What's the Best Time to Send Marketing Emails? - Poptin blog (2024)

Timing is a vital element in email marketing, as it can significantly impact the effectiveness of your campaigns. However, there’s a common misconception that there’s a one-size-fits-all answer to determining the best time to send emails. In reality, the optimal timing varies depending on your target audience, their preferences, and their habits.

For years, marketers have sought to uncover the holy grail of email marketing: the universal best time to send emails. However, the truth is that there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The notion of a single “best time” is a myth, and it’s time to debunk it.

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Why There’s No Definitive “Best Time”

The idea of a universal best time to send emails assumes that all audiences are identical, with uniform habits and preferences. But the reality is far from it. Different industries, audiences, and time zones have unique characteristics that influence optimal send times.

Factors That Influence Optimal Send Times

1. Industry: Different industries have distinct rhythms and peak hours. For example, B2B companies may find better engagement when they send emails during work hours, while B2C companies may see more success in the evenings.

2. Audience: Age, location, interests, and behaviors all impact when your audience is most receptive to emails. For instance, younger audiences may prefer later send times, while older audiences may respond better to earlier sends.

3. Time Zone: With global audiences, time zones play a significant role. Sending emails at the right time for one region may be off-peak for another.

4. Device and Platform: Mobile devices and desktops have different usage patterns. Mobile users may check emails more frequently, while desktop users may be more focused during work hours.

5. Content Type and Purpose: The type of content and purpose of the email also influence optimal send times. For example, promotional emails may perform better during peak shopping hours, while educational content may see more engagement during off-peak hours.

6. Day of the Week: Weekdays and weekends have different engagement patterns. Some audiences may be more active during weekends, while others may be more focused during weekdays.

7. Holidays and Events: Holidays, events, and seasonal changes can impact audience behavior and engagement patterns.

By recognizing these factors, you can move away from the myth of a universal best time and towards a more nuanced understanding of your audience’s unique needs and preferences. In the next section, we’ll explore how to find the optimal send times for your specific audience.

Understanding Your Audience

To maximize the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns, it’s important to understand your audience inside and out. This involves more than just knowing their names and email addresses – it requires a deep understanding of their behavior, preferences, and habits.

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The Importance of Audience Segmentation

Audience segmentation is the process of dividing your email list into smaller groups based on shared characteristics, such as:

– Demographics (age, location, job title)

– Behavior (purchase history, engagement patterns)

– Preferences (content type, communication frequency)

Segmentation allows you to tailor your content and send times to each group’s unique needs, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

Analyzing Customer Behavior and Preferences

To gain a deeper understanding of your audience, analyze their behavior and preferences using:

– Email metrics (open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates)

– Customer surveys and feedback

– Website analytics (page views, bounce rates, time on site)

– Social media insights (engagement patterns, content preferences)

Tips for Determining Ideal Send Times Based on Audience Data

1. Identify peak engagement times: Analyze email metrics to determine when your audience is most active and engaged.

2. Consider time zones: Segment your audience by time zone to ensure you’re sending emails at optimal times for each region.

3. Look for patterns: Identify patterns in customer behavior, such as increased engagement during certain days of the week or times of year.

4. Test and refine: Continuously test and refine your send times based on audience feedback and performance data.

5. Use automation tools: Utilize automation tools to personalize send times for individual subscribers based on their unique behavior and preferences.

6. Account for seasonal fluctuations: Adjust send times according to seasonal changes in customer behavior and engagement patterns.

7. Monitor and adapt: Continuously monitor audience behavior and adapt your send times accordingly to ensure optimal performance.

Day of the Week Analysis

When it comes to email marketing, the day of the week can play a significant role in determining the success of your campaigns. While general trends can provide a starting point, it’s essential to consider how industry and audience can impact day-of-week performance.

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General Trends:

– Mondays: Typically see lower engagement rates as subscribers catch up on weekend emails and prioritize work tasks.

– Tuesdays: Often considered a sweet spot for email marketing, with higher open rates and engagement.

– Wednesdays: Can be a good day for promotional emails, as subscribers are settled into their workweek.

– Thursdays: May see a slight decrease in engagement as subscribers prepare for the weekend.

– Fridays: Typically experience lower engagement rates as subscribers wind down for the weekend.

– Weekends: Can be effective for certain industries, such as entertainment or e-commerce, but generally see lower engagement rates.

– Audience: Age, location, and interests can also influence day-of-week performance. For example:

– Younger audiences may prefer weekends or later in the week.

– Older audiences may respond better to earlier in the week.

Time of Day Considerations

When it comes to email marketing, the time of day can significantly impact the success of your campaigns. Understanding general trends and audience behavior can help you optimize your send times for better engagement and conversion.

General Trends:

– Morning (8am-12pm):

– Pros: Subscribers are fresh and alert, with a higher likelihood of engagement.

– Cons: Inboxes can be crowded, with increased competition for attention.

– Afternoon (12pm-4pm):

– Pros: Subscribers are settled into their workday, with a higher likelihood of engagement.

– Cons: Attention spans may be shorter, with increased distractions.

– Evening (4pm-8pm):

– Pros: Subscribers are winding down, with a higher likelihood of relaxation and engagement.

– Cons: Inboxes may be less crowded, but subscribers may be less focused.

Tips for Optimizing Email Send Times:

1. Analyze audience behavior: Use data to determine when your subscribers are most active and engaged.

2. Consider time zones: Segment your audience by time zone to ensure optimal send times.

3. Test and refine: Continuously test and refine your send times based on performance data.

4. Use automation tools: Utilize automation tools to personalize send times for individual subscribers.

5. Account for commutes and breaks: Consider sending emails during commutes or breaks when subscribers have downtime.

6. Avoid sending during meetings and events: Avoid sending emails during typical meeting and event times to minimize distractions.

A/B Testing for Optimal Results

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a vital component of email marketing optimization. By experimenting with different send times, you can determine the most effective timing for your campaigns and improve overall performance.

Importance of Experimentation:

1. Uncovers hidden opportunities: A/B testing reveals what works best for your unique audience.

2. Reduces guesswork: Data-driven decisions replace assumptions.

3. Improves engagement: Optimized send times lead to higher open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

4. Enhances personalization: Testing helps tailor your approach to individual subscriber preferences.

Steps for Conducting A/B Tests on Send Times:

1. Define test goals: Identify what you want to measure (e.g., open rates, click-through rates).

2. Choose test groups: Split your audience into two groups: Control (standard send time) and Test (alternative send time).

3. Select test duration: Determine the test length (e.g., one week, two weeks).

4. Send test emails: Deploy emails to both groups at designated times.

5. Track key metrics: Monitor open rates, click-through rates, conversions, and other relevant metrics.

6. Analyze results: Compare test group performance to determine the winning send time.

7. Refine and repeat: Apply learnings to future campaigns and continue testing.

Key Metrics to Track:

1. Open Rates: Measure the percentage of subscribers who opened the email.

2. Click-Through Rates (CTRs): Track the percentage of subscribers who clicked on links.

3. Conversions: Monitor the number of subscribers who completed a desired action (e.g., made a purchase).

4. Bounce Rates: Keep an eye on emails that bounced back due to invalid addresses.

5. Unsubscribe Rates: Track the number of subscribers who opted-out.By conducting A/B tests on send times and tracking key metrics, you’ll uncover valuable insights to optimize your email marketing strategy and drive better results. In the next section, we’ll explore how to use automation to streamline your email marketing efforts.

Additional Factors to Consider

When optimizing your email marketing strategy, consider the following factors to ensure maximum impact:

Time Zones and Global Audiences:

1. Segment by time zone: Ensure timely delivery by segmenting your audience based on their location.

2. Use UTC timestamps: Schedule emails using UTC timestamps to avoid confusion.

3. Consider global holidays: Be mindful of international holidays and observances.

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Email Deliverability and Inbox Placement:

1. Authenticate your domain: Set up SPF, DKIM, and DMARC to prevent spam filtering.

2. Warm up your IP address: Gradually increase email volume to avoid sudden spikes.

3. Monitor deliverability metrics: Track bounce rates, complaints, and spam filter rates.

Seasonal Variations and Holidays:

1. Adjust send times: Adapt to changing audience habits during holidays and seasonal events.

2. Use relevant content: Tailor your content to match the current season or holiday.

3. Plan ahead: Schedule to send emails in advance to accommodate holiday schedules.

Mobile Optimization:

1. Design for mobile: Ensure emails are easily readable on smaller screens.

2. Use responsive design: Automatically adjust email layout for different devices.

3. Test on various devices: Verify email appearance on multiple mobile devices.

Additional Considerations:

1. Weather and natural disasters: Be sensitive to extreme weather conditions and natural disasters.

2. Cultural and religious events: Be respectful of cultural and religious observances.

3. Daylight Saving Time (DST): Adjust send times accordingly during DST changes.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, a good place to start when planning an email campaign is to know that there’s no perfect time to send emails. However, understanding your audience is crucial to determining the most effective times to send emails.

By recognizing the importance of timing and taking a data-driven approach, you can significantly improve engagement, conversions, and overall ROI.

Ready to optimize your email marketing campaigns and grow your list? Sign up for Poptin today and create beautiful popups and forms to build your emaillist. Get started for free.

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Damilola Oyetunji

Content Writer at Poptin.

Tags: email marketingpop upspopups

What's the Best Time to Send Marketing Emails? - Poptin blog (2024)


What is the best time to send an email on Mailchimp? ›

According to a study by Mailchimp, 10 a.m. is the peak time for the highest open rates on Thursday. WordStream says 8-9 a.m. is the best time to send emails. The best time to send emails may vary between 9 and 11 a.m. But after 1 p.m., a decrease in the open rate is observed because it's lunch hour in most workplaces.

What time should I send marketing emails? ›

HubSpot's Analysis

The bar graph above shows that 31% of the marketers surveyed get the best engagement on marketing emails sent between 9:01 a.m. and 12 p.m. EST. B2B businesses prefer the same time span but at a much higher rate of 47.9%.

Which 2 days are best for sending our marketing emails? ›

Most email marketers believe that Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are good days. In the middle of the week, your email subscribers are settled into their work routine and consistently checking their inboxes.

What are the hours for Mailchimp? ›

Our support team and resources are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

What is the best day of the week to send email newsletters? ›

The best day of the week to send emails

While Tuesdays and Thursdays have slightly higher engagement rates, Wednesday is a solid second option. If you send emails twice a week within these days, however, make sure to pick a combination of Tuesdays and Thursdays.

How late is too late to send a marketing email? ›

It's better to send emails around office hours, between 7am and 7pm. This will ensure that your audience has time to take your message on board. It may also seem inappropriate, unprofessional or antisocial to send marketing emails late at night.

How many marketing emails should I send per day? ›

Sending emails two to three times per week seems to be the peak stat. Once per week and four to five times per week both showed associated data trailing off. The data you're looking for, when it comes to determining a send cadence, involves what keeps your subscribers engaged.

How long is too long for a marketing email? ›

3. The ideal email copy length is between 50 to 125 words. You might think 125 words isn't enough to fully convey a marketing message. That could be the case sometimes, but the fact remains: brief copy performs better.

What is the first rule of email marketing? ›

First Rule: Identify Yourself

People should never have to read your email to determine who you are and why you have sent them an email. Therefore, creating an identity and answering the two questions “who” and “why” are the first steps toward succeeding in email marketing.

Is Friday good for email marketing? ›

According to research, the B2C target audience is most active during late evenings. So, sending email campaigns on Fridays or Mondays late evening after 9:30 p.m. will work best. A good way to find the best time to send actionable emails is to test campaigns at different times.

What is a good open rate for email? ›

What is a good open rate for email? A good email open rate should be between 17-28%, depending on the industry you're in. While knowing these numbers is a great starting point, it's worth it to look into your specific industry averages and compare your metrics with those in your specific industry.

What is the best time to send MailChimp emails? ›

MailChimp suggests 2 pm as the optimal send time based on their data.

What is the best day of the week to send fundraising emails? ›

Best Day of Week to Send Fundraising Email

In general, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are the best days of the week for emails to capture the audience's attention.

What is Mailchimp send time optimization? ›

If you wonder about the best time of day or night to send emails, Send Time Optimization can take out the guesswork. Send Time Optimization uses data science to determine when your contacts are most likely to engage, and sends your emails at that time.

Does it matter what time you send an email? ›

Morning is the best time of the day to send.

While the afternoon offers a far better likelihood of seeing high open rates than morning, you should still check to see what the numbers are for your industry.

What is the best time of day to send an email to executives? ›

And the best times to send emails are early mornings between 6 AM and 8 AM, mid-morning around 10 AM, early afternoon between 1 PM and 3 PM, and evenings around 8 PM, depending on your type of company.

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.