Chemical engineering | Processes, Principles & Applications (2024)


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Roberto Crispulo Goizueta
Francis Thomas Bacon
Charles Benjamin Dudley
Jean-Felix Piccard
Frances Arnold
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chemical engineering, the development of processes and the design and operation of plants in which materials undergo changes in their physical or chemical state. Applied throughout the process industries, it is founded on the principles of chemistry, physics, and mathematics.

The laws of physical chemistry and physics govern the practicability and efficiency of chemical engineering operations. Energy changes, deriving from thermodynamic considerations, are particularly important. Mathematics is a basic tool in optimization and modeling. Optimization means arranging materials, facilities, and energy to yield as productive and economical an operation as possible. Modeling is the construction of theoretical mathematical prototypes of complex process systems, commonly with the aid of computers.

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Chemical engineering is as old as the process industries. Its heritage dates from the fermentation and evaporation processes operated by early civilizations. Modern chemical engineering emerged with the development of large-scale, chemical-manufacturing operations in the second half of the 19th century. Throughout its development as an independent discipline, chemical engineering has been directed toward solving problems of designing and operating large plants for continuous production.

Manufacture of chemicals in the mid-19th century consisted of modest craft operations. Increase in demand, public concern at the emission of noxious effluents, and competition between rival processes provided the incentives for greater efficiency. This led to the emergence of combines with resources for larger operations and caused the transition from a craft to a science-based industry. The result was a demand for chemists with knowledge of manufacturing processes, known as industrial chemists or chemical technologists. The term chemical engineer was in general use by about 1900. Despite its emergence in traditional chemicals manufacturing, it was through its role in the development of the petroleum industry that chemical engineering became firmly established as a unique discipline. The demand for plants capable of operating physical separation processes continuously at high levels of efficiency was a challenge that could not be met by the traditional chemist or mechanical engineer.

A landmark in the development of chemical engineering was the publication in 1901 of the first textbook on the subject, by George E. Davis, a British chemical consultant. This concentrated on the design of plant items for specific operations. The notion of a processing plant encompassing a number of operations, such as mixing, evaporation, and filtration, and of these operations being essentially similar, whatever the product, led to the concept of unit operations. This was first enunciated by the American chemical engineer Arthur D. Little in 1915 and formed the basis for a classification of chemical engineering that dominated the subject for the next 40 years. The number of unit operations—the building blocks of a chemical plant—is not large. The complexity arises from the variety of conditions under which the unit operations are conducted.

In the same way that a complex plant can be divided into basic unit operations, so chemical reactions involved in the process industries can be classified into certain groups, or unit processes (e.g., polymerizations, esterifications, and nitrations), having common characteristics. This classification into unit processes brought rationalization to the study of process engineering.

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The unit approach suffered from the disadvantage inherent in such classifications: a restricted outlook based on existing practice. Since World War II, closer examination of the fundamental phenomena involved in the various unit operations has shown these to depend on the basic laws of mass transfer, heat transfer, and fluid flow. This has given unity to the diverse unit operations and has led to the development of chemical engineering science in its own right; as a result, many applications have been found in fields outside the traditional chemical industry.

Study of the fundamental phenomena upon which chemical engineering is based has necessitated their description in mathematical form and has led to more sophisticated mathematical techniques. The advent of digital computers has allowed laborious design calculations to be performed rapidly, opening the way to accurate optimization of industrial processes. Variations due to different parameters, such as energy source used, plant layout, and environmental factors, can be predicted accurately and quickly so that the best combination can be chosen.

Chemical engineering functions

Chemical engineers are employed in the design and development of both processes and plant items. In each case, data and predictions often have to be obtained or confirmed with pilot experiments. Plant operation and control is increasingly the sphere of the chemical engineer rather than the chemist. Chemical engineering provides an ideal background for the economic evaluation of new projects and, in the plant construction sector, for marketing.

Branches of chemical engineering

The fundamental principles of chemical engineering underlie the operation of processes extending well beyond the boundaries of the chemical industry, and chemical engineers are employed in a range of operations outside traditional areas. Plastics, polymers, and synthetic fibres involve chemical-reaction engineering problems in their manufacture, with fluid flow and heat transfer considerations dominating their fabrication. The dyeing of a fibre is a mass-transfer problem. Pulp and paper manufacture involve considerations of fluid flow and heat transfer. While the scale and materials are different, these again are found in modern continuous production of foodstuffs. The pharmaceuticals industry presents chemical engineering problems, the solutions of which have been essential to the availability of modern drugs. The nuclear industry makes similar demands on the chemical engineer, particularly for fuel manufacture and reprocessing. Chemical engineers are involved in many sectors of the metals processing industry, which extends from steel manufacture to separation of rare metals.

Further applications of chemical engineering are found in the fuel industries. In the second half of the 20th century, considerable numbers of chemical engineers have been involved in space exploration, from the design of fuel cells to the manufacture of propellants. Looking to the future, it is probable that chemical engineering will provide the solution to at least two of the world’s major problems: supply of adequate fresh water in all regions through desalination of seawater and environmental control through prevention of pollution.

Carl HansonThe Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica

As an expert in chemical engineering with a demonstrable depth of knowledge, let's delve into the concepts and key people mentioned in the article:

Key People:

  1. Roberto Crispulo Goizueta: Unfortunately, the article doesn't provide specific information about Roberto Crispulo Goizueta. However, if you have any questions about notable figures in the field of chemical engineering, I'd be happy to provide relevant information.

  2. Francis Thomas Bacon: Again, the article doesn't elaborate on Francis Thomas Bacon. If you have specific inquiries about key individuals in chemical engineering or related fields, feel free to ask.

  3. Charles Benjamin Dudley: Charles Benjamin Dudley is not explicitly discussed in the article. However, if Dudley is associated with significant contributions to chemical engineering or related disciplines, I can provide information based on my training data up to January 2022.

  4. Jean-Felix Piccard: Similar to the previous individuals, the article doesn't provide details about Jean-Felix Piccard. If Piccard has relevance to chemical engineering or a related field, I can certainly share pertinent information.

  5. Frances Arnold: Frances Arnold is a notable figure in the field of chemical engineering and biochemistry. She is an American chemical engineer who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2018 for her work on the directed evolution of enzymes. Arnold's contributions have had a profound impact on the field of protein engineering.

Related Topics: Chemistry and Chemical Engineering: The article provides a comprehensive overview of chemical engineering, highlighting its foundations in chemistry, physics, and mathematics. Chemical engineering involves the development of processes and the design and operation of plants where materials undergo changes in their physical or chemical state.

Chemical Engineering Evolution:

  1. Historical Development: Chemical engineering has a historical background dating back to fermentation and evaporation processes in early civilizations. The modern discipline emerged in the 19th century with the development of large-scale chemical-manufacturing operations.

  2. Transition to a Science-Based Industry: The article discusses the transition from modest craft operations to a science-based industry, driven by increased demand, environmental concerns, and competition. This transition led to the emergence of chemical engineers.

  3. Unit Operations: Chemical engineering's early focus was on unit operations, with the concept first enunciated by Arthur D. Little in 1915. The complexity arises from conducting unit operations under various conditions.

  4. Unit Processes: The classification of chemical reactions into unit processes brought rationalization to process engineering, classifying reactions into groups with common characteristics.

  5. Post-World War II Developments: Post-World War II, a closer examination of fundamental phenomena in unit operations led to the development of chemical engineering science. This expanded the applications beyond traditional chemical industries.

Chemical Engineering Functions:

  1. Design and Development: Chemical engineers are involved in the design and development of processes and plant items, often using data and predictions confirmed through pilot experiments.

  2. Operation and Control: Plant operation and control have become the domain of chemical engineers, emphasizing their role in ensuring efficient and safe industrial processes.

  3. Economic Evaluation: Chemical engineering provides a background for economically evaluating new projects, especially in plant construction and marketing.

Branches of Chemical Engineering: The fundamental principles of chemical engineering extend beyond traditional chemical industries. Chemical engineers are involved in various operations, including the manufacture of plastics, polymers, synthetic fibers, dyeing, pulp and paper, food production, pharmaceuticals, nuclear industry, and metals processing.

Future Applications: The article suggests that chemical engineering may provide solutions to significant global challenges in the future, including the supply of fresh water through desalination and environmental control to prevent pollution.

In summary, chemical engineering is a dynamic field with a rich history, encompassing a wide range of applications and evolving to address contemporary challenges. If you have more specific questions or if there's a particular aspect you'd like to explore further, feel free to ask.

Chemical engineering | Processes, Principles & Applications (2024)
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