coat in its normal position4 They watered it down. a) extinguished a fire using water b) added water to make a liquid less strong c) made an idea, opinion or argument less strong10.110.210.310.4dictionary.cambridge.orgDown meaning lowerA1 suggest or agree to a lower price 3 put down with a lot of force2 persuaded him to reduce the price 4 reduce the amount of soundDown suggesting preventing or restrainingphrasal verb definition of phrasal verb exampleshout down sb or shout sb downshout in order to prevent someone who you disagree with from being heardI couldn’t hear what the prime minister was saying because some people at the front were shouting him down sb or pin sb downforce someone to stay in a horizontal position by holding themTwo police officers pinned the robber down while the third handcuffed him.tie down sth/sb or tie sth/sb downuse ropes to fasten someone or something in a particular positionThe tent is secure, but make sure you tie down anything else that might blow away in the storm.tie
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  • Exercício Avaliativo_ Revisão da tentativa
  • Avaliação de aprendizagem - Módulo 1_ Revisão da tentativa
  • Avaliação de aprendizagem - Módulo 2_ Revisão da tentativa
  • Avaliação de aprendizagem - Módulo 3_ Revisão da tentativa
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  • Google S Hot Mail YouTube Questão 7/10 - Atividades Extensionistas: Temas Integradores On Leia o fragmento de texto a seguir: "Teóricos decisão Uni...
  • e G ASUL Olá LARISSA PEREIRA DA SILVA, JCACIONAL EAD Seja bem-vindo ao Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem T d) As tecnologias possibilitam ao estudan...
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  • Relacione um elemento da coluna da direita com outro da esquerda. Só há uma opção correta. Realiza-se através de exercícios que vinculam o conhecim...
  • Relacione um elemento da coluna da direita com outro da esquerda. Só há uma opção correta. Centra-se na elaboração de instrumentos que possibilitem...
  • Relacione um elemento da coluna da direita com outro da esquerda. Só há uma opção correta. Tem como finalidade adaptar o processo didático aos prog...
  • 1°) A percepção da melhoria de desempenho da instituição de ensino, após regularmente submetida a programas de avaliação institucional, ocorre por ...
  • 0:00:12 Questão 1/10 - Metodologias Para Adultos na EJA Ler em voz alta Leia o fragmento de texto: "Considerando a singularidade das conexões que c...
  • A respeito da intervenção urbana é correto afirmar:a. Apenas IV está corretab. Apenas I, II, III estão corretasc. Todas as afirmativas estão cor...
  • Assinale a alternativa correta em relação ao planejamento urbano e a especificação de determinadas áreas em uma cidade:a. O planejamento urbano é ...
  • As propostas de ordenamentos urbanos para a desordem da cidade industrial resultou-se em modelos espaciais, exemplares e reprodutíveis. Sobre os mo...
  • O município de Paranavaí, seguiu diretrizes gerais fixadas em lei, com o objetivo de ordenar o pleno desenvolvimento das funções sociais da cidade ...
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Phrasal verbs

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A teacher of English as a foreign language is introducing a lesson on phrasal verbs to intermediate learners. To help students grasp the concept ef...


Phrasal verbs may be difficult to understand and apply in your daily conversation .Not only their meaning may not always be clear but also one may...
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  • Google S Hot Mail YouTube Questão 7/10 - Atividades Extensionistas: Temas Integradores On Leia o fragmento de texto a seguir: "Teóricos decisão Uni...
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  • Relacione um elemento da coluna da direita com outro da esquerda. Só há uma opção correta. Tem como finalidade adaptar o processo didático aos prog...
  • 1°) A percepção da melhoria de desempenho da instituição de ensino, após regularmente submetida a programas de avaliação institucional, ocorre por ...
  • 0:00:12 Questão 1/10 - Metodologias Para Adultos na EJA Ler em voz alta Leia o fragmento de texto: "Considerando a singularidade das conexões que c...
  • A respeito da intervenção urbana é correto afirmar:a. Apenas IV está corretab. Apenas I, II, III estão corretasc. Todas as afirmativas estão cor...
  • Assinale a alternativa correta em relação ao planejamento urbano e a especificação de determinadas áreas em uma cidade:a. O planejamento urbano é ...
  • As propostas de ordenamentos urbanos para a desordem da cidade industrial resultou-se em modelos espaciais, exemplares e reprodutíveis. Sobre os mo...
  • O município de Paranavaí, seguiu diretrizes gerais fixadas em lei, com o objetivo de ordenar o pleno desenvolvimento das funções sociais da cidade ...
  • INGLÊS 2024-10-22 165255
  • INGLÊS 2024-10-22 165319
Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced - Inglês (2025)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.