The best home health monitoring devices - Complete Care Shop (2025)

The best home health monitoring devices - Complete Care Shop (1)

At-home health monitoring devices are essential living aids for staying on top of your health in a private setting. By accurately monitoring your health, these health and well-being products help you realise when you need help, even if you don’t want to be a bother. Don’t forget, the National Health Service (NHS) is still there to help you in times of need, but it’s handy having the information at your fingertips at home.

It’s also helpful if you have a phone appointment with a doctor as you’ll be able to give them key information that they may need to help you. But, what are the best home health monitoring devices, and how can you stay on top of your health? Continue reading as we explore your options.

What are health monitoring devices for home?

An at-home health monitoring device is an electrical tool or piece of equipment that’s designed to monitor various aspects of an individual's health in the comfort of their own home. These devices are typically portable, user-friendly, and offer real-time data collection and analysis. They can be used by individuals to keep track of their health status, detect potential health issues, or monitor existing medical conditions.

The types of at-home health monitoring devices vary depending on the type of condition or care required for an individual. So, what kind of devices are available to you?

What are the best home health monitoring devices

There is a wide range of at-home health monitoring devices available at Complete Care Shop to monitor various aspects of your health accurately. The best include:

  • Pulse oximeters
  • Blood pressure monitors
  • Thermometers

Pulse oximeters

Pulse oximeters are small devices that fit on your finger and monitor your pulse and blood oxygen level. These have been extremely useful over the past few years, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. This is because one of the confusing symptoms can be ‘silent hypoxia’, where oxygen in the blood drops below normal levels without you noticing.

A blood oxygen level of 95-100% is considered normal for most people. If yours is between 93 and 94%, you should contact NHS 111 for further advice. If it’s 92% or below, you should go to your closest accident and emergency or dial 999.

This may vary slightly if you usually have a lower blood oxygen level. If in doubt, you should seek medical help.

Blood pressure monitors

Home blood pressure monitors can be used at home to check whether your blood pressure is too high or too low. At-home blood pressure monitors come in a variety of styles so you can find one that suits your needs. With ones that go around the upper arm and ones that work from the wrist, there are several options available to choose the one that best suits your preferences.

If you need help interpreting your blood pressure results, the NHS has an online tool you can use to input your results and get an explanation.


Sometimes it can be easy to tell that you have a fever, as you may have noticeable symptoms such as chills or sweats. However, other times it can be harder to tell, so checking your temperature accurately with a home thermometer can help in preventing the spread of any viruses or pathogens. A high-temperature indication will let you know to stay at home and look after yourself. In adults, a high temperature is considered to be 38 degrees Celsius or more.

Thermometers come in a variety of styles: in-ear, infrared (where temperature can be taken at a distance), or traditional ones that are held under the tongue. The type you choose comes down to personal preference and what’s right for your needs.

At-home health monitoring devices at Complete Care Shop

It’s important to remember that even the best home health monitoring devices aren’t a replacement for medical care. If you’re experiencing symptoms that need urgent medical attention, like difficulty breathing, seek help. It’s also very important to read and follow the instructions carefully, as you won’t get accurate readings if the monitor isn’t used correctly.

At Complete Care Shop, we have an excellent selection of medical equipment and accessories, giving you the opportunity to choose from the best home health monitoring devices available.

If you need help deciding if a home health monitor is right for you, be sure to use our Expert Advice services where one of our Occupational Therapists can use their expertise to advise you. For any other queries and support, don’t hesitate to contact us.

The best home health monitoring devices - Complete Care Shop (2025)
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