The New York Age from New York, New York (2024)

14 an outstanding production by nv kind of Broadway company. High school, semi nar, camp, and college deans are waiting for comnanies list with them 1 1 NEW YORK AGE June 13, 1959 Claudia's 'Raisin? More Cain Young and Willing A Special Feature Employment Of Negro Actors What We Can Do On Our Own By VIRGIL CABAMSS We need our own incorporated and professionally managed production company! Yes, we need our own holding company downtown that nerve center we can map and build our own touring circuits! There will be bookings. 10,000,000 Negroes and whites in college and industrial towns in the south and midwest have never seen I' A I XV AM to I VV ii for shows they can afford to launch in their auditoriums and stadiums. We must afford to go there! Start that big tour with an off Broadway production of the same show! Houses are open to us on competitive bases Not a single off Broadway house rejects one of our productions, business ar rangements being equal. Direct our own revivals! The Negro has manuscripts, too, which he can use.

Otto Preming er, Phil Rose, Paul Gregory, and others use our manuscripts. Why can't we? Manuscripts wurth re viving off Broadway and on tour that the Negro doesn't have, the Negro can get like any other competitive person. Yes, to fit precisely his own purposes and plans, whether all Negro or integrated shows! (Whites want to work, too.) Launch our own new productions! There are more than 200 annual graduates of universities and drama academies itching for parts to do "Grade style, and easy to handle toward stardom Negroes alone not counting the whites who'd "rather work with a Negro company." Make our new talent and new scripts into new productions and place them around town, around the circuits. Let the holding company be the legal springboard and the investment nucleusl Do the groundwork, abide by the rules, and get paid! No union will atop this sound enterprising! Employ directors! Employ Agents and attorneys! Do the I vVV i rC'A I I frtfvfAjc fill A Ail, "A II SINGING STAR Laverne II .1 saner win oe me neadline attraction on stage of the Apollo Theater for one week beginning Friday, June 12th. Also featured in the Cast will be the Skyliners, The Impallas, Jerry Butler, Little Joe, Ray Peterson, Clay Tyson and Reuben Phillips and his Band.

where the business is! From merstein, a Kaian and Williams, a Kermit Bloomgarten, a Dave Merrick, a Jose Quintero or a Paul Gregory! We've Got The Fundamentals! Broadway knows that for every employee in its executive and production offices clerical, crafts, professional there is a Negro male or female who can do that job, too. (Rut we don't get them!) The acting, its common knowledge, is our heritage. That's the essence of sho.v busi ness right there! The arts and crafts, the clericals, legals, and the performers are the rest of it. No other mysterious ingredient! Unless it's our own desire! We've got the money in the same places that 22 topflight while production companies have it! In our insurance companies, department stores and retail en terprises, benevolent associations, hotels, attorneys, realtors, physicians, and an endless siring of successful beauticians! We have private successful citizens in every city, especially in big cities, who among themselves or with their business af filiates, could launch and support a holding company strong enough to shake Broadway from the Battery to the Hotel Mark Hopkins! Jn New York City alons these fine persons include teachers beauticians, fighters, restaurateurs, shop owners, policemen. social workers, judges, clerks.

actors, the same people we patronize daily and entertain yearly! We must solicit them di rectly, emphatically, within cor poration entitlement! It might shame them at the outset this shameful neglect of our God eiv en potential for employmtnt and success! Don't aay we can't do it! Then, there are big Newspaper and Publishing Companies, too, with unobligated assets! But back to the money aources most availa ble for such investments there are insurance companies among us that together could rumble Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, and Metropolitan can shake the earth, they lay. There are 68 "funeral plan" insurance promotion! We've got all in our companies extant among Negroes level of living! And there are ex 1 in America, with assets exceed perienced professionals in this ling $350,000,000.00 (three hundred business (and this I know) who fifty million dollars!) just to would be delighted to move in lay folks away." Not to mention oar direction! top insurance companies totalling Try a "repertoire" or reo e1ual "sets, that just hoid their eiHory, if possible. Have "ready" sn, or program it into enlarge reviews and packages! Cheryl mtm projects. Ctawford, Roger Stevens and his I Then there are fraternities Playwright's Company, and 12 among Negroes in the United other topflight outfits, have a States fraternities that toceth 'morgue" full of pieces ready to I er spend more than 120 000,000 thaw out at a markets notice 1 (twenty million dollars!) annual vWe can do every single opera ly on everything from exhibitions, tibn from conception to subsidi conclaves, and educational pro aty rights! just like a Comp jects tor worthy boys aud girls ton and Green, a Feurer and Martin, and Rodgeri and Ham Laverne's At Apollo but where are the lobs and outlets for their kids and rela I tivts on the cultural level in the arts and crafts? All of us can not be ministers, social workers, and doctors! Solicit All Races! Other races solicit us for their projects I And we buy into them. Just as surely as we bought into Metropolitan Life, Mutual Funds.

Singer Sewing Machine, and Wat kins Products 1 Long after the productions have closed or fold ed, the holding company is still there working hard planning, re building, soliciting and working nard tor our next production that's where the stability and se curity is not with the cast alone in a single, shaky produc tion! Let's have a holding company to remain there, work hard, pre sent the next production, distribute the profits, plan again, produce again, distribute profits again! Anybody willing to solicit Victory Mutual? United Mutual? Sugar Ray? Joe Jones? Charlie Clerk? Social Worker Sally Bun ny the Beautician? Realtor Ford? Dr. Carter? Chain BeauUclans? Baby Grand Chain? 125th Street Lawyers Association? Blum stein's? Johnson Publications? Carver Savings and Loan? The Guardians? The Links? The Con iinentals The Bottle and Cork? Mabel Lee Signed By For Musical Mabel Lee currently singing on week ends at Joe Wells' cafe in Harlem, is the first performer to he signed by Noble Sissle and Euble Blake to play one of the lead roles in their forthcoming Biblical, "Happy Times" to be ready for a late Fall opening on Broadway. 1.,, i Kfi 'rA i v' i 1 V' 'r ings in jury. This announcement was made by Vincent Baker, President of Baker Enterprises, 261 West 125th Street. The showings will take place on Monday and Tuesday, July 6lh and 7th, in the Social Hall of Salem Methodist Church, 129th Street and Seventh Avenue, at B.

30 P.M. The Parsonage Committee of the church is co sponsor of the event. A preview for press and radio representatives and other special Colorful Ballet Impresario Raoul Abdul brought the colorful Ballet Americana to the Little Theatre of Martin's Church last week. The program opened with "II Com battimento" based on the opera ty (Claudio) Monteverdi, with Mr. Abdul singing the role of the Narrator, and Elizabeth Thompson and Anthony Basse as the dancers.

This was the first of six "pas de deux" or parts for two. on the nine event program. The tra ditional pas de deux from Tchalkowsky'i "Nutcracker" with Helen Taitt and Guy Allison was warmly received. Doc Wheeler Twirl Your Dial to ViJtiaiitiam "it''. iLctmfumnm 'A guests will be held on Monday.

June 29th, in the Gold Room of the Hotel Theresa. The film was presented last February, but technical short comings which could not be de tectcd and corrected before the widely publicized show dates made the effort less successful. Complimentary tickets for the July showings will be given to all who attended In February. "God, the cast and the public have stuck by us in the months since then," Mr. Baker said.

"We shall not fail them this time." Raoul Abdul Brings Ballet Americana To St. Martins Thea. An unusual combination of double "pas de deux" with one pair of dancers performing in ballet atyle and another in mod ern, was seen in "The Helen Taitt snd Guy Allison showed beautiful modern form in "The Mirror" to music by Stan Kenton, and dramatic sense as well In "Swamp Song" to Music by Les Baxter. Anthony Basse filled the triple threat role of dancer choreog rapher and costume' designer for six numbers with exceptional ability. All the costumes were delight to the eye, as was the dancing.

4 big hours of gospel SB US1C 10:30 A. M. to 2:30 P.M. 4 i wlauwi incnciL, wnote motner role in A Raisin In The Sun" has opened new doors for htr tremendous talent, was honored by the Queen's Division of the American Jew ish Congress in long Island last week. In recognition of the religious flavor, which she brought to Broadway and the sincerity In wh Ich she portrays her role, the AJC Women presented her with a Menorah.

The religious symbol was presented to her by Mrs. Bev erly Spiegel, president and Mrs. Helen Bernstein, executive vice president. The entire membership of 1,000 women turned out to honor Broadway's number one This Time Success Harriet Tubman Film Will Be Shown Again At Salem Methodist "The Life of Harriet Tubman," the "Underground Railroad" heroine who led three Negro slaves to freedom, is now being refilmed and will have Us first public show LincolnGlees To Sing On NBC Network The Glee Club of Lincoln Uni versity will be featured on the National Broadcasting Company's aunaay morn in radio series, "Great Choirs of America," June 14, 21, and 28. Ihe programs originate from New York City for the NBC network 8:0 to 8:15 A.M.

Check local newspapers for broadcast time in your area. Lincoln University is the only member college of the United Negro College Fund not located in the South. This Pennsylvania university is one of 33 private colleges benefiting from the Fund's annual nation wide cam paigns. Lincoln's three ten minute NBC broadcasts will be presented in behalf of the current College Fund appeal. 37 Voices "Great Choirs of America," a presentation of the NBC public effairs department; showcases outstanding choral groups of the nation's colleges, universities and churches.

The all male, 37 voice Lincoln Glee Club, directed by Orrin Clayton Suthern, III, recorded the programs for NBC while in New York for a series of spring concert engagement. ine college tunas loin annual appeal has a goal of $2,230, 000. This money is needed to help Lincoln, and the 32 other member colleges, meet yearly operating expenses. FOR YOUR DANCING PLEASURE Call JIMMIE JONES ind ORCHESTRA to aisa Aftr r.M.) Frod Barr TO EL 1600 on your radio dial 1 GLORIA LYNNI She's a Harlem gal and her album her very first) will give her a foothold to stardom. Of the twelve tunes recorded, watch "Without A Song" Ifs the greatest.

Like Ella and Sara, Gloria Is an Apollo Amateur Hour Students Get Jazz Scholarships Seven college boys the cream the student jazt crop were named winners of the first an nual Intercollegiate Jazz Scholar ship Competition yesterday, when final auditions were held in New York. The compeliton, conducted by the Lenoz, School of Jazz under a grant from The Schaefer Brewing saw student musicians from twelve northeast colleges vying for scholarships to the school. Top honors were awarded by the Jazz institution's faculty to John Key ser, Princeton '61, on bass; Tony Greenwald, Yale '59, on trumpet; tan underwood, Yale 61, on flute; Herb Gardner, Harvard '60, on trombone and compos! tion; Paul Cohen, University of Pennsylvania '59, on drums; Meve Minn, Harvard 59, on piano; and David Mackay, Bos ton University '60, on piano. Camp Shoe Check Check your child's shoes be fore you send him off to the hills frequent plaint of camp directors or seashore this summer. A is that mothers neglect footwear when getting together wardrobes for young campers.

Unsuitable or ill fitting shoes can cause foot troubles which may bar a youngster from participating in his favorite camp activity whether it's baseball or climbing mountain trails. hmlh BEG. JUNE 12th CRfD A UAR" umm mm "Sine I Don't Have You" SKYLINERS 7 Ran All fhe Way Horn" If.lPAUS JERRY BUTLER LITTLE JOE RAY PETERSON CLAY TYSON Re PHILLIPS BAND Wed. Nite: Amateurs Midnite Show iil RICHARD BURTON JEAN SIMMONS in "THE ROBE" ct RKO Off With TV Star Margaret Tynes Set To Accompany Ed To Moscow Trades Fair Margaret Tynes, outstanding operatic soprano and onetime protege of Duke Ellington, is preparing to accompany Ed Sulivan and a group of top American entertainers, to Russia, for the special show Sul Iivan will present at the Moscow Trades' Fair from August 3 to August 23. This is part of the State Department's Cultural Exchange Program.

Miss Tynes will leave New York for Moscow on or about July 25. During the three week stay, she will appear on a nightly two hour show and two matinees a week, which the CBS Television Network star will produce. He will also film a special 90 minute television show to be presented to his American audience later in the year. The Virginia born soprsno who earned a master's degree from the Juilliard School of Music, was first presented on the Ed Sullivan Show last August, after Ed heard her sing at the W. C.

Handy funeral. OUTSTANDING MRCY Stould not k. mliid. Martin, N. V.

Tim.l BORDE MARL PRIMUS u.rt irtitt Tu.i Wd 141 p.m.; JV." I.M, 4.M. T.K Incl, Ohm Jun. 13th Limits Engagement Mali Phene Ordart Pilled ST. MARKS PLAYHOUSE Alr Cend. US Sacend Ave.

(Car. S. Ith St) OR 4 1S3. The group of entertainers with which she will play in Moscow includes Metropolitan Opera tar Robert Merrill, dancers Nora Kaye and Scott Douglas, Dick Contino and the Barry Sisters, and others. Sullivan has particularly requested Conrad (Little Buck) Buckner, lightning Negro tap dancer, to make the' trip.

Buckner appeared on Ed's Alaska Show last October. MARY BRUCE pr.iantl Hr 19S9 "Starbuds" World Greateitv: Juvenile Dance Revue Ready to Give; You and Entire Family? the (: Entertainment Treat of a i utetime I CARNEGIE HALL 57th St and 7th Ale. SUNDAY EVENING, JUNE 21 8:00 P.M. Sharp TICKETS ON SALE AT THE MARY BRUCE DANCE SCHOOL Ml Wett 123th N.Y. 71, NX.

For Reeervationa SI. SO U.iO S3.00 Tax Incl.) Coll MOnumant 2 0626 A Night of Splendor Will Be A FASHION SHOW Given Tho Y. W. C. C.

of East Central District AT THI MOTH I CHURCH OP OOO IN CHRIST 10 Eut 130th Street. New York City Prlday, Jun. IS, Iff at 1 11 pjw. Mr. Dor.

Pree. Mrfc Kit Mr M. Pw ton. ut. DONATION SI AU Ar.


TWO Of Tff REsTKT WCTlCTt Vi 1 1 mm tmm I 1 Hmncn 1 1 i ih mi BulAKB I00H Cwtpf iooyt run r. i pn.ivf i 1 tTM Racket Cart! Tlw OwdNu! Tbt Party Cktet T1m Sbi SynAcates! 'j iTNussf Piront! mil 1 ill JUVE COCHRAH LIU KILAN. lanmi line i mi IMIM I.MR. qNMScoPt.

The New York Age from New York, New York (2024)
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