Magic Mushroom Grow Kit Guide - In 9 Easy Steps (2024)

When you order our Cubensis Grow Kit, you will receive the followingitems:

  • 1 x Mushroom Grow kit
  • 1 x Paperclip
  • 1 x Growbag

Magic Mushroom Grow Kit Guide - In 9 Easy Steps (1)

A few important things before you start.

Always work as clean and tidy as possible as the grow kits are very susceptible to bacteria. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and make sure the sink and tap are clean as well.

Please choose the right spot to grow your kit. The kit will require natural daylight in order to grow (but keep the kit out of direct sunlight and do not put the kit under a lamp or near a heater or heat source). The ideal temperature is between 20 and 25⁰C.If the temperature drops below 18⁰C, we would recommend using a heating mat, just make sure the temperature does not rise above 35⁰C. Make sure the surface and environment areas are as clean and tidy as possible.

Step 1 -How to grow magic mushrooms

Remove the lid from the magic mushroom grow kit, but don’t throw it away (you will need this for the next step and the following flushes).

Step 2 -How to grow magic mushrooms

Take a clean fork and carefully make some holes in the top layer of the kit. 6 to 8 rows of holes is enough. This is an important step so that the kit can better absorb water.

Magic Mushroom Grow Kit Guide - In 9 Easy Steps (2)

Step 3 -How to grow magic mushrooms

Fill the magic mushroom grow kit with lukewarm water. Place the lid back. And let it soak for 1 hour.

Magic Mushroom Grow Kit Guide - In 9 Easy Steps (3)

Magic Mushroom Grow Kit Guide - In 9 Easy Steps (4)

Step 4 -How to grow magic mushrooms

After soaking, remove the lid and carefully pour out all the excess water. Allow the grow kit to drain for 5 to 10 seconds. (Make sure you keep the lid for the next flushes.)

Magic Mushroom Grow Kit Guide - In 9 Easy Steps (5)

Step 5 -How to grow magic mushrooms

Pour a cup or two with lukewarm water into the grow bag. (0,25 litres for the 1200CC Kit or 0,5 litres fort he 2100CC Kit).
Put themagic mushroom grow kitin the Growbag. Make sure the water does not go over the edge of the grow kit.

Magic Mushroom Grow Kit Guide - In 9 Easy Steps (6)

Magic Mushroom Grow Kit Guide - In 9 Easy Steps (7)

Step 6 -How to grow magic mushrooms

Close the bag of the kit by folding the top of the bag carefully. Secure it with the paperclip provided.

Magic Mushroom Grow Kit Guide - In 9 Easy Steps (8)

Step 7 -How to grow magic mushrooms

Put the kit in the spot where you want it to grow. Leave the bag closed until the first pre-pins start to grow. This may take 1 or 2 weeks in normal weather, and even up to 3 to 4 weeks in winter. It is important to keep the bag closed. At this stage, the kit requires a high level of CO₂ and does not need any oxygen. Patience is very important in this stage of growth.

Step 8 -How to grow magic mushrooms

Once you start seeing the pre-pins, you can open the bag. Leave the kit inside. At this stage of growth, the kit requires fresh water and oxygen. From now on you can open it daily and give it some fresh air and let the C0₂ escape. Moisten the kit daily with a spray (1-2 pumps maximum on the side of the bag.) Please try to avoid spraying water directly on the mushrooms. Always use fresh water and make sure it’s clean. When you open the bag, do so with clean hands and be careful with your breath (try to avoid breathing in the bag or onto the kit).

Once the prepping starts coming up, it can spring up like mushrooms now.

Step 9 -How to grow magic mushrooms

The mushrooms should be harvested just before the membrane under the cap starts to come loose. Harvesting: gently grasp the stem, twist it left and right, and then pull it up gently to pull the mushroom out as completely as possible. This way it is possible that new mushrooms will grow again.

Get Ready for your second Flush!

After getting your first harvest, make sure you completely clean the surface of the magic mushroom grow kit and also remove the old and dead mushrooms. Soak the kit full of water again and put it in the refrigerator overnight (12-24 hours, no colder than 2⁰C). The next day, pour out all of the water and start again from step 5.

Important notes: Keep in mind that growing magic mushrooms from a kit is a natural process. All kits are unique on their own. In order to grow your magic mushrooms, you need toget thelightning, temperature, and setting right. We provide you with the kit and the guide. The rest you have to fill in yourself. Keep in mind that our kits are made to grow with the grow bag we provide. If you want to experiment with a fruiting chamber or a different setting, then that’s completely up to you at your own risk. We recommend using the grow bag because we know that it’s working like that.

If there has not been any sign of growth after 3-4 weeks, there is a possibility that the kit is "sleeping". In this stage, a Cold Shock could help. You soak the kit again with water, put it in the fridge overnight with the lid on it, and set it up again like you did before (continue from step 4). Keep in mind that this is a reset so you will start counting from day 1 again.

Patience is very important in the process of growing mushrooms. if your magic mushroom grow kit is not giving any growth signs at week number 3, even after the cold shock, please send us a message with some clear pictures, the batch number, a description of the kit, and the setting you used (temperature, setting, lighting, etc.). In a lot ofcases, we can help you get those mushrooms growing!

Magic Mushroom Grow Kit Guide - In 9 Easy Steps (2024)


What is the easiest mushroom kit to grow? ›

Lion's Mane Growing Kit

They are also one of the easiest, and one of the most delicious… a perfect candidate for a beginner growing at home!

What are the steps in mushroom growing? ›

How to Grow Mushrooms – 5 Steps to Success
  1. Step 1: Prepare your substrate. When it comes to choosing a substrate, you have quite a few options. ...
  2. Step 2: Sterilization. Sterilization is a very important part of the process. ...
  3. Step 3: Inoculate the substrate. ...
  4. Step 4: Incubation. ...
  5. Step 5: Fruiting.

How many times will a mushroom kit grow? ›

How long do mushroom growing kits last? Each grow kit usually lasts for about 2-3 harvests, but this will vary depending on the variety of grow kit you choose.

How much water do you put in a mushroom grow kit? ›

Pour approximately 150ml of clean tap water into the grow bag. Place the grow kit into the grow bag with the water. Spray water on the inner sides of the bag only once during setup. It's very important to keep the humidity level correct at all times.

What is the easiest and most profitable mushroom to grow? ›

Oyster mushrooms, a type of gourmet mushroom, are one of the most profitable gourmet mushrooms available. In addition to the high demand for them, growing them is pretty simple. Growing takes about six weeks from start to harvest, so it's possible to make a big profit reasonably quickly.

What speeds up mushroom growth? ›

Warmer temperatures tend to speed up growth while cooler temperatures slow it down. It usually takes three to four weeks for mushrooms to grow.

Is mushroom farming difficult? ›

It can be overwhelming at first, but starting a mushroom farm is fairly simple. There are two options for starting your mushroom farm: indoor or outdoor. Indoor mushroom farming is the best option for serious year-round production.

Can mushroom grow kits go bad? ›

Most mushroom kits will store for 3-6 months in the fridge if necessary. To store your kit, keep it in the fridge. This puts the mycelium into hibernation and will prevent it escaping the box early. Don't keep it somewhere it could exceed 30 degrees Celsius.

Do mushroom grow kits keep producing? ›

Know when to stop: While some kits can provide multiple harvests of mushrooms, there comes a time when the kit will stop producing. Typically, after 2-3 harvests, the kit will be exhausted, and it's time to move on to a new one.

How do I get the most out of my mushroom grow kit? ›

Give your block some fresh air

Leaving the plastic on your kit helps to keep moisture in, preventing the block from drying out. Feel free to spray it periodically when it's looking parched as you would inside. After a couple of weeks, you should expect mushrooms after heavy rainfall or after a big temperature shift.

What is the white stuff in mushroom grow kit? ›

The main structure of a fungus is mycelium, which looks like fuzzy white threads growing through the material you feed it. Seeing it in your kit indicates you have good growth.

Should I shake my mushroom grow bag? ›

Gently knead and shake your bag to break up the mycelium until it's evenly distributed throughout the bag. After shaking the bag, place it back in storage under the same conditions as before for about another week or two, so it can finish colonizing.

What is the yellow liquid in my mushroom grow kit? ›

As spawn grows, it begins to break down the substrate it is growing on, resulting in a yellow fluid that can collect at the bottom of the spawn bag and/or small patches of brown on the exterior of the spawn. These are all normal characteristics of spawn.

Which mushroom growing kit is best? ›

North Spore Mushroom Grow Kit

This easy-to-use mushroom growing kit is ideal for growing your own gourmet mushrooms at home. The kit contains a sawdust block colonized with productive Lion's Mane mushrooms. Lion's Mane mushrooms are often associated with a lobster or crab flavor when cooked with great health benefits.

Are mushroom growing kits worth it? ›

Learn more about our review process. If you have a green thumb or are a mushroom-loving home cook, purchasing a mushroom growing kit is worth it. It allows you to learn the process of mushroom cultivation, expose your palate to new mushrooms and even find a new hobby.

What is the best tasting mushroom you can grow at home? ›

Some of the best edible mushrooms to grow at home include: white caps, brown caps, Portobello, Shiitake, Morels, Oyster mushrooms, Pearl Oyster mushrooms, Enoki, Maitake, Lion's Mane, Wine caps, and Chanterelles.

What is the easiest mushroom to grow in a monotub? ›

People also grow side fruiting species of oyster mushrooms in monotubs, including pearl oysters, pink oysters, blue oysters and phoenix oyster mushrooms. But these easy-to-grow mushrooms produce higher yields when grown in bags using a shotgun fruiting chamber or grow tent.

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