14 Ways to Improve Your Grades if You're Underperforming (2024)

Even the brightest students can sometimes find themselves academically underperforming, often through no fault of their own. When students find themselves in this situation, it’s often because they’re stuck in a rut and are not sure what to do to improve. If this sounds like you, the first step is to work out the reasons why you may be underperforming, and the next step is to work out how to tackle the problem. If you’re not sure how to go about it, this article shows you what you can do to form an improvement plan to help you achieve the grades you know you’re capable of achieving.

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In the face of lower-than-expected grades, it’s only human to react by feeling disappointed with oneself. When you’re frequently receiving lower grades than you’d hoped for, you may start to feel depressed or defeated, and feel like giving up. The first step on the road to improving your grades is to turn this negativity on its head. You need to be positive about the situation if you’re to stand a chance of improving it. Acknowledge that your grades aren’t what you’re aiming for, but believe that you can do something about it. Start by mentally taking control of the situation: instead of thinking “I’m a failure”, think “I can and will do better than this.” Don’t give up – take positive steps towards achieving the improvement you’re more than capable of achieving.

You need to work out which areas need targeting before you can draw up a plan of action, so the next step is to figure out the areas in which you’re underperforming, and why. Are your grades consistently lower than you’d like them to be across all your subjects, or is there one particular area you’re struggling with that’s bringing down your overall performance in a particular subject? Take a look at your grades over the last few months and look for patterns. Has there been a general decline in academic achievement, or have your grades in certain areas always been lower than you’d hoped? Are your grades always low in the same areas, such as one problem subject? You’ll probably already have a vague idea of the answers to these questions, but seeing your grades written down on paper – perhaps even in graph format – can help you see things more clearly.
Next, think about the reasons why you’re not performing to your full academic potential in the areas you’ve identified. Are there external factors that may be negatively affecting your grades, such as a family problem or worrying about a social situation at school? Are you struggling with any particular academic skills that might be dragging you down, such as essay-writing or note-taking? And are you studying in a way that works for you? These are all factors that could be affecting your academic performance, so once you’ve isolated what the problem is – it could be a combination of more than one of these issues – you’ll be able to start tackling it. If the problems are external, you’ll need to take steps towards getting them to a point at which they no longer adversely affect your studies; seeing a counsellor might help, for instance. If they’re academic, read the rest of this article for some suggestions on how you can improve.

Your teachers know you best, so it’s worth talking to them when you’re drawing up a plan of action for improving your grades. Ask them where they think you need to improve, and they’ll probably have some advice on how you can go about it. Coupled with the advice in the rest of this article, this should allow you to tailor an action plan to your personal situation.

If you’re prone to daydreaming in class, it’s time to start focusing on the here and now. Listen to what the teacher is saying rather than talking with friends or allowing your mind to wander. Don’t simply copy down what’s on the board without thinking about it; make sure you’ve understood it, make neat notes so that you can understand them when you come back to them (more on that later), and don’t be afraid to speak up if there’s something you don’t understand or want clarifying. It’s much easier to ask a teacher to explain something differently than it is to trawl through books trying to find a clearer explanation for yourself, and they won’t think less of you for asking.

Clutter of any kind inhibits our ability to operate efficiently, so another way of improving your academic performance is to get organised. Keep your workspace tidy and all your notes and textbooks organised in such a way that you know where everything is. Start thinking more about your time management, too, as this will allow you to prioritise your time effectively, freeing time for problem subjects. Write yourself a daily timetable that incorporates your school schedule, dividing your day into slots of time and fitting in plenty of time for studying. Allocate extra time to subjects or topics you’ve identified as being ones you’re struggling with; it could be that the reason for your underperformance in these subjects is that you’re simply not devoting enough time to them.

One of the reasons you may have identified for underperforming is that you’re not taking good enough notes. Hurriedly scrawled notes from class can be difficult to make sense of when you come to revise from them, or even to write an essay based on them. It’s all too easy to misunderstand your own notes and fail to get a strong enough grasp of the topic. It’s imperative, therefore, that you produce good notes from each of your classes and from the books you use – notes that you can read, that are useful, and that are logically organised. If you make notes by hand – in class, for example – try to type them up at the end of the day, while they’re still fresh in your mind.

Another common reason for academic underperformance is that the student’s essay-writing skills aren’t sufficient for the level required to achieve top grades. This is fairly easily fixed by improving your essay-writing technique. Good essay technique covers all aspects of essay-writing, from the research phase to the final proofread, and even how you respond to the feedback you get for your essays. Responding in the right way to feedback – and not taking criticism personally – will be particularly useful if you feel you’re underperforming, as this should give you the guidance you need to be able to improve.

If you’re academically underperforming, another possible reason could be that you haven’t found the right learning style for you. We’re all different, and each of us has our own way of studying that yields the best results. Perhaps you just haven’t found your most effective studying style yet. If you’ve been trying to work on your own, for example, you might find it easier to work with a friend or two, so that you have someone else there to motivate you.

Many students struggle to remember all the information they need for exams, and this brings their grades down. With so much to learn across many subjects, remembering facts, figures and arguments is a pretty monumental task, and you need to arm yourself with some effective memory aids to help you. You’ll find more tips on improving your memory in our article on memory techniques for exam preparation.

One of the reasons why you’re underperforming could be that you’re spending too much time procrastinating – that is, putting off work by distracting yourself with other things, such as social media. This is a common response to a big workload; when you have so much to do that you don’t know where to start, the temptation is simply not to start. The problem is that in doing so, you’re delaying the inevitable, as well as making your task worse by eating into the time when you could be productive. If you’re guilty of procrastination – and we all are at some point or another – take a look at our article on five reasons we procrastinate and how to stop it.

If you’re achieving lower scores than you’d hoped for on timed tests or mock exams, it could be because you’re not allowing enough time for revising for them. This may be because you know it’s not ‘the real thing’, but practice exams are just as important as real ones. They show you which areas you need to spend more time on, and achieving good grades in them will give you a confidence boost. Treat them as seriously as you would a real exam, allowing yourself plenty of time to revising for them. Better still, revise everything you learn as you go along, so that you learn it properly first time round and have less need for revision. Also, be sure to read our articles on effective revision techniques for science students and humanities students.

Sometimes students underperform because they have simply lost the motivation to learn. It’s not surprising, when the pressure of exams and doing well at school takes away the enjoyment of learning. It’s easy to get so focused on achieving top grades that you forget that learning can actually be fun – and not only that, but it’s much easier to do well when you’re enjoying it. If studying has become a chore for you, it’s time to put the fun back into learning. You could do this by gamifying your studies, or by trying some of the ideas in our article on 15 ways to make studying less stressful.

As a last resort, if the ideas in this article haven’t worked for you, you might consider hiring a private tutor to help you improve your grades for a particularly tricky subject. Some extra tuition may be just what you need to help bring your grade up, as you’ll benefit from one-to-one tuition in an environment in which you might feel more able to ask questions without the fear of speaking up in front of your peers. If you think this would help you, speak to your parents and suggest that they place an advert in the local paper if they’re willing to cover the cost of private tuition for you.

A final option – best taken alongside the other advice in this article, rather than instead of it – is to book yourself onto an academic summer school. Taking part in a summer school would allow you to learn away from the pressures of the classroom and exams, reinvigorating your love of learning and inspiring you to take a more determined approach to your studies. What’s more, summer schools are great for helping you get to grips with trickier subjects, so this could be a good solution to your underperforming subjects as well. Take a look at our Oxford summer school courses to find one to help you start improving your grades. It’s not just an option in the summer – ever-popular Easter revision courses are a great way to get a boost shortly before your exams.

Image credits: desk

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Greetings, I'm an education expert with a deep understanding of academic performance and strategies for improvement. Over the years, I've worked extensively with students facing challenges in their studies, helping them identify the root causes of underperformance and develop effective plans for improvement. My expertise is not only theoretical but also practical, as I have witnessed the successful implementation of these strategies in various educational settings.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the provided article on academic underperformance and improvement strategies:

  1. Self-reflection and Positivity:

    • Recognizing and acknowledging lower-than-expected grades.
    • Shifting from a negative mindset to a positive outlook for improvement.
  2. Identifying Underperformance:

    • Analyzing academic performance across all subjects or in specific areas.
    • Recognizing patterns in grades over time.
  3. Understanding the Reasons for Underperformance:

    • Examining external factors (e.g., family issues, social concerns) affecting academic performance.
    • Evaluating academic skills, study habits, and learning styles.
  4. Consulting Teachers:

    • Seeking advice from teachers to pinpoint areas of improvement.
    • Collaborating with teachers to tailor an action plan.
  5. Improving Focus and Organization:

    • Addressing issues like daydreaming in class and improving concentration.
    • Emphasizing the importance of an organized workspace and effective time management.
  6. Note-Taking Skills:

    • Stressing the significance of well-organized and clear notes.
    • Recommending the conversion of handwritten notes into a more accessible format.
  7. Essay-Writing Skills:

    • Highlighting the role of essay-writing skills in academic success.
    • Emphasizing the importance of feedback and constructive response.
  8. Discovering Learning Styles:

    • Acknowledging that individuals have unique learning styles.
    • Encouraging experimentation to find the most effective studying style.
  9. Memory Improvement Techniques:

    • Recognizing the challenge of retaining information for exams.
    • Advocating for effective memory aids and techniques.
  10. Procrastination Management:

    • Identifying procrastination as a common obstacle.
    • Offering strategies to overcome procrastination.
  11. Timed Tests and Mock Exams:

    • Stressing the importance of treating practice exams seriously.
    • Advising consistent and timely revision for better performance.
  12. Regaining Motivation:

    • Addressing the loss of motivation in the face of academic pressure.
    • Suggesting ways to make learning enjoyable and less stressful.
  13. Private Tutoring:

    • Considering private tutoring as a supplementary measure.
    • Highlighting the benefits of personalized, one-to-one instruction.
  14. Academic Summer School:

    • Presenting an alternative learning environment away from traditional pressures.
    • Proposing the potential benefits of focused study during academic summer school.

In conclusion, the provided article offers a comprehensive guide for students looking to overcome academic underperformance, covering aspects from self-reflection to exploring various improvement strategies. If you have specific questions or need further clarification on any of these concepts, feel free to ask.

14 Ways to Improve Your Grades if You're Underperforming (2024)


14 Ways to Improve Your Grades if You're Underperforming? ›

A - is the highest grade you can receive on an assignment, and it's between 90% and 100% B - is still a pretty good grade! This is an above-average score, between 80% and 89% C - this is a grade that rests right in the middle.

How do you get good grades when you're failing? ›

Take a look:
  1. Adjust your study habits. It could be possible that you are studying, but it's just not effective. ...
  2. Ask for help. There's no shame in asking for help. ...
  3. Stop procrastinating. ...
  4. Turn in missing work. ...
  5. Talk to your teacher. ...
  6. Request extra credit. ...
  7. Consider choosing a “pass/fail” grading. ...
  8. Don't give up.

What are ways to improve your grades? ›

How to Get Good Grades
  • Motivate yourself. ...
  • Listen and participate in class. ...
  • Take thorough notes during a class. ...
  • Do not hesitate to ask for help. ...
  • Stay focused during your homework. ...
  • Take a 15-minute break after each 45 minutes of studying. ...
  • Consider studying together with your fellow students. ...
  • Keep your working space organized.
Dec 20, 2023

How do you go from C to A grade? ›

  1. How to Raise Your Grades Quickly in 5-Steps.
  2. Assess where you are in the semester and what you have left to do. ...
  3. Assess your current studying techniques and behaviors thoroughly. ...
  4. Talk to your teacher. ...
  5. Create a study schedule, get yourself organized and attend tutoring in the subjects with “C” averages and below.

Is a 93 a bad grade? ›

A - is the highest grade you can receive on an assignment, and it's between 90% and 100% B - is still a pretty good grade! This is an above-average score, between 80% and 89% C - this is a grade that rests right in the middle.

Is 60% a failed grade? ›

A letter grade of a D is technically considered passing because it not a failure. A D is any percentage between 60-69%, whereas a failure occurs below 60%. Even though a D is a passing grade, it's barely passing.

Why should I improve my grades? ›

If your GPA is high, you'll have a much better chance of earning valuable scholarship funds. You don't have to wait to apply to colleges or jobs to enjoy the benefits of good grades. There's a good chance your school is already awarding students who study hard.

How do I convince my teacher to raise my grade? ›

Calmly and professionally say what you believe is wrong with your grade. Present other tests and assignments that demonstrate what you're capable of, and suggest the solution you think is reasonable. Be convincing and confident, but don't assume to know more or better than your teacher.

Is B a good grade? ›

A+, A, A- indicates excellent performance. B+, B, B- indicates good performance. C+, C, C- indicates satisfactory performance.

Is a D+ a passing grade? ›

The meaning of each grade is as follows: A, A–, excellent; B+, B, and B–, good; C+ and C, competent; C–, continuation competency (the student has achieved the level of proficiency needed for the course to satisfy prerequisite requirements); D+, D, and D–, passing, but performance is not adequate to take any subsequent ...

Is 60% a grade C? ›

60 is right on the borderline and for some schools it is failing. Some colleges require a 70 percent or a 65 percent though some schools work on a ten point letter grade scale meaning a D would be 60–69; a C 70–79, a B 80–89 and an A above 90.

Is 75% a grade C? ›

A “C” is the letter grade generally given for the equivalent numerical grade range of 70–79.

Will one bad test ruin my grade? ›

If there are only a few quizzes and they make up a very small percentage of your grade, then a poor grade on one quiz may not have much impact. But if the quizzes count for a significant percentage of your grade, then one poor quiz could have a significant impact on your overall grade.

How bad is AC in high school? ›

A “C” really isn't a bad grade, but it's understandable that you may not be happy with it. While you should aim to improve your grades, you shouldn't beat yourself up over the C, especially if it's your only one.

How much does 100 bring up your grade? ›

Your final is worth:
Letter GradeGPAPercentage
9 more rows

How many F's does it take to fail 7th grade? ›

Most schools allow the students of 7th grade to pass with one F. However, some schools may have a more strict policy, requiring students to have a passing grade in all subjects to pass the grade.

Is a 70% a failing grade? ›

Grades at or above seventy percent (70%) are considered passing.

Is it OK to fail a grade? ›

Failing a class in any grade, especially college, is far from optimal. However, it may sometimes be out of your control as a result of extenuating circ*mstances. Maybe you have health issues or family troubles. You could be working and balancing studying with your job.

Is 80% a failing grade? ›

Grades below a “C” (80%) are considered a failing grade.

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